I understand you guys like money but what’s the point? Look at all the shit this normie did just to scrimp and save like a kike. No fun, using/wearing old shit all the time. Wagecucking 24/7, eat peasant shit like chicken and rice all the time. I mean at that point what’s it worth? Fucking third world life. Woohoo I saved $200/month!
What’s the point in living like a fucking poorfag all the time?
Anybody got an extra Warlock wave Colossus they're looking to sell? I'm hoping to get one for around $20 total, but it can be out of box and doesn't need the BAF piece so long as the figure looks good and has no issues.
if scrimping and saving like a kike only saves you $200 a month you were already living like a fucking poorfag
So when does it end? I know a guy who is a multimillionaire who still eats tuna from a can from Sam’s Club. What’s the point in having 10mil of you still unitonically live like a poorfag?
I'm sure at some point it becomes a point of pride, like monks flagellating themselves.
Am I the only one who finds it easy to save money? Your list to me seems like a whole load of fucking expenses. I save about 95% of my income. I am not shitting you, my weekly expenses are fucking $90. $70 for rent, $20 for petrol to get to and from work. I work casual because I want too but they keep giving me too many shifts because I have good work ethic. I want less shifts. I spend almost none of my money. I only buy crypto and only on fuckhueg dips. Everytime I check my bank account I am surprised there is like 1k more than there was last time I checked.
I guess my preferred lifestyle of playing vidya and watching anime/movies and reading books is a cheap one. I get enough socialization from work and this website. I go out to the movies maybe 1-2 times a year and my only other expensive expenses are buying a load of games during steam sales and maybe upgrading some PC parts once in a while.
I also take a yearly holiday overseas and usually only spend around 2k on it though.
How much do you pay for flights? Everytime I go from east coast to Japan its like almost $2k just for the flight.
Flights are always the most expensive thing about traveling. I usually wait until travel agents are offering specials and deals on wherever I am planning to go, and book the flight months in advance of when I want to leave.
I bought a return trip to Thailand last year and went on my holiday just a few months ago, that was about $480 IIRC. I am hoping they do another sale on ticket prices again soon. Booking 6 months in advance saves you so much. I'm Australian BTW so if you are in East Coast America the prices will likely be higher due to longer distance.
Everything is over rated, so why pay premium prices?
Normies are so dumb
It's not worth it. And that's the point. Anyone that lives like above mentioned is just a drone making money for the elites. Your life has literally 0% benefit to society.
it never ends because you have broken the fever of wanton spending on fucking retarded shit. you can save huge chunks of money without having to forgo much or any utility or enjoyment, obviously it becomes more and more difficult as you get closer to full blown judaism but you don't actually have to suffer to only spend a fraction of the normie.
a huge amount of the wealth burning is nothing more than worthless impressions of others, these fucking norman retards can't even enjoy a meal out for what it is and are literally doing it to buy likes. once you have more money than most people will earn in their lifetime it's easier to stop giving a shit about shit like that.
>$300 rent
>free food
Not everyone is content to leech off their family. I didn't feel like a real adult until I had my own place and was making things happen for myself.
Some people just need to be sheep user not everybody knows just how slimy these kikes are until it's to late
How are these things considered extreme measures for saving?
>don't have cc
I think what he means is don't carry interest, because you can rack up a tonne of points if you pay in full every month. Not hard if you live within your means
>no cable
Who even watches TV anymore? Even if you have a show you like it can be easily pirated, and there's so much free entertaining shit on YouTube
>cut coupons
My local grocery store sends them to me digitally specifically curated based on my spending habits
>use library
No shit, it's free
>make a budget
Ummm..... No shit. Probably don't even need to do this if you just have a frugal mimdset
If you want to save money for real you gotta go for the biggest line items. As much as it seems like TV, alcohol, etc are wasting money (and more than likely are), you probably get much more utility dollar for dollar in entertainment value than say your house or car.
I miss /frugal/ threads here. Even if they were jokes, they definitely got the noggin joggin. Talk to me about what a good saver you are when you're stuffimg toilet paper from public washrooms in your pockets.
I get my heroin by the kilo straight from the taliban to save on my addiction
>I didn't feel like a real adult until I had my own place and was making things happen for myself.
Who cares? you're a slave to your landlord lmaoooo
Maximum cope detected
>proud of living with mom
Keep coping slave.
What, did your mom kicked you out of her house because she wanted to fuck niggers?
He's right tho
Do you want to be wagecucking until your 65 only to have a heart attack from the stress that your boss Mr. Scheckleberg is putting on you only to then die in a government nursing home?
Fuck that shit. I was happy when i made 1/3 of what i make now and i kept my spending the same. I don't miss what i never had. Fuck a huge house or a $70k truck. Shit doesn't make you happy. Being able to say fuck this job and quit whenever makes me feel better than any piece of crap i can buy with my money.
As a contract killer by trade, I have a lot of expenses. I shudder to think about how much I used to spend on dry cleaning. But, being frugal, I figured out an ingenious idea that saves me well over $100/month. Instead of doing the killing myself and getting spattered in gore, I simply rob the local cartel boss, plant the drugs on my target, and give him a tip on where to find them. Works like a charm every time! I haven't spent 1 red cent on dry cleaning in months.
How? I flew from the midwest to Japan for like $900
I moved out of my parents in 2012 and lived by myself for almost 5 years. Wasted so much money paying rent, buying my own food and wasted time cooking for myself. My grandparents own a large property so I asked them if I could build a granny flat on their property (they had already built another house on the property and were renting it out for profit) and they agreed. So now there are 3 houses on 5 acres of land. My $70 of rent a week basically is just to cover food and electricity/internet bills because my grandma cooks me dinner each night and she also shops for my food when she does her own grocery shopping so it saves me time as well. The other guy renting out the larger house pays way more than me though and gets no food deal. Family discount.
Once you wagecuck for a while and cross a certain threshold of wealth your wealth becomes self-sustaining and you don't have to wagecuck anymore.
>Getting jewed by your own grandma
Jesus son. My family would kill to be able to have me live 10 seconds from them and to cook me dinner.
Dividends, right?
What's wrong with all that listed in the pic?
Especially movies, movies are the biggest ripoff when it comes to entertainment value per dollar.
What's the point of accumulating then?