Give me one (1) remotely compelling reason why socialism is good and will improve my life and the life of my children...

Give me one (1) remotely compelling reason why socialism is good and will improve my life and the life of my children in the long run.

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it's shit

it's inevitable. read.

It will tear society apart so thoroughly that you will become one with your inner savage nature and embrace it. You will learn to love that which you had suppressed.

this but it's a good thing.

Socialists are the reason why you work for 8 hours instead of 12 and why your kids get free education instead of dying in a coal mine.

it will literally reverse the past 100 years of economic progress so there will be lots of opportunities for you when capitalism comes back to start new businesses

The fact that all your success is based on luck ( genes and environment and being at the right place at the right moment) means that you and your kids dont deserve the good life more than me.

Me knowing that your success was just lucks leads to the conclusion that there is no justice and fairness in this world.

Me not believing in fairness and justice leads to thoughs about you can only get your own justice.

Me getting my own justice leads to raping and murdering your wife and kids in front of your eyes. But thats not all. I will take everything from you. I will take your arms, your legs, your eyesight, your ability to speak. And when you are left with nothing but agonizing pain, no more hope no more dreams, no friends and family just the isolation that comforts you, you are in the same place as me. And then you know why socialism would have been the better choice.

Be careful kiddo. There are many people like me, on the edge just waiting for that last push. And if you look at society it gets worse and worse. Better look twice before you leave your home kiddo

t. fucking brainlet
you work 8 hours instead of 1 because if your company forced you to work 12 hours they would have no employees left. They would just move to other companies. 8 hours is literally just the equilibrium between employees wanting to work, and companies needing labour.

>kids get free education instead of dying in a coal mine.
again, even in libertarianism, there are laws that prevent fucking child labour. You will also be able to afford the education because tax will be reduced to like 2%. Imagine if your income was increased by 8% because of tax cuts. Do you seriously think you couldnt afford to pay for your child's education and still have leftover??

Wow, this is a great general purpose pasta, the "be careful kiddo" is what really makes it. Saving this shit for later use

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Dude there are still countries where that happens. Gtfo with your libertarian fairy tales. Nobody over 15 should believe that crap.

your children wont have a chmace to get fat

It only happens in third world countries that are corrupt as shit.

I totally understand you user, but after you do that few time, you realize how much work it is and start looking for industrial solutions.

And that lead to hiring people and stuff and you end up with capitalism. ... ... Because you need the job done.

If you do it socialisticly, there is no reason to work.

user that post is bait

school shootings, murders, violence and he thinks this post is a bait kek
I hope one bullet finds its way to you

>>Be careful kiddo. There are many people like me, on the edge just waiting for that last push. And if you look at society it gets worse and worse. Better look twice before you leave your home kiddo
>Not bait

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Just because I integrate a meme doesnt mean I dont mean it seriously. If I could get away with it and get money I would literally enslave your little daughter.


Automation will kill the majority of jobs and leave only specialized fields that require brains, which is amusingly a minority of work. The most common types of work in the United States are retail and truck driving (google it), both easily replaced by automation in our lifetime.

There is no hard-coded law in the universe that for every job that’s replaced, another job will take its place due to technological change. It’s totally possible and I’d say likely that machines will be so efficient that the jobs to support said machines will still be a fraction of the jobs lost.

Some form of socialism MUST be implemented before this takes place, at the very least some kind of universal basic income, otherwise the United States will face mass unemployment and be completely ruined. You’d have rich coders and engineers living in gated communities and a third world country everywhere else.

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if socialism get outside of being a joke there is something called mouse pox that will fix it

He thinks 8hr days were just negotiated because market economics.
Look up history ... Battle of Blair mountain, and many others made the comfy work enviroment we enjoy today.

>Everything that is not socalism will to anarchic raping, pillaging and murdering

Get a load of this "socialist", KEK

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> success is based on luck
oh that old chestnut. The excuse every unsuccessful person uses to deflect the fault of their own unsuccessful life onto something or someone else.

There's only one reason you're not successful and it's you.


Idk who this guy is but his face is fucking hideous.

high IQ =sucess
low IQ = unsucesful

statisticly speaking

It's Mick Jagger numbnuts

Honestly it is not about socialism. It is about you cant have so much when I have to live in misery. I don't care what system, either I get a part of the cake or you have to suffer. Life isn't fair, this is extortion, you have no choice or you will die.

