Last white people leaving europe in the year 2050

>last white people leaving europe in the year 2050

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Ching chong


>implying that the majority of white people arent self hating cucks
They’re welcoming the fact that Europe and America is becoming fully brown and black. As if they would ever want to leave


Don't get it.

>Tfw brown gf
Seethe harder incel

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Who is supposed to fight homophobia and discrimination when Europe is brown?

You don't have a gf

Where are they going?

are there the places where they can emigrant?

Did they forget how to make airplanes as well?
In that case they deserve extinction.

Nice Japanese grammar

pls come to perú

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ah so the whites are becoming immigrants themselves I see

I always hated the fact that FTL travel was invented by a huge tolkin-aboo who modeled all his spacecrafts after this ship


Fuku here :-)

Ping Pong

Can somebody who read the books actually explain to me why were elves in this series so so weird and where was this ship supposted to take them? Why were they leaving?

I read the forst three books, but honestly anything elves related was huge clusterfuck. Please spoon feed me

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They're sailing to the Undying Lands.

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Is that supposted to make a sense? What does that even mean? Might as well say they are sailing to new york.

white people look like balding, saggy wrinkly fucks

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If things hit the fan only the strong will survive.

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They are immortal beings and they can sail towards the Undying Lands where no mortal can come. They literally sail off the planet or something. Frodo and Bilbo get to an island that's very close to the shores of the undying lands and when they eventually die the elves move on. Mortals can try to get there but they would just circumnavigate Middle Earth I think (don't think Tolkien was an invisible wall kind of guy)

thats the place where the gods are
its supposedly a pretty nice place


No, she is the brown gf.


wasn't their some shit about a white tree?
if it's in the west it's the place where the gobs are

undying land isn't even in the same realm as middle earth.

>Valinor is a fictional location in J. R. R. >Tolkien's legendarium, the realm of the Valar >in Aman. It is located far to the west of >Middle-earth


>At the end of the Second Age, Aman was removed from the surface of the Earth to another realm, and is no longer reachable by ordinary means of travel.

so what boat did frodo take? was it vimanas? or is it simply meant to imply a transition, a state of being?

frodo went to undying lands to heal his wound from the ring, nobody knows what happened to him, since only elves and gods are immortal. Tolkien prob wrote it that way to bring a "happy" closure to the character instead of frodo going mad.

He carr u asian srant eye