Why didn't they just fish? I don't understand honestly

Why didn't they just fish? I don't understand honestly.

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Same reason Africans and North Koreans don't?

fish blight

Even on your map coastal areas seemed to hang onto the language longer

Why don't you just not shit your pants? You are surrounded by toilets I don't understand...

Why did they only grow potatoes?

wtf why don't the irish speak their own language?

Why did you export what little food you had and let your people starve?

You can't make alcohol out of fish.

Can you say that in Irish?

The Irish brain is so small they probably hadn't figured out fishing yet

boats cost money

They really should've won the 1798 uprising.

you think the people starving were making the decisions?

Fish were too spicy for them

it’s not that their wasn’t food, it’s that the food they were growing was being shipped to the UK
ireland was actually a net producer of food at the time but the landlords were selling the food for profit while the small lands the irish workers were allowed to work for themselves only had enough room to grow potatoes consistenlym

oi matey, potayters potayters, whers me locky cherms, why ton't you just not shite yer pents?
Yer surroundid by toilets, aren't ye ye fecker. I ton't unterstansh.



funny post bro :)
