You should probably buy a little bit of Nano for suicide insurance at this point

You should probably buy a little bit of Nano for suicide insurance at this point.

Attached: Nano_Dildos.jpg (1234x1024, 177K)

They still don't realize it's the second coming.


1 nano a day

lol. it's going to domp.

More than likely, but I am making money in the mean time and keep moving my stop loss up up up up up up .
Stay poor faggot.

Attached: nano_pepe.jpg (1136x591, 157K)

行くぞ boys

Attached: 1535684437243.jpg (1404x790, 121K)

1000 EOY

how many nanners to make it guys?

You need about 120



No one is debunking or able to counter any of the issues highlighted in this thread .
The only responses are 'no life' and 'can debunk but can't be bothered'. Concerning.

Nano will be having problems. It will be going down further. Sell while you can.

Is 250 Nani enough frens ?

Attached: 1525471971540.png (702x486, 94K)

HOLY SHIT!! This freaked me out. I am selling. Had NO clue Nano had so much and so insane problems. What the hell. Nanofags are born liars, hiding all that shit.

756 TPS!! What the hell is that you MORON! And constant node problems,even this MONTH! Fuck this shitcoin! I am OUT. I am selling!

This was INSANE! I knew about roughly half of it, but seeing it presented in one place was fucking scary. WHAT A SHIT COIN!!

Wow, that's crazy. What a shitcoin. I will sell immediately and so should everyone.

Tranny nannies

Phew, just sold everything. Which coins to do you recommend buying instead? BCash? ETH?

>virgin spoonfeed vs chad dyor

It's ok


BTC is going to hang around $6900 until futures closes today. after that, there will be a big jump and NANO will jump harder. this is the last chance before liftoff. lots of good news coming next month for NANO. prepare for ATH before October.

lol people salty as fuck