>90% of cuckolds are white males
>over 50% of white American males are literal cuckolds
>1 in 2 American flags posting here are actual cuckolds
>90% of cuckolds are white males
>over 50% of white American males are literal cuckolds
>1 in 2 American flags posting here are actual cuckolds
Trust me, the cuckolds are only anglos. The rest of us Americans let them be into their weird shit.
>Why yes, I am wearing a cock cage. Wifey said I can’t take it off untill after her date with Jamal.
90% of this website has never touched a woman
Do you even know who your father is? I think that explains the Amerimutt meme better than anything.
Figures your country is too piss poor to teach you interpret statistics. 57% of people in the study are american, not 57% of all Americans.
>"y-y-you can't interpret graphics"
>he didn't even read the first paragraph
Your country is mass producing interracial cuck porn like no other place on Earth, and white American males are clearly the biggest cucks on the planet, it's everywhere throughout the internet, you can't even hide it at this point.
>He can't even read the first paragraph correctly.
American white (anglo) males are definately some of the most cucked. I cringe whenever I see one of them say WAKANDA FOREVER and do the sign kek
Most white Americans are mixed European nationalities, not pure Anglos. And what caused this 180 turn in behavior? You used to genocide and enslave and now you enjoy watching your women getting bred by black men. How?