Are there “people” on Jow Forums who unironically can’t swim?
Are there “people” on Jow Forums who unironically can’t swim?
my cousins husband can't swim at age 40
lol ur 40 and can’t swim?
I competed as a swimmer when I was like 12 years. I really can't think of anyone not able to swim.
imagine being a grown adult and not being able to swim or ride a bicycle
You literally can't pass ground School if you can't swim. You also need to be able to climb out of a hole in the ice. Nobody older than 6 can't swim.
My grandmother can't swim. She's dead.
There are black niggas on Jow Forums
but.. there's no pool in my basement so why the fuck would I need to swim?
Yes, me
Blacks can't swim, and I know there are a few that post here.
What is ground School? What hole in the ice?
I guess shitty translation for elementary, ages 7-15 in nordics.
I can't do either.
Then Whats the Difference between u&Dog...
I can swim in a pool back.and forth with decent success met a black girl (prob mixed) who could swim
Holy shit, the meme of third worlders not swimming is true
You make children dive in freezing water?
I can swim, but im scared of swimming in fast flowing mountain rivers so i choose never to swim across them or jump into them if there isnt a calm area
I'm scared of deep water because I almost drowned as a child once.
You mean you can't keep your head above water? Actually, have you ever tried swimming?
>swim as a hobby when kid
>mandatory swimming week in school
>all the dipshit tough guys helplessly flop away in the pool while I complete the program before end of class and go gome
>Actually, have you ever tried swimming?
Never tried it
That's bullshit, all the swimming is done in indoors. Though it's normal stuff to swim in a frozen lake/pond after sauna in the winter, I didn't do it that much but it's not as horrible as youd think. As long as you dont wet your head at least.
I can't swim :)
I bet you got all the pussy after that
Good job dude
i'm black(mixed) and can swim and surf regularly but I also grew up on a beach
Nah I was the "kind of weird dude but still funny and sociable". Thought atm im okay with it since it made me pursue studies in another city and find actual friends.
i can do the slow swim but I could never learn the quick one where you like take your arms over your head idk how americans call them
I am a sa'idi about half of us can swim
>i cant swim so what?
>he can't swim at least 4x50m without stopping
>tfw all the people ITT who can't swim will die when the great flood arrives
tick tock, you pitiful land mammals, tick tock
Seriously why is it so hard for blacks to swim? Just wave your limbs
I can't swim or float I think my body's too dense or something, very skinny with no meat
I can't get my legs up
Go learn to swim you fucking embarrassments
I know how to swim my body just won't do it you fucking burger eating cousin fucking neanderthal
Nah, I even took lessons as late as fourth or fifth grade (9-10 years old) and never learned some how. I was tall enough to stand anyways except for the deeper pools.
I haven't swum or rode a bicycle since 8-10 years ago
the meme is because most black people lived in poor neighborhoods without access to swimming pools. having grown up near the beach i've never met someone who couldn't swim, black or otherwise.