1. your country

1. your country
2. the best videogame you ever played

i haven't played anything better than GTA 5 in my entire life

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Shit taste, IV and san andreas are much better.

GTA San Andreas, but I haven't got much to compare it to

Kula World, probably.

Battlefield 3 & 4
COD: MW series and the first Black Ops
Splinter Cell, SC: Pandora Tomorrow, SC: Chaos Theory, SC: Double Agent
Ace Combat

har to pick between all of these

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>Il2 Sturmovik

On console probably Zelda Wind Waker or Perfect Dark

>Shit taste, IV and san andreas are much better.

I launched GTA 4 lately as an experiment, how does it feel to play the game i havent played for a decade. My first impression was : "Jesus, how shitty graphics this game has" and i switched it off. I was playing Far Cry 5 for last months, so even refreshing GTA 5 on highest possible graphics settings on my laptop was kind of "low quality level" for me.

Stalker and Fallout 2 still my favorite games, btw.

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I can't really choose. There are so many great games that I'd have hard time listing a top 10 for myself.

If we are talking in purely technical terms then probably Burnout 3 Takedown. That game is a perfect arcade racer, no question about it.

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>the first Black Ops
BO2 was objectively better desu