>visit foreign country
>you can't drink the tapwater
Visit foreign country
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't open the mouth in the shower.
>visit the Philippines
>they tell me not to drink the tap water
>do it anyway for the lulz
>nothing bad happened
asaasjkaksjakjs uuhh
>visit foreign country
>tap water is supposed to be "drinkable"
>tap water tastes like chlorine
>visit foreign country
>accidentally drink tapwater
>painful diarrhea for a week
Got it because I forgot to do this in Marocco.
>visit foreign country
>it has trash and hobos everywhere
>people keep talking to me and asking for pictures
>some people keep asking if they can touch my hair (blonde)
>can barely get a moment of peace
i hated it
you can drink from every water source in georgia, including ponds
It's not recommended to do it here either.
same, it didn't even brain my damage
why would you visit such and extreme shithole?
W-what about from between a lady's legs ?
>visit feed and seed
>you can't plant the gummy bears
i didnt know italy was a shithole
It's safe at least.
>visit Chuck's
>it's now owned by some dude named Sneed
>visit Mexico
>people say "don't drink the water"
>drink it anyways
TFW I keep telling my Romanian work colleagues that you can drink tap water instead of wasting money on bottled water.
I know that feel,
Many seem to not believe it's drinkable and keep buying it anyway.
>why yes, i do travel to third world countries and ignore the sign that says "tourist please no flush toilet"
bottled water tastes better and it turns me into a girl
>go to foreign country
>you're not supposed to flush toilet paper, but instead put it into a disgusting bin next to the toilet
That's pretty sad desu.
By the way, can I touch your hair?
especially between legs
pussy move, our ancestors drank from any pit they could find and so can you
you don't need chlorine to clean water
Wait, what? Does bottled water have hormones in it?
>There's "people" here that think their tap water compares even close to ours
Bongland's water was awful, same for shitaly and all of western yurop
My water directly comes from the Alps you mongoloid snownigger
>his water doesn't come from the tap
lmaoing at this french*id
"hard water" is shit but its completely safe
Says Jacques, while opening another bottle of Evian
Exactly, the properties of my tap water are equal to the Evian ones.
>it didn't even brain my damage
but how would you know? it might be damaged such that you cannot perceive the damage
>visit foreign country
>have to pay use the restroom
>"are you scared of getting shot?"
>"I'm sorry about Donald Trump"
I had an american say "I'm sorry about boris johnson"
this was after he shot up a school
Just say you're from Canada. Literally no one can tell the difference here.
I think he's implying that prolonged exposure to plastic (types?) can lead to hormonal imbalances. I recall reading an article about it some years ago.
I wonder how many of the polite Canadians were actually undercover Americans.