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This ethnic has destroyed the order of Asia
Hunter Lopez
John Powell
Yeah at uni, mostly the women though
Luis Evans
I haven't met many Koreans here. I only know a few Japanese here, and they are perfectly normal kind and polite people, and the ones who go abroad know English quite well. Usually kind of the chads and stacies that go abroad.
Southern Chinese have the same form of politeness. Northern Chinese on the other hand seem to have difficulty making small talk, feigning interest in things the other wants to talk about, and giving compliments even when you don't really mean them.
This makes them a bit more like Dutch people, but does make them stand about a bit among the expat/international student community.
Koreans in my limited experience are as polite as Japanese, but stick to themselves a bit more.
Also one of my friends had a completely crazy Korean gf, now his ex luckily.
Lucas Gomez
I do not know
I was first here I visited today.
However, there are no forum sites for specific cultures in Korea, either Western or Chinese.
Mostly a community forum for humor and fun
Lincoln Harris
By Northern Chinese do you mean the ones from border areas up North? All the students here are either from Beijing or other big cities so I guess they're pretty metropolitan. Didn't have any difficulty talking to them about literally any topic (including the dirty with the chicks), they're pretty alright. For Koreans most can't keep on a topic and veer into completely random bullshit + honestly behavior that seems like autism. Dunno any Japanese so no idea about those.
Carter Gonzalez
The North includes Beijing. There's a significant difference between Beijing Chinese and Shanghainese for example.
Michael Morales
Chinkoid slasher!
Gavin Long
China based
Korea cringe
Gavin Adams
>tfw no "decadent" and politically controversial Late 20th Century gf