
Anime edition

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Any of you lads going to the Let It Roll festival?

Any of you lads going to the Let It Roll festival?

created a database of groundbreaking, big brained posts on my computer which i will be slowly posting in the coming days

Any of you lads going to the Let It Roll festival?

Based EU will absolutely destroy britcucks


Any of you lads going to the Let It Roll festival?

just had anal sex with a pregnant czech escort who i suspect was on drugs, may have hit a new low lads

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why do finnish people all look like they have downs syndrome


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hope the janny deletes this one desu

Based EU will absolutely destroy britcucks

One of my mates kicked a glass bottle at my back and when I asked him what the fuck he was playing at he started laughing so I smacked him right in the jaw and then he tried to fight me but ran off

Do you think what I did was justified? He is a good mate after all

May have?

anyone tried tommy robinson's new aftershave?

They're mongs in more ways than one

sucking a golf ball

Don't just box yourself in with cherry MX or cherry MX clones. Check out buckling spring, kailh's BOX switches, topre (and other capacitive boards like the plum 108) and ALPS/matias/fukka too.

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I'm looking for someone's address in London. Is there anybody I could talk to or contact?

going to be about 40 degrees tomorrow on a building site ffs



absolute fucking tune

funny when doug tries to backtrack and larp as a shagger but all out of his posts give out a virginous aroma

tbf i didnt know she was preggers until i showed up


can i get a secondary date check

He got his leg caught in one and then stuck his head in the other

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So any of you lads going to the Let It Roll festival or not?

What's the new incel subreddit now that braincels is banned?

whos goin to shambala this year then lads?

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vile thug



Alright mate who

What are you doing sniffing men you poof

unironically get 82 in the last IQ test i took

well done



alri homealone

tried playing minecraft last night but all i did was reroll for two hours

Really want some Ben & Jerry's ice cream but my Dad's in the kitchen and he'll expect me to give him some and I was kind of hoping I could finish the tub.

probably about average for the UK these days given the amount of 3rd worlders here.

any good?

go to bed rorke

dont think roy batty was 75 or whatever rutger was

Not many politicians have beards

why am i watching these two fuckheads

>an anime edition
>an anime edition made by D*ug
Simply shall not be posting in this one henceforth

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alri poley

Thats not what he said lad


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Rorke vigorously wanking onto his GAP hoodie


You catch the latest Jo Roga vid?

Rorke soiling his Next jeans

>have to turn the filter off the thread because a spack made the thread

ah yes a perfect way to ruin a warm summers evening

who is this oakley wearing gimp

Hahahaha bought by his mum on sale no doubt!

so hot i won't be able to sleep comfortably

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Growing a beard myself.
Certainly beats shaving everyday

good fuck you

leftypol wishing he could afford an internet connection instead of having to shitpost at the library

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>shaving everyday
How does your skin not get sore?

Hate this cretin and his moronic 'fans'

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It was one of the best and weirdest experiences sexual experiences of my life, im as degenerate as the next guy but i still cant stop thinking how fucked up the situation was

uncalled for

sleep naked

It's getting hot in here (so hot) I'll take off all my clothes. I am getting so hot I'm gonna take my clothes off!

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Least you had sex haha

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Cause I used a shaving cream and I have quite good skin. I'd get shaving spots on my neck cause it was quite sensitive

just ordered some gucci sunglasses

actual testlet

Is there anything you like except the smell of your own farts?

tell me something you don't hate you grouchy little cuck

Don't understand

Like two retarded peas in a pod. Reckon you could scrape together 100 IQ points between the both of you?

which ones
bought some vintage moda tortoiseshell ones myself recently

gf says i looked 10x better with a beard, even though i never thought of growing 1 cause i dont get cheeks coverage

Got hayfever lads and want to die because of it

yeah thanks

the kraut is just a troll. duno why any of you respond seriously


just back from london lads

Don't even want sex just want someone to kiss and cuddle and talk to

know where i can find some shades with a smaller lens size?

That kraut is a different guy to me (the guy who btfo you a few threads back)

t. deano

me on the tube

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didn't ask

Rees-Mogg in Downing Street

moni has hit a new low

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what shape? lots of sunglasses have small lenses