Descendants of the Golden Horde and the Bulgars

Descendants of the Golden Horde and the Bulgars

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (1200x800, 1K)

and they are my bros

Why yes,what gave it away, descendant of Ottoman empire?

Not really, silly hoaxes, fraud, rusophobic lie, proofs?

thank you, greece
very cool!

>Descendants of the Golden Horde

>and the Bulgars
Only Chuvash people.

Attached: 0003-004-Golovnoj-ubor-chuvashskikh-devushek.jpg (194x300, 33K)

Yes I am descent of the most powerful empire that ever existed how do you know?

Yeah, so are the Russians

I am a descendant of Genghis Khan

I'm bulgar )))

Are you Chuvashonok?



Attached: chuvashonok.jpg (500x500, 50K)

I'm actually one part Chuvash and one part Volga Tatar, so who am I?

Attached: 1554376822661.jpg (550x545, 33K)




Average Russian

Chuvash people need recognition

Attached: 44a7509.png (640x499, 346K)

Chuvashs are not Turks

Attached: P6236224.jpg (800x600, 123K)

la abominacion qt