Without using the same old copy pasta arguments fudders and without strawman attacks and appeal to authority from the Vechain fanboys, let's have a solid discussion about Vechain. Is it overvalued? It competes with IBM but it primarily focuses on marketing to retail investors which is a red flag. It's tech is nothing special, it's a fork of ETH with PoA which TomoChain could achieve as well.
The only impressive thing is the Breyer and DNV association but how far does that go?
noone can tell you if it is overvalued or undervalued yet you fucking retard
Owen Morris
I mean you can analyze it and look at the stunts they pulled. They used all the classics as well such as overhyping partnerships,hype marketing and it looks like a Tron tier scam mainly focused on Western and third world retail investors.
CCK started on Jow Forums as well, he use to make threads here early on so I wouldn't be suprised if Vechain has hired shills and deluded cultists on patrol to keep the jig up like Bitconnect did on youtube.
Looks like they're back to their old tricks by hiring Teeka to shill it. All the chinese partnerships they claim to have are fake as fuck. I'm Chinese so I am skeptical of any chinese company claiming things and Vechain looks like your typical well crafted scam like Tron. Atleast most people are self aware about Tron. Vechain has pulled the illusion of being a legitimate coin on reddit. Any criticism gets downvoted by the cultists and the hired shills. when it looks like the pets.com of Crypto.
Ryan Gray
As long as VeChain can draw network revenues of over 33 million a year it is undervalued. Given that just one of its contracts (Mlilly) involves adding 20 million tracked items to the chain each year for five years, it would be very surprising if all their clients together did not generate vastly in excess of this revenue. Why 33 million? Because that would mean that token holders would receive a 3% annual return on their investment at current token prices from the generation of Thor. In a growing high-tech market sector, that would be a PE ratio of c. 33, which is actually a little on the conservative side of typical investor expectations.
So the answer is, if you think VeChain will earn network revenues of less than 25-33mil a year, then yes, it is overpriced. If you think it will earn more, as I do, then it is underpriced.
Ethan Scott
Took you 2 post from going from "let's have a legit discussion" to the same strawman attacks you totally wanted to avoid, lmao
Wyatt Morales
There's no way to know until mainnet launches and companies start using (or not using) the platform. Anyone who says they know otherwise is talking out of their ass.
Brandon Cruz
Vechain is so 2017.
Get with the times boys, the market moves in cycles and what was hot yesterday is dog shit tomorrow. Question marks surround Vechain who have little bit promised “partnerships”. If you want a class team with real paying customers check out Quant Network
Evan Miller
vechain still does high volume
Juan Price
If you rode vechain in December /Jan then great. It may or may not pump again. Best to find other lowercap projects. No better one than Quant Network which is 3 million marketcap and is a blockchain interoperability operating system that connects existing blockchains together as well as legacy networks ( banks, governments , hospitals) DYOR. Buy low sell high. By the time 4chantards start talking about it, it’s too late.
Very likely that VeChain fucked up by talking about this early and that's why it was taken down, not that their association isn't real. I'm assuming that VeChain is one of the blockchains they're looking at.
Ryan Rogers
>assuming Would you mind if i assumed you are a complete fuckin tard?
How did VeChain know about this six months before it was announced? Lucky guess?
Gavin Wright
Ryder Wright
Why do you think this shit will ever perform? The non white paper was so cavalier, no serious investor would touch this chick scam coin. How much are you gettin paid by Sunny? or are you someone that just to arrogant to see that your 'investment' is capricious
Angel Sullivan
lmao someone found thesaurus
John Collins
Vechain is a scam
Dominic Johnson
They have a toe in every industry, they're objectively so far ahead it isnt funny. To be fair though all cryptos are overvalued.
Thanks just bought an Avengers thunderbolt Valhalla master-node
Xavier Thompson
All those partners and all there is to show is a fuckin mobile wallet.
Joseph Collins
I'm not overly concerned with their casual writing style on a document from a year ago. Serious investors do touch this coin: quora.com/Which-cryptocurrency-should-I-invest-in-in-2018-Why/answer/Jim-Breyer >VeChain has a strong team and has already established some compelling partnerships with organizations like PwC. Ideally and eventually, Vechain will implement their technology and help diminish numerous supply chain inefficiencies. If Vechain can execute, they could be a leader in item validation, and capture a meaningful portion of the growing cross border e-commerce market. >In August 2010, Fortune named Breyer one of the 10 smartest people in technology, and the smartest investor in technology. For three consecutive years, from 2011 to 2013, Forbes has ranked Jim Breyer number one on the Forbes Midas List of Tech's Top Investors
Frankly, I'd follow his investment strategy over a random Jow Forums shitposter who thinks it's bad because it's Chinese.
>investing in something that can't even be asked to write a whitepaper when released.... if they don't have a fuckin white paper how do you know what the fuck the project is all about...Follow other ppl user, its not worth thinking for yourself, that way you can blame others when this shit blows up in your face.
Ask yourself how many projects do you think Jim invested in? How many times has he said that same spiel BS, & that project failed...Its a numbers game user. You probably provided the liquidity he needed to get out with a profit...
Xavier Hill
they have a whitepaper
Levi Perry
I am takin about the original one newfag...
Thomas Clark
Yes, but so are most of the project in the top 20, only one with decent tech is ETH and maybe Cardano.
Jack Rogers
>How many projects do you think Jim invested in? I dunno, but he's only invested in two coins and he's part of the VeChain team as an advisor. breyercapital.com/portfolio/
Also I'm up over 1500% since I read that non-white paper so that worked out for me. I'm not an idiot who bought the top in January.
Charles Rogers
says the faggot posting yoda memes from 9gag kys
Wyatt Powell
>I'm not an idiot Don't think to highly of yourself user...You just admitted to buyin something without a whitepaper... Happy to hear your up user, but take profits. DESU you missed one user, Teeka also shilled this coin if i remember correctly
never been there, but apparently you have...sorry newfag found that image here...
William Nguyen
They have a whitepaper you brainlet, its extremely in depth too.
Eli Cox
Did you read the title page of the original 'paper'? you fuckin newfag brainlet tard nigger kike girl
Luke Barnes
it is natural to be this angry about a coin you don't own.