I guess some of you are in the passive income business. How you do it?
What's the best way to do it?
I'm 20 y/o and I have pretty much a normal life but I don't want to become a wage cuck.
I tried crypto last summer and made 10k by following the memes (ReddCoin, Verge, Xtrabytes, DGB) but I spent literally everything for vaca in the Netherlands. Good time tho.
Still, the crypto business is too unpredictable to invest serious amounts of money and I honestly don't know what is going on in the crypto market. How is a fucking meme coin worth $350M? The only cryptos to invest imo are BTC,ETH and Monero - nothing else.
I have ~300€/month for investment purposes and I thought of getting into affiliate marketing via a wordpress blog or webshop.
It sure takes time but build a good site and the obstacles of learning SEO, getting the first people to your website etc. are everything but easy but in the end you can become one of those who make those "How I make $200 a day" videos. Even more if you spend more time.
Building passive income
The only good thead on Jow Forums and no replies.
You're right about crypto. It's too volitale and the popularity has dropped so you can't track it anymore.
SEO is good, but you'd be better running random mom and pop shops Google ad words for a business if you wanted to make money on "ads". There's too many people in the game. Unless you know a niche
I think finding a niche is time consuming, but easy.
Select a product category such as hunting rifles.
Check for "best hunting rifles" on Google and see if the sites are well designed, how many there are and if they are using affiliate links.
Depeneding on these criterias you build your own blog/webshop. After a while you can "feel" if a niche is too competitive is what more experienced affiliates say.
> but you'd be better running random mom and pop shops Google ad words for a business
I have 0 clue how they work because I never click on them and to be honest, if they are that dumb to get scammed on these sites, they are most likely disabled somehow or REALLY desperate and don't derserve to be scammed.
Buy real estate in the midwest.
>I guess some of you are in the passive income business. How you do it?
Just start. I started an Amazon business with $500. In the first year I approximated that I made $6/h on it, meanwhile I was getting $40/h as a developer. Nevertheless it was money decoupled from my primary job, that keeps growing over time. The passive businesses of today had their foundations laid 5-10 years ago, apart from striking gold in an obscure niche, there is no easy passive money.
>I guess some of you are in the passive income business. How you do it?
By not spending 10k on vacations, reinvest the money for regular income for day to day living expenses.
Invest in reits stocks
>but I spent literally everything for vaca in the Netherlands.
Everything into SPYD and UPRO.
>the netherlands
wew lad
Come on guys. We all did mistakes, didn't we?
Nevertheless 10k isn't going to save me.
What I need is an income. Daily.
Not money generated by Jow Forums memes.
There is so much potential in this board but it's just memes now.
You want someone to hand you a money making idea, why would anyone do that?
Go blow some more money on stupid shit, that will help.
op source on these asian qt milkies?
amazon affiliate is still viable, twice so for local seo in yuroland. get a trial ahrefs subscription and look for buyer intent keywords in your native language.
difficulty of 0 to 3 at most.
google sandbox is around 3 months so you wont see shit initially. use the first months to write at least 50k words across some 40 articles.
>I wasted all my money now make me rich
Try the kneepads
I'm not asking for your ideas how to make money, no one is gonna help me with that. I'm not delusional.
I just wanted to know HOW you do it. Do you run a blog with affiliate links? Do you dropship etc etc.
I have a 4 websites I'm currently working on and I'm having a lot of fun doing it and I wouldnt mind doing more!
Sell drugs
OP although you don't want to become a wagecuck, wagecucking gives you access to a mortgage line, which you can use to rent out to tenants and make passive income that way.
This. But buy Vacant land/Parcels. taxes are significantly less when there isnt a structure on the property....also you can sell pieces of the land to people if they want to build or whatever.
Addendum, I make my passive money playing options in the stock market. It isn't much now but my risk profile is very low for the time being.
>what is zoning
I make and monetize iOS apps. Also do some ecommerce.
>I'm not asking for ideas anons... I just need some ideas based on what you do!
Mom and pop shops are going extinct.
i’m curious:
how do you register a domain for something like that - private WHOIS, used your business info, or just your real name and home address?
Here's the godawful truth; you need to have money before you can start making money.
Passive income comes after investment. If you have $50k+ saved, and you want to start generating passive EXTRA income, then invest in things that will still be necessities over time (especially for poor and common people).
- Laundry mats can generate extra income with little to no extra overhead. Open one in an area where people don't have their own washers/dryers in their place, typically lower income areas. No employees needed, maybe one to stay and watch. Extra income from food/drink/soap coin operated machines and an arcade game that makes money.
- Coin operated car washes. Even easier income, but larger overhead and investment. Open in a state where there's sun 24/7 (Cheap areas of California, Arizona, etc).
No, these things won't make you a millionaire, but make an extra 10-20k per year on top of a regular salary. Take this extra income, invest it into more locations, or set aside as a retirement plan.
