Korean are White
Korean are White
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So are polar bears and that doesnt make them superior
you forget this, sir
Oh, but it does.
now post that deformed face park bosung
Plastic is not a race.
That fag sure loves watching black players getting sweat. At least most Koreans don't that. Korea is better ethnostate than your mutt country anyway
I'm not :D
Koreans are cucks
goddamn is this a monkey with a keyboard? how long did it take before it was able to write this almost literate sentence? Probably only a few more decades until it will randomly write Shakespeare
From what I saw so far, (South) Koreans are whiter and more civilized than other Asian people. Saw your "Parasite" movie, good work Koreans!
How many Koreans have you seen getting blacked lately?
Would you like to see me sweat
fuck you ilbe pigskin worshipping christcuck.
We are black dont listen to him
They also get circumcised like good goyim
based. we BLACKs have to stand together against the wh*Te menace
>Circumcision = Good goyim
This is called Phimosis surgery. A lot of people do that when their foreskin is too tight and stop their erections. I would do that if mine didn't come off either
>started through contact with the (((american))) military
They are wannabe nigs too
That's because Americans are like that, they just follow Americans along without getting as much cucked as they are
They are cucks who love their (((western))) masters
They just want to be like America-senpai
They have to or they would be worshiping a fatty leader instead. But they at least are still less degraded than the west or even Japan
Korean are White
thank you black brother you will get to have 2 white livestock to personally torture them as a revenge