Attached: Flag_Map_of_British_Raj_(India).png (2005x1697, 207K)
God what went so wrong?
Zachary Lee
Benjamin Fisher
God cursed this world with the British and their Angloid demon spawn.
Eli Richardson
everything.. right from the conception.
also, we btfo'd anglos multiple times.
Cooper Scott
I thought Indians hated aurangzeb
Parker Sanders
Why did Brits think that it was a good to include Burma in their India?
Isaac Anderson
Bhagat Singh dying early
Jayden Ross
big deal you beat a child
Ryder Collins
> also, we btfo'd anglos multiple times.
If you really “BTFO” them then you wouldn’t have been colonised.
Tyler Walker
Why did Britain even decolonise? What were Hindus going to do?
Hunter Baker
The Maratha Empire did hold out against the Mughals and the British iirc