>wh*Toid dogs think we asians all hate each other
>doesnt realize we form into one united hive when we invade their nations to yellowify within and cause destruction and chaos while our home hives mount an even larger invasion force to liquify all non-mongoloid organic matter to produce even more mongoloid life forms
Wh*Toid dogs think we asians all hate each other
stfu anglo faggot
Asians are niggers
You're the best money launderer in Paris, thanks.
Is this an example of the average every other day dinner in Asia?
The only relevant asians are chinks
Faggot nobody cares the west is dead and buried
The truth is we just don't like the govs indoctrination.
Without gove influences,
Asian will help each other oversea. Eventhough we are not agree with each other something, we will protect each other. We always say 4 seas are all brother isn't it?
Whenever I see some Asian got beaten or kill something dead inside me. My heart crying out lound and my tear drop.
I hope it is the same for other Asian too
Pinoy are pretty based though.
you guys are not asians. when they say asia they mean japan/korea