Redditor went from 700k$ to 0$

Is there a bigger JUST in history? Cash out after -95% and get that last money seized by kikes LOL.

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Sounds larpish

i know this dude thats why im reposting this LOL.

literally all true. from 700k$ to ZERO.

>literally all true. from 700k$ to ZERO.
whatever, it was all invisible ghost money I assume? this is why you buy real estate in Florida or Texas

the read is well worth it anons. absolutely BRUTAL.

just me or does she look dumb as fuck?

Brutal of what? Being retarded fuck up with gaziliion issues who had it but gambled away.

You can literally see the cogs whirring.

>Finds out bank somehow has the power to erase/close accounts with no explanation.

where do you guys think the gainz of the gainers come from, out of thin air?

I was just thinking about entering the coin market, only my second thought of attempting to become a trader, earlier I thought of getting a broker's license but decided against it

ok so if I make all this bitcoin profit how to exchange into cash? 8k at a time withdrawn from a foreign bank? I need a caymen account, obviously the bank is considering bitcoin trading illegal so you have to either show them your new amazing online business stats or fuck off to some other country where bitcoin is more accepted and do your banking there

what am I missing here? I'm not surprised about a bank erasing your account at all, banks do this kind of retarded shit all the time which is why you should use a credit union

but that won't save you from the feds so whats the solution here? how are people withdrawing their bitcoin millions without attracting the IRS and federal regulators who think you're a terrorist drug dealer?

>Being an ethnic minority in the West I'm used to casual discrimination
story was a riot before that but this made it even better
redditor, shitskin, ungrateful invader cleaned out entirely
brought a literal smile to my face OP, god bless you you beautiful faggot

top fuckin keks, this guy is fuckin clueless

>redditor, shitskin, ungrateful invader cleaned out entirely
this could happen to anyone though and does happen all the time

how to avoid this? how do people deal with these issues when it comes to coins and large cash transactions? I just need a grocery store that accepts coin and I'm fine

>this guy is fuckin clueless
hopefully he finds this thread and watches this video for more understanding

"Slaved away part-time"

Stopped reading right there.
These 20 hour weeks are killing me.

why would you willingly go to reddidit?

by selling on coinbase on gemini, which provide you documents to provide banks so they know where you got they money. unless you're a strung out dirtnig with no ID or concept of civilized behavior, you shouldn't have a problem. what a stupid fuckin sob story. get high and gamble all your gains away, then show up high at "your" bank and act like an asshole. brilliant! let's load up the soros boat and bring more over!

Attached: notinmyAmerica.jpg (484x484, 24K)

fuck off kike. We dont want your jew york bullshit fuck our states up

>how to avoid this?
Store that kind of money offshore in a corporation...
>how do people deal with these issues when it comes to coins and large cash transactions?
see first reply, or one of the fiat equivalent cryptos (tether)

how tf did he go from 700k to 18k?

but more likely to happen to a shitskin due to genetically low IQ

The bear market that ensued wasn't a sudden realisation for me. Rather, it appeared in my greed-infected brain as never-ending cycles of "buy the dip, be a multi-millionaire in 6 months". Slowly but surely, reality crept in.

wow this is so true!

Why does it matter? His original investment was 3k...

degeneracy, literally

This statement applies to mutts also & the Aussies to apparently

nah, this only happens to retards
you have to be a special breed of moron to autistically tell your bankers "none of your business" when your smelly autistic ass that clearly couldn't hold a normal job comes to suddenly withdraw 10 grands. fuck, in this day and age who is so sheltered they don't know 10 grands is the magic number that gets eyes on your bank activity?
do your research, groom yourself properly and be polite when you're asking for something. it's business 101. the shitskin was literally acting against his self-interest, and his whole story reeks of a terrible person unwilling to take responsibility for their fuckups (it's "their brain", "their medical issues", "mean racist westerners"... never themselves)

> I tried to win back profits playing crypto casinos. Initially, I got lucky, but you don't need to be a genius to conclude that this luck didn't last long. I absolutely deserve every single loss.
>did not know AU banks can deny you withdrawals
Do you think it's a coincidence that people who actually understand finance and banking don't bother with internet play money

How do you see your overall trading amount on Binance?

>you have to be a special breed of moron to autistically tell your bankers "none of your business" when your smelly autistic ass that clearly couldn't hold a normal job comes to suddenly withdraw 10 grands.
I agree and this is the type of problem I never have, but I still feel bad for the spergos who can't help but be this way and to lose so much money to some cunt banker even though they have no evidence you were involved in illegal transactions is awful

probably the kid's family is from tehran and he's wiring money there every month, they would shut that down in a heartbeat

but I would never trust a bank with anything, not even my name

>Do you think it's a coincidence that people who actually understand finance and banking don't bother with internet play money
top hedge funds are having trouble recruiting top talent because of tardcoins

>illegal transactions
can I get a quick rundown?
what part of the whole "buy buttcoin - hodl - spend some on cocaine and hookers - try to withdraw the rest" chain was against the law?
are you strictly prohibited from selling BTC unless other party has a broker license or something? I've seen the other user mention coinbase and gemini but I assume the plebbitor in question didn't use that

goddammit i said gemini and coinbase give you forms/documents proving where you got the money that banks need in order to comply with aml laws and regs. abdool's issue was withdrawing cash from his bank while high and without ID and that's a completely different problem.

baited for this exact response

>dance puppet

Most of the people i know in crypto are down 90-95%.Unless you were heavy in to btc then you got wrecked.


>what part of the whole "buy buttcoin - hodl - spend some on cocaine and hookers - try to withdraw the rest" chain was against the law?
these guys could claim you were money laundering easily it depends on if the local prosecutor will back up the bank's position and they usually will

you just need to understand this, if tptb decide you are illegal and they want to take your money they will, usually they confiscate everything before they charge you so you can't pay for a lawyer, this isn't a government it's a gang, the biggest most dangerous gang in the world

all the tropes that apply to the mafia also apply to them,

you have to make your bones,

never snitch or your family will get it etc

never use anything but a credit union with fdic protection

>Banks can literally just steal all your money
>Why do we need crypto? What problem does it solve?

The absolute fucking state of nocoiner retards.

this is why the only time i put money in the bank is for bills that require a bank account. dont trust the kike.


What is happening to this place? Merging with reddit.......


biggest just i ever seen

>I am thankful for the ephemeral glimmer of hope that cryptocurrency brought to my life

Is there anything easier than parting overly emotional people from their money?

Meh, $700k is lunch money so he got lucky this time.

making them hand over their personal data

Saw OP, started reading, stopped here. (You) guys make me feel at home

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even if you make it the Jews will cuck you in the end

I am preheating the oven

>how are people withdrawing their bitcoin millions without attracting the IRS and federal regulators who think you're a terrorist drug dealer?
it's the same as any commodity or stock... show proof of initial purchase at X price, show sale at Y price, calculate Z gains and pay your 15-30% like a good boy.
you're only a terrorist or a drug dealer if you literally cannot provide a shred of evidence of how you acquired the coin to begin with, e.g. darknet vendor proceeds

This. Its so depressing. Fuck every statist regulatory kike rat.

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also a degenerate drug user. lmao these stories write themselves.