Uma delicia from your cunt

uma delicia from your cunt

Attached: str2_curious1412_jg_4.jpg (1240x1228, 230K)

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Attached: dead-and-cute-484[1].jpg (484x344, 39K)

The outcome looks quite delicia tbf

Attached: 20131029_185817[1].jpg (1149x862, 147K)

Attached: grilling-gator.jpg (600x450, 65K)


Attached: 42e.jpg (600x842, 93K)

Genuinely delicia too

It's "чaйный гpиб". And it's a delecious drink.

Attached: fullsize.jpg (730x547, 49K)

looks like jenkem

There's a white wine squirel sauté recipe in the Canadian Cuisine Encyclopedia.