/smg/ - Stock Market General

George edition
Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I (embed) [Open]
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II (embed) [Open]

Suggested books:
pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

previous bread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


told you fags to buy lulu calls for free money, why didn't you listen?

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first for kino edition

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Can't silence me this turn.

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First for TV shows

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I went short IC, 130-142
I got a feeling that I'm gonna learn selling iron condors isn't actually free money


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Might play the cron bounce. Will see how level 2 looks tomorrow morning, whether this will be multi day plunge or a V bounce bull trap.


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First for having a black witch waifu to raise your demon children instead of burning her
Just makes sense

if theres a bounce, im shorting it desu senpai

Yep, me too.

>procreating w demonspawn
i thought you were a mormon senpai

Second for Smmmmmmuckers

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haha nice try kiddo

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So is China fucked again? This chink rollercoaster is not doing any favours to my blood pressure.

>bulls have more fun
pic related is every time I short a bubble

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so I've been investing for a year and a half just accumulating like crazy and not really worrying too much (cost averaging) but got spooked in may when my shit took off like a rocket and haven't contributed since. I don't think I can do the mindless dollar cost average thing anymore. is it wrong to only contribute from now on during substantial corrections? my whole mentality has changed from "ACCUMULATE" to "let the old money ride and get you further and further from losses, but don't contribute new money again until you'd be retarded not to." am i wrong. am I going to end up fucking myself? pls halp

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>buying chinkshit

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This is just turn 4 and you're playing a 7 mana. baka

not a lotta good times on the DIA in AH
only big block sells
we are not getting saved until AFTER the weekend

all EMs are fucked
how many times do we gotta go through this?

theres no denying that being a bear is a WHOLE lotta sweating and waiting

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fucking kek Is that Bagholder?

Is this supposed to be baggy in the picture?

is that bagholder?



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Unfortunately they didn't include his funny little legs.

>theres no denying that being a bear is a WHOLE lotta sweating and waiting
maybe, but recently there have been a ton of free money shorts from bubbles fueled by dump millenial money

My bad. I play this card!

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right but its still always a nail biter, even when its obvious

something something longer than you can stay solvent

feelsgood tho when it werks senpai

>Just when you think anime posting is peak degeneracy in this thread...

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>imagine giving a fuck

>anime degenerate
>on Jow Forums, an imageboard for anime enthusiasts

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Chink bear market
Short Bilibilibilibili to the ground

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fuck you Lululemon go back down

smuggies are the exception not the rule.

hes got a lotus deal with it faggot.

that makes it better when it works
I have one of those manipulable nico figs giving me a constant smug look from my desk. It's basically the only anime merch I have ever owned. It's an inspiration desu.

>anime is bad
>on a anime website

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Are those red bumps supposed to be piercings or acne I can't even tell


havent been watching animus desu
i usually only watch 80s animus

just started watching steins gate tho last night
good shit

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definitely acne you can see little whiteheads on em

anime is actually bad tho



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Is there a ticker or etf that tracks closely to mortgage delinquency?

Based boomer

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Listening to anime kawaii youtube radio right now senpai. Whatca think about that?

Also green for day so ha.

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I haven't watched a lot of anime since around 2015. Only recently decided to actually watch LOGH instead of getting hung up halfway through the first season. It's pretty god tier. Love live has been a favorite since it originally came out, though.

Boomers and anime don't mix
Video very related.

It's your life. I don't give a fuck what you do with it if you're not fucking up my life.

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Watch My Hero Academia.

FAZ sometimes

USA about to reach heights never thought possible

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I can 99% tell when I'll actually like something just by seeing one or two threads about it. That one is a no go

Any ideas who Diageo is going to buy out in the Cannabis market? Aphria's chief commercial officer served as president of Diageo Canada, is the connection strong enough?

Please use the appropriate meme

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APH seems like the likely target. Maybe TRST. I'm long both, regardless.

reasonable reply. enough room in this thread for anime posters and frogposters.