Stop thinking you're going to 'millionaire' yourself overnight.
Start a store selling fake anything, shoes, jackets phones.
Skip to 16:40.
Real-Estate is my end game I guess but working for a couple years so I can afford just one apparment is not worth the hassle.
In Germany you can rent apparments to the government
Nice. What kind of apps do you create btw? Utility apps or games based on java or something else?
I strongly agree on this one for most passive income sources but there are also low-budget sources such as making clickbait sites or using adf.ly for "full version" on pornsites which can generate you a couple ten or hundreds of dollars. I do spend some time doing this but I don't want it to be my main income source and spend couple hours a day to make a living of it.
Sure, I'm naive and dream about the Ms but giving up won't make me a millionaire either.
If my 10 sites won't work. It's experience for my next 10 sites.
There are alot young selfmade millionaire and I don't think they had any major advantage in life.
Illegal as fuck in Germoney. I'll check out the video later though. Thanks!
>In Germany you can rent apparments to the government
which then give it to those we need shelter. Cool thing is they pay you a rate over time whether it is occupied or not. You should check it out.
Hosting 2m new friends from the middle-east is quiet nice for owners of such accomodations.
It won't die out for the couple decades as we will always get refugees because of our social system.
>thank god we're letting Muslims in ! Fuarking based dude!
Idgaf about religion what I see is unskilled labor seeking safe shelter and economic wealth and a good way to profit out of it buying or building such accomodations or setting up a temporary employment agency for shit jobs w/ even less than minimum wage.
>idgaf about religion
You stupid fuck. Enjoy your low IQ "unskilled" barbaric labor. Hopefully they get you first, you deserve it for destroying your ancestors homeland with a smile on your face.
kek you germans are so brainwashed...who cares about pathetic profits when your country won't exist anymore in twenty years. Atleast your Austrians cousins have woken up along with the rest of Europe
>Doesn't want to work for a few years
user.... Do you realize that setting up passive income is work?
What do you sell? I've been flipping these certain licenced toys that I get great deals on and which have a fair bit of collector demand, and I'm curious how other people do it, if it's simply just random areas that you know about in a similar way
Even if your country is 97.5% White Anglo Saxon Protestant Masterrace what are the chances your next 10 generations won't be "tainted" by other subraces and lose the optical or religious identity? You lost the battle. This is globalization. Humans are in that process, too.
Pic related is how average american will look by 2050. Most of us will be alive by the time the optical identity of america is changed forever.
Why bother trying to fight or even point it out.
It's just dumb. Just get your blonde,blue eyed wife while u still can and enjoy your time. You don't have much of it.
Yes, but it becomes passive. You don't need the same input as in the beginning depending on your will for consistent output or growth of output
More detail. The hardest part is starting and I'd really like to know what you did with the $500
>the average of three distinct and seperate subpopulations is a mutt!
The chances are fine. White women date out less than all other races, I’m sure you’ve seen the pol infographics. There will still be 150mm+ white americans in 2050 Hans, sorry to ruin your cuck fantasy.
Shit there might even be a whole bunch of white germans left too. Now THAT would be a surprise.
>hurr it will happen in 10 gens so don't bother trying to change anything
Fuck off kike
>Nevertheless 10k isn't going to save me.
>What I need is an income. Daily.
OK kiddo put it in some high yield savings account or CDs/Bonds if you want guaranteed daily passive income.
I have a 20 grand emergency fund in Ally and I get $1 a day from it kek
Have been negative for the last decade and are the worst place you could put 20g
Only keep what you need for 3-6 months in savings.
wtf is wrong with Jow Forums gib some advices
I will drop one
niche - faggot hipster lumberjack / mountaineering accessories
it's got a trendy name but can't recall rn
know guys who made a bank with their eshop from premade tempate, it was all about the niche
awesome mental gymnastics there user
>In Germany you can rent apparments to the government
When in reality you rent to slimes
Did that once and NEVER again and that guy was ironically an upper class syrian doctor
It's so strange.
The moment it starts to get late in the US, all those "race" and "jew" fuckers with insecurities come out.
You are so fucking pathetic and nobody cares about you.
Shove your teen angst up your ass.
imagine getting to suck on her toes
Don't rely on SEO, it's even more unpredictable than crypto and the bigger the niche, the harder it is to rank for things. But say you get your site to the top of the search rankings for your keyword/product/niche, you still have to work on SEO regularly or else it would drop in the rankings. You just can't just stop. Even so, in the long-term you will eventually get burned by Google as they are always changing their algorithm. Your site might be ranking well and then one day it starts sliding off to the next page of the results which sucks since the first two search results gets like 85% of the traffic. Build a brand for yourself so you don't have to rely on what those eggheads do at Google.
