Idk if your cunt does this >be 12 >we just invaded Iraq >school sets up a penpal system with troops >we pretty much write/read/respond to our penpal >it's mandatory that we write back because America >my penpal seems like a good guy >keeps telling me how much he misses his family but wants to protect my freedom >he even sent me a photo of himself in full uniform >summer happens, no longer have to reply since school is over
>15 minutes ago >bored >decided to look up my old penpal >turns out he's on a sex offender registry in Iowa >he sodomized a 12 year old boy >mfw
Yes, so many people in this cunt are so brainwashed the believe that the Afghans are going to come over to the US and invade us if we don't massacre their children and destroy their lives.
Jack Young
No, only Israel matters
Juan Cook
No, the majority of Americans were in favor of the Iraq War to protect our allies and brothers in arms, the Kurds.
Andrew Williams
I'm pretty sure 95% of Americans couldn't even point out Iraq on a map. I'm pretty sure they don't know who or what the kurds are.
Joshua Hernandez
I still dont know the real reason why we invaded iraq
Carson Moore
>I'm pretty sure they don't know who or what the kurds are. It was spammed so much on the news everyone knew who the kurds were, but nobody knew really that they were fighting for a home country rather than for iraq stabilization.