I groped a woman on the skytrain before getting off. I had never felt a breast in my entire life and I saw this really fat chubby just standing there so before the doors opened I pushed and squeezed into her breast. It felt amazing. I then ran as fast and as far away as I could. Good thing it was at one of the more secluded skytrain stops so there weren't any transit police there to stop me. I was wearing sunglasses and a hoodie so there's no way anyone will ever know that I did it. I made sure to not touch any hand rails or anything else when I was running away. I've already driven out to the river and tossed the clothes that I was wearing into a garbage bag and thrown it down stream. I really fucking loved the feeling of the breast and I am hoping one day I can lose my virginity. I'm very nervous around women so I will probably remain a Virgin for some time now. The overall rush of running away was much more exciting than the touching of the tit. Whats the most exciting thing you guys have ever done biz?
I groped a woman on the skytrain before getting off...
Holy fucking shit why are you so autistic?
If dubs you will never lose your virginity.
Thanks for sharing your story OP, I feel like I just lost my virginity reading it
This is almost like the actions of a serial rapist. You're scaring me, OP
Based shitposter
Congratulations on losing the v card OP.
You earned it with your careful approach, there should be little no risk of pregnancy.
Sleep well tonight dreaming about those big milkers.
This. You do realise that you can touch boobs of willing women for less than the price of the clothes you threw away?
OP is probably larping though.
That's how I actually imagine LINKies to be
I remember when I was 16 and still a kissless virgin and how I'd dream of love and getting laid.
Just the occasional hugs and kisses on the cheek from pretty girls at school felt pretty goddamn intense. Like, the memory would keep me up at night. I was sad, but the loneliness was always accompanied by a lot of hope that things were going to be amazing when I finally did it.
I'm 23 now and have gotten laid a bunch of times. I'm disappointed, to be honest. I'm so very flawed. Girls are so very flawed. There's so much fine print in "love". Things are objectively better now than they were then, but I used to hope for so much, and now I can barely hope it doesn't get any worse.
I don't really know where I was going with this. You can tell me to kill myself now.
Rolling for virginity loss
I guess kissing my gf and squeezing her boobs. We haven't had sex yet because of some cultural problems but she loves me a lot
Why did you throw away the cloth
Guys, I really want to have sex. I'm a college senior and I just bought a house, but I feel like I'd make college girls too uncomfortable with my introversion. I don't have any college friends after 4 years. Advice?
>get cooler
>get tinder
Chances are when you are trying to become more interesting you will just meet someone by proximity of doing things and won't need tinder
Also, I don't use Tinder but meeting up with someone with some kind of dating/sexual expectation makes it a lot easier. You don't have to worry about much if you talk alot before hand.
When it's very crowded and she cant really move, reach over and tickle her.
This. When I lost my virginity, it was the most awful sex you could possibly imagine. Since then, it's been mediocre at best. I was so disillusioned with the whole thing once I finally got there. Now I don't really believe it's worth all the effort. I haven't bothered in 2-3 years.
Turns out I can make way more money without that in my life.
I do interesting shit all the time but I make sure to do it alone to reduce stress. I'm a skinny effeminate looking blonde and I feel like I can only get 15 year olds fuck
I am 25 and look young (people usually guess I am 18-20), 6'1" 155lb
If you are effeminate and thin then designer clothes are probably perfect for you
do something creative
date a younger girl (legal)
drink espresso
Works really well for me, not that I really forced any of it but I date a lot of 20 year olds that don't want to be with a bro or fatty. Have a 6ft model half asian that I am dating rn that is also very thin and follows fashion. If you do interesting stuff for your self submissive boring girls will just sit there for their whole life and listen to you ramble about shit that they don't care about
I dated a 17yo when I was 26. The sex is amazing but the lack of maturity of someone that young is not worth the effort desu. Her friends were obnoxious twats as well
based rapist
Vancouver fren? Which station did this magical touch happen?
I was always fantasizing about licking a woman's anus. I found a cute girlfriend with a pink anus that always tastes and smells great. I'm in heaven everyday.
You in Vancouver?
We should have a biz meetup
Reported you to the local VPD and RCMP, scanning your IP address as I type this OP. See you in prison. Thanks for telling the world you are in Vancouver Canada.
Get rekt op
"SkyTrain" nice location indicator OP you absolute brainlet