Russian """"men"""" be like "hi my name is Sasha and these are my brothers Yuri and Andrea"
Russian """"men"""" be like "hi my name is Sasha and these are my brothers Yuri and Andrea"
Other urls found in this thread:
my mom wanted to name my sister Alexandra but our cousin that was born earlier was named that so she called her sasha
We’re not Russian
>Hello my name is Pider Buttsex
Do Americans really do this?
t. Sergey
>American """"men"""" be like "hi my name is Lardass and these are my brothers Fatass and Dogfucker"
Sasha is just short for Alexandre
Those are very masculine names Sasha
There is no real way to convey gender in English so they could be pretty feminine. Dogfucker is obviously a female name if you ask me
>American """"men"""" be like "Hi my name is Ashley and here are my friends Lindsay and Leslie"
American """"men"""" be like "hi my name is Hunter and these are my brothers Butcher and Fisher"