>destabilized the US financial system by killing central banking for 80 years, leading to recurring panics and depressions, including one his successor got blamed for
>started the idea that every time the White House changed parties, you should fire three quarters of the Federal government and replace them with your supporters regardless of whether they were thieves/illiterates/mentally ill
>felt it was ok to rule as a dictator and ignore the Constitution and the courts
>but still beloved by Jow Forumstards for some reason
>popularized (but didn't invent, that started with the 1800 election) the idea that populism and demagogery could win presidential elections instead of actually discussing issues
ITT: Your country's worst leaders
Is there any question at all?
>absolutely corrupted
>stole at least 80 billion USD from the government
>accused of raping women
>forced to resign from office due to mounting scandals
>practices polygamy
>married a 24 year old when he was 70
>had sex with an HIV-positive woman but said it was ok because he showered afterwards and refusing a woman sex if she asks for it is seen as rape in Zulu culture
He was one of the best leaders because he rightfully fucked over those savage subhuman Indians. I will never forgive those subhumans for killing my ancestors
imagine getting killed by someone who hasn't even developed animal husbandry ahahaha imagine getting killed by a now and arrow ahahahah you come from weak stock bro
Kys, my ancestors got raped by these savages, I have mongrel distant cousins who are the product of an indian raping one of my female ancestors.
Actually even Teddy left a more questionable legacy than Jow Forums thinks especially really ramping up the idea of pointless interventions in spic countries.
>go to someone's house
>steal his shit
>murder his family
>kick him out
>he tries to fight back
>oh my god what the fuck you fucking subhuman how could you do this to me i'll never forgive you
crackers truly are a blight upon this earth
So apparently they have this thing called a reed dance when someone gets married where like 100 topless girls prance around or something and you get to look at tons of chocolate titties.
>popularized (but didn't invent, that started with the 1800 election) the idea that populism and demagogery could win presidential elections instead of actually discussing issues
If you mean the Adams-Jefferson contest, it was mostly the Federalists who had a chimpout and called Jefferson a tyrant/Freemason who would burn churches, make the country into a French protectorate, and rule as a dictator, except of course they lost. Jackson was the first guy to actually win with this strategy.
Ending apartheid was a mistake...
t. lolbertarian YouTube history exbert
I was talking about when the Beringians murdered the Paleo-Siberian’s you gypsy idiot. Never forget.
You've always had boringly anonymous leaders anyway except for a brief time when...
Franklin Pierce was pretty fucking bad.
implying your female relative wasn’t just a whore
he's probably the worst too, but he has a lot of competition tho. specially in the 19th century
pitt the elder
If you go back to the Middle Ages there were some JUST kings like Edward II.
I don't need to explain why.
But why?
He was super out of touch with how real people lived and only concerned himself with military and diplomatic affairs and didn't know a thing about the price of bread. And finally he stayed in power too long by which point he was almost 80 and really needed to go, leading to the May 68 events.
>destabilized the US financial system by killing central banking
Oh wow look at this retard
The last three Valois kings were a total joke and that entire period was JUST.
Fuck off he's unironically in the top 10 leader of the XXth.
He excelled both in lawmaking and foreign affairs mainly, he's the reason managed to stay relevant in international diplomacy, if it weren't for him we'd be at the level of Italy at best.
His biggest mistakes was building a regime which expected a president to have both his virtue and his stature, which fews people have.
Retarded spoiled boomers who LARPed as the partisans their parents were not took him away from us.
>His biggest mistakes was building a regime which expected a president to have both his virtue and his stature, which fews people have.
Witness case: All presidents since then
you would know a thing or two about theft gypsy
Ok what diaspora is this.
lol delusionnal zoomer. But muh French atomic bomb and independence from NATO so I guess he is great. We lost in Indochine, Algeria, keep getting the world in trouble by pursuing a short term foreign policy, selling French weapons and nuclear tech to pretty much everyone who had the cash.
The effects of his rule and misdeeds basically set the stage for the following centuries
He actually thought France was still a viable superpower and not just a US dependency by that point. The Soviets just humored him.
Yeah I’m thinking he’s based
Take your meds schizo
Because sure we could have kept it with former colonial power letting their colony go left and right and international and domestic pressure on those matters.
It was gone, tho we could have done better in terms of post colonial relationship with Algeria, his decolonialist policy allowed France to keep an almost unrivaled influence in Africa.
Tho when you look at the states of Paris, you can see that in absence of a serious immigration policy it backfired a bit.
Ruined economy
Started wars
Shitty foreigner policy and diplomacy
Oppressive tyrant
Ooooops. Restoring alliance when ?
Quite literally a Russian puppet. Nuff said
>whites are the only group ever to conquer