Dose your Police fire a pistol often?

Our police don't fire a pistol even criminal has knife.

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Same here
I remember seeing 5 retard officers trying to convince for an hour a crazy man with knife, they didn't even have a taser.

Then what these guys doing?

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nope, never

That's gendarmerie, they work in countryside.
I guess they have the permission to use guns

>saw a video of tons of bong police apprehend one criminal
>thread was making fun of them
>found it refreshing because nobody got hurt


They have more and more automatic weapons as time goes by and as we get culturally enriched but they still don't have the right to use them, sadly

>wah wah I don't live in a police state how sad

our cops never shoot anybody

But french gonna have flying police

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Our cops are equipped with pistols, usually either a revolver or a glock. Yes, they shoot criminals

Also, only guys that have rifles on then are usually special police. The ones that I've seen carry either AKs (Probably AK-101s), M4s, or SS2s

Is your country's criminal use guns often?
Our criminals rarely use guns.

Only when the criminals are using guns, if they kill someone unnarmed even if it's a crazy nigger with a knife, they go to jail

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police that do the most shooting usually use M16s. every few months there's some nutjob in jerusalem trying to shoot\stab people in the old ity streets, they usually get killed in a few minutes.

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last time I heard of the police shooting someone was last year when a retard got shot.
he was walking around with a toy gun

our cops shoot to kill but theres barely any traction on police brutality because they are based

one of the more famous instances i remember was a kid, 17, driving a car and he got shot to death because he went past a police road block

I will never not giggle when I hear that

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This. I've never even heard of an American cop using their guns. Weird that they've got so many and walk around covered in body armor, usually as a group.

They generally don't even carry guns here. I've only seen them armed on the news occasionally.

This is a federal country and every province has it's own police, so naturally they're not the same.

Some of them are made by literal fat monkeys who can't even run more than 100mts, luckily the police of my city, Buenos Aires, is very professional... And has the plus of a based unique uniform.

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I legit do not understand why you would let an actual fucking downie out at night with a toy gun
the parents even said he had the mental capacity of a 3-year old

Last time there was a break in at a nearby school the cops just break out the fire axe and fistfight them in 6 cops+security vs 4 thieves.
These days organized criminals simply drive a truck and run over law enforcement who refused bribery since they are not allowed to shoot until fired upon. Get a disposable pawn, get him drunk, claim manslaughter, done.
>barely any traction on police brutality because they are based
>Forgetting Anwar's black eye from Madey police that became the PKR flag.
>Leaving out the keling chimpout everytime a gangster got shot for shooting at the police.

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Conservatives complain about our police being weak but nations with armed officers have far higher crime rates than nations where cops dont have guns.

그런데 우리나라는 경찰이 집행하다가 법적시비 휘말리면 자기가 다 재판준비하고 해야한다던데... 미국은 아예 그런 거 해결하는 전담부서가 따로 있다던데 우리도 그랬으면 하네요

>he thinks i'm old enough to remember anything about Anwar
i'm not one of those drones that laud his as a hero either so i don't really care

our politics is just BN and BN-lite anyway

미국에는 경찰노조도 있으니 경찰 권익이 더 보장될수밖에 없죠.

They shoot to kill only if criminal shoots at them,if he is running at them with knife they will shoot in legs