I suffer in France

>I suffer in France

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Is the left one over 18?
If she is I want to cum on her petite tanned boobies

They look like girls who fuck Asian boys

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They look like they fuck black (french) guys

imagine being this insecure

stay away pedo

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16 is legal in most parts of the world

cringe kill yourself gook incel

legal age of consent is 15 in France (provided the adult doesn't have some sort of moral authority like her teacher, doctor, legal tutor...)
Lowering it to 14 or 13 is discussed.

would be surprised if she's over 13

13 may be legal soon. Or else just wait a bit until she's 15. Takes less than 2 years.

they are ugly and look utterly classless, bet they listen to rap music and haven't read a book in their entire life

Average girls nothing special

>the chick on the right
at that point just wear your pants on your fucking shoulders

Don't get your hopes up, french womans that are a 7/10 or more will only go out with absolute chads who are either white or maghrebian.

Come back and suffer here in Italy, it's the same shit.

Shut up ahmed

I see 7/10s in italy that are with average guys all the time, same for good looking guys with avg or below girls

Same here honestly, this guy is bullshitting you

Who's that angel?

Hi, Tenda!

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I see it a lot too. It bothers me because it contradicts my imageboard worldview

Parisian girls are qt, they were the first thing I noticed when I lived in Paris. Meanwhile the girls in my hamlet just look inbred.

>parisian girls
Not a single one is Parisian. They're good looking girls from all the hamlets in France that moved away.

Precisely. That's why they don't look inbred.

It's the same over here in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen. Literally all the good looking girls from villages all over the country have moved there and only ugly ones and men remain behind.