I don't make trades on things Trump threatens. I figured out a while ago that that is his negotiation style. Say a lot of shit, make it look like doomsday, make country(ies) he's negotiating with think he's serious, then reach amicable agreement at bargaining table. Donald is very good at this and I don't think people give him enough credit for it. He has managed to get better deals for the states than any other conventional pres would have.

literally fite me rite now m8

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Buying short term puts on DEO instead means you don't have to guess

damn str8


APH connection is true but it might be a red herring. Nobody knows when it comes to M&A stuff like that.

>Say a lot of shit, make it look like doomsday, make country(ies) he's negotiating with think he's serious, then reach amicable agreement at bargaining table
I honestly couldnt understand why others dont see this. Its so obvious that he is always stacking the deck going into deal and then negotiating it down. I dont know how Euros can still panic every time he says something.

absolutely NO ONE is saving us tomorrow senpaitachi
buckle up

think like a used car salesman
idc tho

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Can't make up the crashing ARS, ZAR, VEF, and TRY. All modern finance is so connected that it's just a matter a time.

>I dont know how Euros can still panic every time he says something.
Euro's don't even have a nanogram of testosterone left in their bodies, and the ones that do are muzzies. That's why Trump cucks them literally everyday.

>Listening to anime kawaii youtube radio

you know /a/ has a radio for that


Because his threats aren't hollow. If Xi doesn't bend the knee by next week, then Trump will pull the trigger. China is fucked if it does, fucked if it doesn't.

>dropping after hours
G-green day tomorrow??

Because politicians actually campaign on transparency but end up being unable to deliver on policy because of well political gridlock. They have no clue how to bluff and gain favorable leverage in negotiations. If negotiations and building a strong business was their forte they'd have done that instead of going into politics.

Funny thing about it is, some of those techniques are discussed plain as day in The Art of The Deal. He did similar stuff to get good deals on real estate and building projects/permits. The way he managed to get the zoning for Trump Tower through was very clever.

no comfgoy, red week

stop trying predict these things just go with flow

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Hope you bought BLK
George soros started buying this month

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I'll give 2 to 1 odds comfy loses half his portfolio by labor day.

It's literally the opposite of how Obama negotiated

never underestimate euros passion for blood, and europes ability to turn into an absolute bloodbath overnight
they just need a shove in the right direction

no, see

>Because his threats aren't hollow. If Xi doesn't bend the knee by next week, then Trump will pull the trigger. China is fucked if it does, fucked if it doesn't.

True, but he doesn't actually want that outcome and of course he knows China doesn't either. It's great negotiating. If he has to pull trigger on tariffs to get them to come around on terms, he will, because he knows they WILL come around.

this. Europe is meek and over-tolerant and full of pussies right up until they decide to machine gun an entire generation to death. they spike like the VIX

I didnt actually. Thanks for link.
you may be right. I see how anglos are and I am amazed at how much abuse they take.
agreed. he doesnt even hide what he is going to do. they just somehow dont understand it. unless some do get it but know they cant actually oppose the US so just go along with it.
if you can even call what obama did negotiating.

fucking checked

NO! me belief in Comfy !!!

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Why is the stock market so important?

From what I've read. the stock market crash is what led to The Great Depression, which resulted in mass unemployment and starvation. Sounds like too much power given to something that most people don't even think about.

I've been waiting for the 4th reich to show up any day now.
kneepad stop or comfy is gonna start jacking off.

whether we go up or down tomorrow is entirely dependent on if comfy kept his SPY calls into close
if he did, were going down
if he didnt, were going up


it did
its called the EU
arguably more effective too

>shoen shit

RE:Zero is better and with the best girl of all time. The show is so good even the oculus founder wanted to fund the show.

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>its called the EU
>arguably more effective too
Is this a joke?

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>muh 1920s stonk market = modern markets
sounds like you need to read some books other than marx desu senpai

T-thanks cripple waifu!
I've been green the last week, so things have definitely been improving


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That's not true. The great depression wasn't caused by a stock market crash, it was literally caused by the temperance movement and the mormons.


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