What houses do rich but tasteless people build in your cunt?

What houses do rich but tasteless people build in your cunt?

Attached: images.F89-01.jpg (667x500, 62K)

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Because money doesn't buy taste

Who needs taste if you have money. I'd rather be a tastelet than a poorfag

Westerners usually aren't tastelets though

pretty much the OP pic

No one here is rich

some homo built this viking inspired house. only impressive thing here is that he built it himself

Attached: 151739_ravnsborg_fra_google_m_anvendes.jpg (1024x576, 158K)

I'm a huge fan of the rich gypsy houses in Romania.

Attached: 78ebcc4f0d3bd0c69e8648a4bd5f13d9.jpg (566x850, 121K)

are these mercedes signs on top?

True. It's still amusing to see all the mcmansions with such tacky designs