post em. template coming next. who is the most effay cuntry?
Post em. template coming next. who is the most effay cuntry?
Fucking ugly bros
I could beat yous up.
No you couldn't. You're acting tough on the internet. I'll knock you out with 1 (one) punch.
thats me
Literally me
Is this the german way?
Do you need the jacket in Samoan climate?
Yeah bro, it was down to 26 degrees earlier this year
Why do Scandis wear a black skinny jeans?
It looks gay tbqh though
Bag is just fully grey but that form.
I know my taste is horrible.
Thats me
unbelievable cringe
unbelievable based
You forgot this
This more or less,
Alright, a bit tryhard
What are you? A Taiwanese binman or something?
I like Japanese fashion
Very Finnish
Metalheads aren't fedora. You must be underaged if you don't know that subclass
who /bland/ here
not a slavaboo or memeing, adidas is simply based
it's called normcore nowadays
Lmao you dress like fucking dogshit eurotrash Jesus Christ
Are you grill?
No I’m a human
>Bluecollarpilled / 10
You forgot TEC-9
I'm all melee tbqh
checked and Anton Lundin approved
What’s your EDC Jow Forums
Who's funeral?
mine im dead inside
Do you order your steak well-done?
Why do you carry a knife?
Why do nerds brag about not having a smartphone? Like are you bragging about being poor, stupid, or both?
Havent bought it yet. The blade is like 1 inch.
I need to embrace my finnish heritage.
he thinks his butterknife makes him look cool
just play along and try not to call him out on it
youre a fucking disgusting nigger, disguised as a "white" just like the french.
youre a fukken mut, disguised also as a white guy, you dont even know where youre from
youre fukken 100% turbo nigger.
probably in case when he will need to cut something or open abeer bottle
Answer my question you fucking ugric retard, why do you brag about not having a smartphone? Is it because you’re poor or stupid?
Also my grandparents are from Kiel
this is french people. I view them as "white" as the brits imply they are, but literally they are niggers of the white world, with 80iq even tho they sound smart with their mothers tongue.
Why do you carry parfume with you?
Cool story
Americans have ass juice
because it makes me feel special. I dont honestly need one that much, even tho everyone says that you need.
if I have the ability to use smarthphone, I wont read etc.
I read books, look it up.
It’s a little sample vial I keep in my bag or otherwise on me if I’m out all day
Like 99% of your smartphone usage is total garbage, you can be with out.
Yeah you fucking faggot I read books too, I also own a smartphone, they’re not mutually exclusive
>it makes me feel special
So you’re not only a fucking poor retard but you’re a hipster too?
>this guy doesent use a smartphone and brags about it
>get mad and start complaining to him to cool your inner muttnes and obese lazy ass
>clearly there is no problem with how I function
What are you even trying to say now?
Youre unhappy with yourself, generally because of your relationship with technology and youre making it my problem.
Am i effay enough
Show penis
I’m making fun of you for thinking you’re special for being a fucking Luddite you retard
Jam your puukka deep into your chest cavity at your earliest convenience
I just wear basketball shorts and sandals with white socks.
This is the most femcel outfit I’ve seen in years
But that's lewd
well post your settis, fucking mixedbreed wonderland nigger wallmart wheelchair dude.
Wtf is a settis?
>mixedbreed wonderland nigger wallmart wheelchair dude.
I have no sense of fashion whatsoever
Looks decent to Joao
what size of pants
I just bought a 2019 Mazda3 sedan
Is this a loadout thread?
Thanks, gringo
Meanwhile brazilians in Ireland wear 3 layers in the middle of the summer
Depends of where they are from
Here in Sao Paulo you see people with jacket if it's like 15°C, but people from Rio is like 20°C
>memetastic clown shoes
Why do you carry Dollars with you in Turkey?
either cuban or italian
Different brands different sizes
Nice Vice City cosplay
Be my gf
>le all black mysterious outfit
2 cool 4 u fgt
Im a boy but okay.
I've only seen girls wearing those ripped pants