>have sex incel
Have sex incel
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I think a lot of problems of the world are caused by sexual frustration
therefore we need to kill incels who are beyond 24 years old
with u?
I want to even though I’m a virgin. My female roommate went on vacation last week and I desperately miss her. When she returns I want to tell her she’s beautiful
>with u?
>female roommate
>lives with a male
is this even legally possible
>typical georgian
I wanna get pegged by gigastacy
>leaves you on read
I laughed
Yeah lol
Is that illegal in worst korea
Actually I doubt that but a lot of share houses here are offered to only women. There's a retarded logic playing behind this because if we make male only share houses our women will scream discrimination but then they would chimp out at the sheer thought of having a male stranger as a roommate. What a fucked up country I live in lmao
Do you feel like this attitude leads to really low birth rates? I do notice that SK has extremely low rates of birth outside of wedlock
>feminism is on the rise
>birthrate declines to the rock bottom
Whew, who could have thought
>Fucked for some time a roomate i had. >Start getting attached to her and she starts to like me a lot
>have to leave the city for work
Miss her sometimes. She gave me a rabbit plushie of hers and when i miss her i sleep with it.
I think if you reach the age of 21 and are still a virgin you have your virginity taken away from you by the state. But though? A state funded gf? No, a state funded BLACKENING by an alpha BLACK BVLL if be given to you.
That's too long. Plenty of time for the incel mentality to take root. If you are over 20, male, and still a virgin you should be culled for the improvement and safety of the world
wtf I love the UK now
So gaysex with a black man? Am i reading this correctly
Same here actually.
Yes, crime deserves a punishment.
I wish I lived in Europe to pay for sex.
Yiiikes she better have charged multiple times her normal rate
Nah this is normal here, women prefer to have a male roommate since two women inside a house almost always can't fix shit
Why should I
She's holding his tits
quintessential mongrel post
He was gay though and was lying
Hello virgin
I agree with sexual frustration being the source of most problems in modern society.
I disagree to the mass killing of +24yo incels... uhh... er... because that's not humane!
Too expensive tBh. I'd feel like some ultra fucking loser to pay for it.
>since two women inside a house almost always can't fix shit
but they can ask the landlord for that
>tfw 22 year old virgin
should I keep trying to get laid or give up and become volcel?
22 is still kinda early, you have a few years ahead of you, if you really want to have sex don't give up.
Quads are a lie
post her panties
I would encourage you and all other incels to have sex at least once in your life, so that you can realize how boring and underwhelming sex really is and reach the true enlightenment of voluntary celibacy.
Based but unironically
>if it moves, it can be fucked
Virgin/incel detected
Can confirm
is that an invitation?
based I think late term abortion of already born people is awesome
but that dude ray is based as fuck
>delete snap chat b/c it's obviously not worth my time to beg from pussy from a slut so I bang a prostitute
well at least we can both revel in how fuckign cucked our cunts have becomed
based macho guy
I second applaud this.
Did he get charged 3 times the rate?
Women with muscles are fucking disgusting
wrong opinion
have sex
>theres war in Yemen because they're all virgins
>niggers are comitting 50% of crime because they're all virgins
>the world is becoming over populated because we're all virgins
>No, I will not give up my wizard powers
why have sex when i can give women on cam shows my hard earned cash at literally none of their expense to say my name?
Are people who exclusively have sex with hookers considered incels?
I think most normies consider being an incel to be a state of mind.
If you have sex with hookers of course you're still an incel
As a male you can regrow your virginity, after 2 years without sex you become a virgin again
To be an incel you have to be a virgin (according to the definition I gave earlier) but also have the state of mind of a virgin, if you're a genuinely happy virgin like a buddhist monk you can't be an incel
also this means having sex with hookers doesn't take away your virginity
itt: future single mothers and domestic abuse victims. I blame their fathers.
incels need our sympathy, they are human :(
Killing the should be considered mercy