>Spent literally 10k on one vacation
You're never going to make it, just give up now.
Stop fucking asking about passive income every week. There is only a few ways to get real passive income
>dividend paying stocks
>bonds/fixed income instruments
>possibly royalties or something similar where you literally only do one thing and then get income forever
That's it. All others are by definition not passive
>teen angst
You know the sign of a teen faggot underage redditor is naivety and lack of foresight. You fit the bill newfag.
Started with retail arbitrage, literally went to stores after work and checked if items can be sold at a profit (cost + shipping + amazon fba fee less whats on there, or not there at all).
Get a job faggot
That's what I'm talking about bro. nice.
No, you rent it to the government. I don't talk about Hartz 4 accomodations but "Sozialwohnungen" which are for adults who aren't able to get a job in the future due to eldery, disability or other reasons preventing social inclusion like not speaking German nor English at all. They take full responsibility for these and usually send them over a nurse every week. Hartz 4 is money from the state to temporarily get by until you find a job.
Still, Googles algorithm is optimization. The reason they are unpredictable is because they try to predict which content is actually useful (or profitable) and which is not, and that's why sometimes you won't get good results in page rankings even though you follow the "masterguide".
If you provide quality content in a degree, SOME people will see it, share it or buy it if it's a product.
So I totally agree with building a brand because making growing profit long-term is more attractive than some profit in short-time but you need to follow what those eggheads at Google do because otherwise you would have to appear physically (a shop) or advertise like hell because you won't even get indexed at Google if you don't rely on SEO.
Think it as an motivational expercience. A fucking expensive one.
You have to research about stocks or financial instruments. You have to buy/create a depot for your stocks and maintain it. You still have to check on the company, markets etc. and eventually you will have to attend at the shareholders meeting if you want to enforce your opinon regarding the future of the company.
Passive Income is the way of making money with at some point requires almost no time. They are no methods defined (stock, bonds, royalties) to earn passively. You can buy real estate and give them to a management company and then you earn "true" passive income
>t. the absolute fucking state of (((Germans)))
So basically what you're saying is that you blew your potential free seed money on traveling a couple kilometers to Amsterdam for "good times", and now you want Jow Forums to tell you how to get paid for being worthless, with the eventual goal of becoming a slumlord for low IQ, low skill, low wage, economic migrants from the third world? You sound like an asshole OP.
And those slimes would just trash your investment anyways, but I guess if that happens the plan is to have the government pick up the tab, right?
imagine having to lick clean those feet while she sits on your face and makes you massage her back, suck the titties and kiss you at the same time haha
No bro, I just wanna read how some of you made it so I can inspire myself to do something new.
Brainstorming for Passive Income methods. That's what the dream is right? Earning money for almost no work. We would help eachother with actual fucking content here but most posts are off-topic.
So use this thread for your future aswell, because you might get an idea where could start. Don't waste your time judging people because only degenerates and celebrities give fucks about social appearence and I'm not famous.
Is Amazon that easy to sell on?
Its a shitty approach that everyone has - how to build a passive income.
You have to build a business, and then comes passive income. It can be any sort of business, i for example have a design company that i started alone, now i just pass on all the projects and cut a decent amount on every project.
Basically forward e-mails to partners and get a shitload od money.
>dried shit brown ID
>plebeian tier fetishes and comment
not gonna make it
vending machines of some description are easy, the har part is finding a good location that isnt saturated
>spent literally everything
it makes me so fucking triggered, you were two moon missions away from actually having the capital to do something, then you come on here having a sook about muh market predictability, sure the 2nd half of 2017 was a bit harder than the first half, but you lost all your fucking money anyway having a fucking party and squandering the golden opportunity. At least you have learned the valuable lesson, which you will never forget because you will never find an easier way to make money than selling imaginary internet vouchers to FOMO infected late adopters. Enjoy your 9 - 5 and kneepads.
I'm 25 in a couple months, been working in mind numbing retail jobs since I turned 20.
I started a website a few weeks back. Finally got Adsense up on there, and have made so far, from Amazon Associates and ads, £7.23. It's only gonna go up though. I've written 14 articles since I started, totalling 22.8k words. Last 2 articles were 4.2k and 5.1k each.
Been aggressively marketing on social medias to get attention, and I got lucky with one post on Reddit that kind of blew up, but only brought me some decent traffic for a day, but a Pinterest Pin I made is bringing in steady visitors.
I am putting all my spare time into this, cause I want to be able to quit my job, and support my future family. I also want to do shit like hike the Appalachian trail, but it's so damn expensive when you work an almost minimum wage job.
Passive income is the only way to live a real life.
I dread having to work in a shit job til I retire.
I'm gonna branch out to Youtube as well once I';m making enough money, just easy vids.
>first 10k
>blow it on vacation
you're not going to make it user, sorry.
