Historically speaking, did they do anything positive to the world?

Historically speaking, did they do anything positive to the world?

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European culture

protestant reformation

A few things before the nazis probably

They umm
They ah

Cool Nazi aesthetics for anime.

they make nice beers

A lot of inventors philosophers and clergymen
Nazi Germans created many useful things

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lots of inventors

Most of their famous inventors were Jews, such as Firtz Haber.


If you're talking about Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Heidegger, they were Jordan Peterson-tier pseuds, overhyped due to their connections at the top.


Like Luther who destroyed Christianity and came up with this weird "get rich or die trying" cult that had nothing to do with the original values of Christianity?

you mean besides their countless mathematicians, philispohers, chemists, and engineers?
Composers and artists?
Yeah only war and refugees, tihi fugging nazis amirite

>If you're talking about Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Heidegger, they were Jordan Peterson-tier pseuds, overhyped due to their connections at the top.
Holy fucking reddit batman

>mathematicians, philispohers, chemists, and engineers

Jews or pseuds.

That's true though. Read what Bertand Russell wrote about German "philosophers".

>Bertrand Russell
Okay now you're definitely trolling


Karl Marx and Rosa. All others are worthless

>Nazi Germans created many useful things
Like what not related to the military?

We killed lots of Russians and Jews.

Yeah, killing millions of unarmed women and children for no reason is the only thing that Germany is associated with throughout the world.

>The soviet union only existed because of a german and german money

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Yep, there was a time when germans were based

invented the electron microscope (both scanning and transition), invented nuclear fusion, among many many other scientific achievements.

What did Russia ever? Literally just killed people and sat there grumbling. Most useless country ever.

Your crimes outweigh those few second-rate "inventions".

No wonder we're the most liked country in the world

besides rocketry, what?

They are force that must be move the plot. Every story need a bad guy.

They created Israel

The printing press was a pretty big deal

WW2 Germany's actions pushed the boundaries of technology which culminated in, for example, the first computer. Which is something all of us fags here make use of now

>lots of good science
>lots of good art and literature
>lots of bad everything else
You have a lot in common

>He never heard of Hitler

the ones who invented those, where not responsible for the actions of that shit for brains hitler

Every story need a bad guy.

forgot the jet engine


Germans invented lots of things

>Your crimes
Name one


Not all nations can produce/invent on the scale and quality of a Great Britain.
It's no shame to be 2nd rate on this continent.

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Britoids didn't really do anything ever though. You're most famous for sailing to some empty shitholes and using and oppressing its people.

What did croatians do?

i feel like german and czech beers taste the same, the german ones are little worse but cost way more, also october fest is a joke

Half of them are Jewish though

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Let's not forget about Gothenburg

>he says in English

Sausages, beers, the concept of governament insurance, architecture, philosophy and literacture

And without them, Who will play the evil vilains in our movies? Russians are so cold war

A German wrote the worst post ever made on a public forum.

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the lebensborn program. otherwise theyd be way more mutts and sand niggers

Germany enriched the world with great ideas like Communism.

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yeah they killed millions of russian subhumans

why germany is considered evil ?
great britain ,usa and france has done much more evil and we dont talk about them

I dont like germans much as a whole (am slavshit), but of course there are nice individuals and it usually sucks to stretch the achievements of individuals onto a whole nation. but still, some nice things:

-protestant reformation(yea theyre degenerates but still better than cuck*olics)

-printing press

-some other inventions

no really, except for

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Because history is written by winners.

He is a jew he couldnt care less about russia

Without Germany, Asuka wouldn't exist to be the worst girl and make Rei look good.

yeah, my fav is pilsner urkel. thats czech made one.


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they have the record for the fastest conquest of a country (denmark)

Now gutemberg, kepler , plant, leibniz bethoven.... are jews?
We know how much you like to larp and acount every single discovery you made jew.

Is sad that germans dont care anymore about defending their own heritage

Be cute and adorable

they reformed the entire basis of higher education for the better

>Most of their famous inventors were Jews, such as Firtz Haber.
yes, German Jews

No, never

but he's Austrian

And this is only 1900 onward the time when the jews abandined the guetos and really start contributing .

You should feel more proud of yourself germcucks , nobody is gonna defend you if you dont

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He says, writing in English using a computer(British invention) on the internet(British invention).

You just ignorant as fuck, most modern techs invented by Germans.

Also they tried to save Europe from Bolshevism

t. pvt. Hans Gomez
Not too hot in the barracks?

Actually, England, France and America are inventors or the modern world. Germany just burnt some jews and broke a wall down lmao.

>yeah, WE invented all of this cool shit
>what do you mean MY crimes??
Reminds me of that Göbbels quote: be wary of the german, watch as he whines while he hits you.

That's the thing with all nationalities in the entire world

>Firtz Haber

"Haber meldete sich bei Kriegsausbruch 1914 freiwillig und war als wissenschaftlicher Berater im Kriegsministerium mit Forschungen zur Einsparung beziehungsweise Herstellung von Explosivstoffen sowie der Entwicklung neuer Produktionsverfahren zur Synthese von Ersatzstoffen kriegswichtiger Rohstoffe befasst"

Based Patriot

That was Greece and Italy, they just appropriated their entire culture and stole their music.

this, every musical and architectural or cultural practice of worth goes back to the south. All instruments were invented by them as well, and modern musical notation. Classical music, Opera. Germans are just professional larpers. But so are the French. Claiming to invent the modern world when they ripped everything that makes European culture, European.

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are they really evil??

So dumb, the internet was invented by a Jew. WWW is a glorified app that USES the internet, not the actual internet. Stop this retarded claim. It only shows you don't know what the internet is and that WWW is not synonymous with it. English is also a mutt language. It stop being yours after it became that.

Excluding Italy? Roman Empire, then they brought civilization to the west again with the Renaissance after Germs threatened to destroy it and caused the dark ages. The Renaissance also paved the way for the scientific revolution that also paved the way for the industrial revolution. Why bongs always try to take full claim for western civilization? Despite your nation being little more than a backwater with a bunch of naked people with painted bodies before Romans?

Did you 23 and me come back 25% german?

What has Poland done for the modern world?

they killed a fair amount of soviets


that's like asking what lint under the sofa does

Not British, thank god.
Poland atleast didn't become puppets. Jews are the master of the anglo.

germoney is kingdom of the anti-christ, theyre evil by nature

Human experimentation of nazis yielded a lot of data on toxicity, lethal dosages, thr effects of several stages of hypothermia and hypoxia aswell as the natural development of many diseases when left untreated. A lot of usefull data.

Church simply couldnt handle the banter.

Nasse Laila.

More Jews for Germany and Poland

Are you not American, considering talking about jews controlling would be a little hypocritical.

>be me
>be the pope
>be a money-grubbing, greedy old pedo that wants to be wordshipped as a false god
>some Germans think that’s not okay and try to improve the church
>excommunicate them and burn them at stake until people have had enough
>mfw they rally behind this guy called Martino Lutretia or some shit
>mfw they end up founding new churches following the Bible and imitating early christianity in stead of me
>mfw know people might realise that we’ve been faking it for a millenia and falsifying christianity
>decide to go all in and start a counter-reformation with a new style of art, call it baroque
>baroque is all about being as unchristian, pompous and indulgent as possible
>mfw the protestants take it from me, make it christian and do it better than swarthoids ever could
>mfw Bach, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Milton, van Dyck were all protestants

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They tried to save Europe 4th times at the very least.


shitton of innovation in every field of technology out there
