Dad is trying to act alpha AGAIN

>dad is trying to act alpha AGAIN

Attached: feel.png (645x773, 7K)

Let him have his moment.

Tell him to have sex

>wating time polshing something as pointless as ego

Attached: amineja päässä.png (683x654, 30K)

it's not ego it's establishing power

>dad is trying to kill himself again

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

hes a 5'4 midget, i dont fuck him up cuz i dont wanna go to jail, i rather lay down and rot in my room

Attached: maurelius.jpg (927x927, 206K)

Beat him up.

he's 5'4 so he has to work even harder. respect it, he's the last of a dying breed