ITT we rank South American countries

ITT we rank South American countries


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What do the fucking letters mean, why does it start with s??

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Nice proxy UR GAY

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>Brazil that high

I just ranked by hotness of women

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>Chilean women
Nice one

How are we behind Brazil?

And Uruguayan women are hot too, and some of the whitest you'll find in SA, if you really care about that ofc.

Stop being autistic and use google.

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Because Brazilians have soul while the rest of South America are largely NPCs.

>ranks by hotness of women
>has guyana, bolivia, paraguay over brazil
uh ok

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you're wrong, I'm soulless

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I'm just here to find that burgerfag who puts all flag on F

Oh, here it is.

Attached: south america rankings.png (1113x570, 64K)


Yeah, you sure know what is to have soul....

Absolutely based

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