Is communism a valid ideology?

Is communism a valid ideology?

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WE manage to poison the well once TRUE communism is achieved, komrade

slaughter all bourgeois pigs

Of course

No but most of the writing of Karl Marx and other communist writers are still valid and should be used to help provide a better life to the proletariat and less alienating labour. It should be used as an influence rather that a step by step guideline

A humane society demands a communal economy.

>classless, leaderless "society"
Nope it will always lose to first tyrant that happens to stumble upon such dumb community.
Maybe if it twas enforced on whole planet at once it could work until alien invasion.

Ideologies are the cancer of the mind. They're almost as bad as religious faiths.

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>t. JPetersonlover98
Ideologies are a rhetorical trick to gain quick assensus and we'll never be rid of them, it's how leaders control society. All these "intellectuals" who try to guard us against them are just trying to make us scared of every ideology that isn't theirs.

Marxism is more a way to anlayse events.

No, but i'm a communist because i want to murder richoids.

Oh, you want to play that game.

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Socialism is making everybody equally poor, but the leading class.

>classless, leaderless "society"
That isn't what communism is. Read literally fucking anything on the subject by someone who isn't a complete retard or intellectual bankrupt right wing hack and you will learn a thing or two.

Roulé de rire par terre

No, but capitalism is worse

I don't communism as it was understood in the 20th century is still a viable alternative.
But still, it is clear to me that capitalism is becoming steadily unsustainable and to be honest the right wing critique of modern ills as "it is the jews" doesn't quite cut it for me.

The ultra rich deserves death.

Suite yourself then.

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And redistribute all money to yourself?

no but socialism is