Daily reminder that Poland is Central European and very rich
Say something nice about our Polish friends
Daily reminder that Poland is Central European and very rich
Say something nice about our Polish friends
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No they are eastern European.
You are Eastern European
Poland Is Northern Europe
we are sub saharan european
No you are Western Europeans !
Be proud of your heritage
>central European
>very rich
Both make no sense
You are in good company ! Switzerland is just like Poland
good job at resisting some shit
need better gun rights
Daily reminder that Lithuania is scandinavian nordic top 1 hdi in europe
It's shit just like the rest of b*ltoids.
No no, we are Eastern European shithole,
But you are literally an example to us all
They are great people indeed. I was on a joint school trip with them. The polish girls were pretty and friendly and they were in general very warm and nice people. As long as you don't mention Adomas Mickevičius, of course.
I wish I was polish :(
>tfw no polish gf
Is V4 gonna be V5 with the litbvll
>Central European
We are not worthy, we are eastern european shitholes
we don't even have any industry
Russian subhumans are not allowed here :
I love you Poland. Krakow was such a lovely town to visit. Would to go back one day for some beers and Polish Kielbasa.
Yes we are subhumans, but so are you
Only Poles were exterminated cause Germans were jealous of them
No, according to whole history of shithuania, Im feeling superiour to your subhuman kind.
go away, this is polish love thread, no one wants you here
No lith*anian subhuman can tell me what should I do. Eat shit dog.
Angelo as FUCK bro!
Fuck niggers and fuck Chicanos.
every night before i go to sleep i pray to god to nuke all of the russia and kill every single russian scum
God doesn't exist
How much potatoes does it take to kill an irish degenerate? Apparently zero.
But what about Jesus? It is king of based Poland, after all
>very rich
Only orthodoxy is better christianity than subhuman polacks or balts have.
great thread
reason for that is because on CSGO every fucking game is filled with those fuckers and they dont speak english at all they just fucking curse you in their retarded fucking langauge and they fuckign suck at the game fuckingniggers JUST FUCK OFF GO FUCKING LIVE IN YOUR GREAT STEPPES AND DRINK YOUR BEETROOT SOUP AND GO FUCK URSELVES
Fake statistics
At least they aren't Lithuanian.
>Say something nice about our Polish friends
I use these Polish-manufactured espresso capsules for my Dolce Gusto machine, extremely cheap shit (16 capsules for 19 riyals or 4.75 us dollars). Better than relying on American coffee chains where a single espresso shot is at least 5 riyals (1.25 $)
Thank you Poland
We can only wish to be like Poles
Sure, show me the real ones.
Learn how to play nigger, nobody wants to speak to you.
I can't cause France and Germany hidden all of these
Everything they release is just a propaganda to keep the Polish man down
im gona keep praying to god to nuke the fucking shit out of you
God doesn't exist
You talk of them as if they were black, that's rude.
I don't believe you Shithuanian. I think that you want to make fun of us.
Yeah, cry me a river cuck
They are whiter then you
Poland is the best nation in the world, it's Skyscrapers put even New York to shame
I couldn't. You are too great for me to make fun of you
And I am just poor poverty stricken slave shituanian after all
Polish anons where are you?
It's called commieblocks.
Very good goyim. Mossad, Putin or whoever is your paymaster give you a lot of money for this thread.
I am paid by no one. I just want warm polish embrace
Please take us back masters
And cigarettes you smoke are actually called black dicks, so what?
Cigares, I'm not pedophile.
How did Germans even have rights to deport people to Siberia if it never belonged to them? I thought Siberia lies in Russia.
But pierre you are the degenerate
You have a point, but I'm not the one posting under an African flag.
I'm just a voluntary slave to based sarmatian poles
We are Eastern European, if we consider Russia to be Asian, actually
t. Polish intellectual
And I'm just a dude kindly bumping your thread .
No! You are central Europe!
It was the nazi plans for their lebensraum if they won on the eastern front, pretty based if you ask me
Looking at the whole Europe, yes, we are central, as East is in Ural
Looking at EU, we are Eastern
And for those that don't like Russia, if we assume that Russia is Asiatic, then Poland again is Eastern
t. Polish intellectual
Thank you
De rien :)
Not based ! I don't care about myself, but they shouldn't touch poles
Dirty jealous german incels
but they did touch the poles a lot, especially the children, you dont want me to start about the children...
"At more than 200,000 victims, occupied Poland had the largest proportion of children taken."
I can edit that wiki to 0
Where is source of that claim?
And where is the source material for such claim?
Any documents dated to 1939, 1941, 1945?
Where was the claim of general plan ost first divised?
Lwów jest polski.
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