

Attached: jews.jpg (500x631, 45K)

There is so much truth to this.


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If there is next life. I want to be a jew. How would be feel manipulating entire Earth.

Not on my watch!

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im a spic where is my white women? wtf jews!? where is my free white women?! at least gib me some jew cuties

too fast, you feel like you need to know everything you can about geopolitics, cultures, governments and social movements and you can never get it all. especially obscure stuff like social and work Dynamics between government employees, which are necessary to get things done in other countries. the upside is plenty of travel, work never gets boring and as long as you don't consume too much, you don't need to worry about money.
t. jew working for un, whose dad works for world bank

>flows the blood of ......authors of Rig Veda and Bhagavad Gita


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Based Jews destroying the white roastie menace.

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>Dead white woman
Ok I'm thinking it's based.

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this, I am glad someone is stepping up.. I m tired of wh*te roasties fucking everything that moves.

This is actually kino


>Quotes a jew at the end

This is what Jow Forums completely unironically believes

Jesus fucking christ

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>The heroes of the viking age
Do snowniggers actually believe this?

Is this a ben garrison original?

Why can I immediately tell an american drew this?

>heroes of the viking age
Why are these cowardly snow nigger bandits glorified by burgers so much? Remnants of nazis' scandibooism?

rare predator

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Because it's "everything american nazi larper dislikes" put in a single image and implied to come from the same source, and "everything american nazi larper likes" put in a single image and implied to have the same source.
Poltards are the true NPCs, they look at the world and all they see is either a 0 or a 1. Like robots.

This one looks more like the kid's older sister than mom
Imagine her getting fucked by a BROWN man while the kid is crying in the same room

snowniggers looting and plundering then running away when a real army comes is really my culture.

Why do Americans always have to be super cringe? Why can't you just be normal? I know you want to be number 1 at everything but you don't have to be that in a cringe competition.

>within you flows the blod of the authors of the Rig Veda and Bhagavad Gita

Is this some kind of aryan LARP autism?

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This is from half a day on Jow Forums and these people call others NPCs

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Yes. It is just a trick to see a white nationalist womans bobs

It's entirely the south

Yeah i understand but do they not know how much cringe this ----> 108883751 really is?
And what about the Rig Veda & Bhagavad Gita, weren't they composed by Indians or something? Sounds to me like a real We Wuz Kangz N Shiieeet. Whomever made that picture must the final boss of the cringe game we call life.

You need to be yourself more.

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I'm erect now