Link? What kind of articles.
Im in the process of starting an employment agency. I got a bit lucky as my uncle is letting me operate in a vacant office he owns so rents free.
how are you gonna compete with LinkedIn and many others already on the market?
Sorry, went to bed.
Stuff like this - lifetoptips.com
I have zero former experience writing articles, so I don't think they're too bad.
How did you start a website (I mean, did you code by yourself or what, getting the domain, sorry but i'm a brainlet here)
Also, how did you get the advertisers?
Used Wordpress for the layout. Bought the domain name through Namecheap. I know a minimal amount of coding, so not nearly enough to create a website.
>be 25 (since last month)
I too wanna create passive income and I was planning on creating a webiste and make traffic and just live by ad revenue, but thinking of an idea is giving me a hard time.
Other options for me are crypto (very volatile)
Forgot about the advertisers question. You just need to apply to a website that does ads. I used Google Adsense. Was rejected first time, accepted the second, cause I had more traffic and a more fleshed out site.
I didn't choose a niche, cause I had no idea what to choose, so my website is wide ranging. It's mostly a review/informational website, with top 10 lists, and how to's, and the like.
I have my YouTube channel where I turn rap lyrics into proper grammar and back it with classical music
how are you making 300 a month to invest if you arent wagecucking? Daddies handouts?
Mining. It'll take about a year to recover your investment but still.
What were your investments beside web hosting and your time? I'm thinking of buying ~20k followers on IG to appear more serious.
Also, isn't it illegal to use images without consent of their creators? You don't even include a source.
Nice site anyway. The niche is too broad imo but if it works why not.
Nice. Don't waste such an opportunity mate.
Keep it up man. I can see your videos having minimum 50k views if you chose the right tunes.
I think my first post gave a wrong impression about me. I am studying and most of my expenses are covered by the government or parents and I'm already earning passively. I print QR codes and stick them in bathrooms or drive traffic to adf.ly but I don't want them to be my main income source. It can generate you a couple hundreds if you put enough time in it.
You see those >age >degree (if any) >profession >annual income threads every now and then right? This thread should have been something like that with actual content. I'm not asking you to tell me how to make money but maybe I could inspire myself to do something similar.
Too expensive in Germany.
All my images used are licensed free to reuse.
My only investments were web hosting and my time. I am not putting any money into it until I make more from it.
I might go back and start putting the credit to photographer in my posts though. Apparently you're not usually required to, but it's good form.
bretty gud
You're not on r9k now, moron
>I'm 20 y/o and I have pretty much a normal life but I don't want to become a wage cuck.
>I have ~300€/month for investment purposes
Thank you kind anons
Just imagine slipping your tube steak into her beef curtains. She was made for my greasy guy girder.
come on guy....10k was what you had to work with, might have been all you needed to get your passive income goals started. what are you working with now? how long is it going to take you to get back to 10k? if you're the kind of guy who spends his investment funds prematurely, I can guarantee that you will never make it. if you've put money to work for you, you don't fucking touch it for personal reasons. it's completely separate from your regular funds.
The two most reliable ways of building passive income are real estate and stocks. Withdrawing 4% of your stock portfolio a year as cash is considered safe, 3% is considered very safe. €300 a month is way too low to ever get to a level where you can live off your dividends.
Real estate is another way and a big advantage is that you can leverage mortgages to get to where you want. Buy a house and live in it, aggressively pay off your mortgage in 5-10 years, move to another house with a new mortgage but keep the old house to rent out. Rinse and repeat.
>might have been all you needed to get your passive income goals started
True. I actually need a few grands for a project but the bank is empty. Thinking about wasted opportunities is a huge let down and I wouldn't recommend anyone to waste their time with it except for avoiding future mistakes.
>what are you working with now?
Well, I earn 500€-ish/month by spamming shortlinks on pornsites and QR codes irl. Apart from that I recently made a couple websites with very different areas of interest and I'm slowly gaining experience and trying to establish something.
>how long is it going to take you to get back to 10k?
By wage cucking? Minimum a year.
>if you're the kind of guy who spends his investment funds prematurely
Well that really was a one time thing. I'm still young and I wanted to have the best possible vaca with gf.
Apart from that my expenses which could be called premature (due to spending too much or something) are wordpress plugins, domains and cigs.
>if you've put money to work for you, you don't fucking touch it for personal reasons
Totally agree. I guess crypto being a fucking meme played a huge part in my decision to spend that money.
I didn't think about the future then. I was just enjoying life. Now I'm trying to make it. It won't happen by a couple days but I gotta start somewhere.
Not gonna accept that these fuckers on pic related made it with almost no investments but patience and dedication.
no such thing as passive income (unless you are estranged royalty on allowance) /thread/
>nignog in a grocery store aisle talking about how to boost my income
Fuck where do I sign up?