Why do krauts have so many shitty frozen pizza brands and why are northern euros obsessed with them?

Why do krauts have so many shitty frozen pizza brands and why are northern euros obsessed with them?

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theyre zero effort to prepare and taste better than other readymade meals
the effort to taste ratio is great with them

theres many brand because we autistically try to out-engineer industrially produced pizza
its our national sport

Homemade pizza doesn't take much additionnal efforts. You can make a big batch of dough and put it in the freezer for later.

that explains quite a lot

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I have a theory that after the war Dr Mengele changed his surname to Oetker
That would explain these abominations

following dr.oetkers pizza-burger came competitor wagner with the burger-pizza
gotta love science

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>product of the year 2015
Lmao what is wrong with Germans?

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Whats next german invention?
