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>your country

>do you think you could control yourself around your teen daughter?

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Yes because I'm not a mentally ill incel


Turkey (Wanted to make an Austrian joke actually but let's be honest)
İ mean, if my daughter became beautiful that would mean that her mother is also beautiful. Why would I pleasure myself with my daughter if I have my wife?

Are there even any incels in the Netherlands

No, I would start grooming her from the age of five so that she will already have accepted me when she's a teenager

I read a french guy say he doesn't want kids because he wouldn't be able to control himself if he had a daughter, so I made this thread to see if there are others.


>Are there even any incels in the Netherlands
also yes, probably most autism diagnoses per capita.

Something tells me you didn't have sisters or a mom around you while growing up. It gets built into you to not be attracted to them. I mean, some people are fucked I'm the head and get boners from theirs female family members (and sometimes even abuse...) But cmon man, don't be so worried, if you have s daughter someday you'll just want to protect her, not hurt her

because teen pussy you faggot, your wife will be old at that point. 15 year old pussy is the fucking best thing ever

Because your daughter is a younger fresher version of your wife, mehmet

İt's not

You've had sex dreams of your mom and sisters

hi there
Marc Dutroux

>15 year old pussy is the fucking best thing ever
I bet you've never fucked 15yo cunny

yes it is you dumb homo
>dude these flapping meat curtains have more experience though
I don't give a fuck, I want the pussy to choke my dick like it owes money

Probably not, which is why I'm hoping my wife only gives me sons.

what happens when you get a daughter?

I have, but I was 17. I would never dare that shit now

...never fucked a 15 y/o?
Also, why would I betray my wife? I'm not honorless

I need to come up with some coping mechanism to keep me off of her.

are you asking me or saying you haven't?
also we're not talking honor here, just saying younger pussy usually feels better

Never, come to think of it I've rarely ever had sex dreams ever. Having sex dreams doesn't really mean you want to fuck whoever you're having sex with in your dream. I've had a sex dream with a hobo looking guy and his penis squished and came off like it was clay, and I have zero desire to sex weird hobo men, it was just a fucked up dream. You have sisters finnboy?


Yeah, she's my fugging daughter.

İ asked you because you without seeing it because your reply is pretty close to mine. My question is answered

You a woman or something?
Yeah I have sisters.

t. serial hobo rapist

>You've had sex dreams of your mom and sisters
wtf dude? grandfather said that's totally normal

It is dont listen to that homo

you're a girl.
i've had many sex dreams of my family members ever since i was a kid. i was disgusted at first but now its like whatever

>you're a girl.
no faggot, I'm the OP here. I don't have sisters and I only had nightmares about my mom.

Yeah, he said that's part of growing up and becoming a man. He said you fantasize about the people you love the most.

yeah so you've had sex dreams of your mom right

nigga u weird as hell if you talk to gramps about having sex dreams about his daughter and grand daughters

No, they often joke about. Have you seen the fairy girl yet (have you had a wet dream). And when I replied with yes he said that it's totally okay and started talking about how he had his first one and that it was about his sister etc.

>yeah so you've had sex dreams of your mom right

i've never had wet dreams just sex dreams and then i wake up with a boner


Nah I'm dude. So, are you attracted to your sisters? You ever tried to sneak peeks or touch them while they slept?


Disgusting subhumans.

İsn't that the same thing?

get laid

Attached: me.jpg (500x528, 20K)

Thanks for not (You)ing me bro

wet dream is when you nut

You don't nut when you have a sex dream?

>your teen daughter?
well she would be ugly as fuck so yeah no problem.
Around bonbi tho...

Attached: cutest daughter.webm (540x960, 2.78M)

Yeah this. One thing incels, or even just people who never had sex in highschool, don't realize is that teen pussy is stinkier than adult pussy. I don't think it's necessarily their fault, it's just that they haven't yet learned how to properly clean themselves for men.

Please...dont mention it again. Had 2 classmates and you could sell their pussy 2 meters away

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no - dumb girl. You dont know shit about sex dreams. You're a woman.

>disgusting anorexic whore.webm

0/3 amazing really.
Are you a fag or a woman?

Attached: YEEESH.gif (750x800, 227K)

LITERALLY the definition of anorexic.

>LITERALLY the definition of anorexic
> anorexia,[11] is an eating disorder, characterized by low weight, food restriction, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin.[1] Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though they are, in fact, underweight
anorexia is a mental issue, not a body issue. you can be skinny without being anorexic.
And unless you know her personnaly, you can't possibly know that since she never talked about her weight or anything

And she's not even that thin.

Attached: don't look.gif (378x672, 3.85M)

My wife would only be in her early 20s. Not that old.

I don't read hentai of my daughteru

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How do you creeps feel about the fact that this board is on daily surveillance by intelligence agencies that bait you?

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it's ok, they can't arrest us all.
and european prisons are already full of muslims.

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>intelligence agencies have nothing better to do than to monitor some autistic incels and their dumb fetishes

>early 20s
>with a teenage daughter
are you from sneedsville?


I don't believe for a second that swedish intelligence is even capable of doing so, much less have the funding for it

If me and Remilia (pic related) could have a daughter, we'd name her Emily and we'll try and groom her into a nice vampire/human hybrid daughter. We may have some difficulties, but if Remilia can effectively ground flan for 495 years, she can do the same with Emily.

Attached: remilia8.jpg (261x193, 12K)