The moment I rape your wife and children in front of your eyes and take everything from you is the moment you realize how little control you have over your own life. Why couldn't you avoid this? Why have I taken everything away from you? It is your fault not mine. You were unsuccessful and don't come with excuses that I murdered and raped your wife and took everything away from you, those are just excuses you little whiny baby. Oh and yes that's a knife you feel in your abdomen.

but you know if imerpical evidence isnt true. then I guess your right.

Means you need to obtain (extraordinary) skills, which puts you above the plebs regarding your work-quality per hour. It is hard while obtaining those, but ppl just need to endure :)

your fucking retarded if you think you will be able to take on the mega rich in an ancap society. they will hire mercenaries that will literally fucking crush you if you touched their daughter.

Anyway, why are socialist cucks so dumb. They assume that everything that isnt socialism or communism is ancap. Its not. Libertarianism is literally the best economic system however. The only reason we dont live in one today is because that keynes cunt's theories were adopted by the US during the great depression to try and bailout the country and have been in place ever since.

You have the iq and the work ethic to obtain these skills.

I dont have these skills. My skills are antisocial tendencies because of a bad life and bad luck.

You want a free market you get a free market. You use your skills and I use my skills. I take responsibility and do what I have to do to survive. I have nothing to lose you have. So you better make sure I survive or I will come for you. And because your life made you weak you cant handle me ambushing you and stabbing you in your neck. So think about it

because society can afford it easily instead of pushin capitalism prices forever upwards so that stocks can rise to givea lready rich people more imaginary money for higher prices in the market for no fucking reason

>So you better make sure I survive or I will come for you. And because your life made you weak you cant handle me ambushing you and stabbing you in your neck.
jesus fuck. your delusional. again. if you went after a rich person in a society where things like you said are allowed, you can be sure as shit he has hired security and body guards. those are the people you will be competing with. do you really think you have the "skills" to match and get past 6 armed ex-marines?

your pretty naive. you know very little you dont read into statistics. and you know very little about what makes someone succesfull.

YOUR BAIT a bad bait at best.

the less you know the more bullshit you think you understand.

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The case isn't that all high IQ people become successful, they're more likely to. It isn't impossible to be successful if you're not as smart.
So point still stands, the only reason is (You).

Hahaha. If you think this highly successful guy who grew up in a shit neighborhood would ever let you do that, you gotta another thing coming. Successful guys usually always train hard, so keep that in mind. I'd fucking floor you in one hit.

He thinks the 0,001 rich people can have such a big army that it protect him from the hordes that I have manipulated.

When the gap between rich and poor gets bigger and bigger and over 60 % live a life not worthy living, you dont know how easy I have it to get together 100 people that only want to murder and take your shit.

State owned industry and majority of corporations therefore state is self sustainable
Lower taxes
50% rebate on house cost if you build yourself
Free education

It was super comfy

Uhh the successful guy trains hard kek
I have nothing to lose, I dont fear death.
Do you think this will be a fair fight?
I ambush you from behind when you visit your grandmothers grave. I slice your achilles tendons, push you on your gms grave and stab you 100 times and let you bleed out all over her grave.

Since I grew up in a shit hole, I also have a lot of friends who it's in their best interest to keep me alive as I pay their wage for security.
You may be able to sucker stab me, but it'd also be a suicide mission as you and a whole of your family would be dead a week later.

what an abselut retard.

you are dumb best intrest i pay there shit
lmao small time swagster lmao

>I dont have these skills. My skills are antisocial tendencies because of a bad life and bad luck. You want a free market you get a free market

What a whiny, little bitch you are. Thats what I mean with endurance. I'm living in a crime ridden shithole, while I need to drive around 45 km per day on my bike to get to my shitty call center job so I get some money to invest and have smthing to eat. Meanwhile, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I need to drive 55 km to an academy (which I need to pay a big part of my wage) to become an advertisor...even though I'm a pretty unsocial and grim kind of guy. But I got told almost everywhere I went in the past that my voice is pretty remarkable and it could fit into radio stations, advertisements and so on. So I've forced myself to eradicate, bit by bit, my weakness that I've just told you to become a better human being, which will also be rewarded on my future paychecks, if I endure my forced betterment of myself. If you're really that strong and dumb then go lift some fucking weights and become super strong so you can do extraordinary stuff regarding human work. Get yourself buffed up MORE then usual and you're good senpai. Also I would slice you if I'd see ya, so take care user :^)

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I told him I have nothing to lose and he thinks he can scare me with killing my family kek
I told him that my life is not worth living and he wants to scare me with me dying.

I have just one aim. It is making your life miserable, taking everything from you. I want you to be in the same place I am and I dont care if I die on my mission.

kiddo this world is a dark place. you dont know what life has to offer for you my fren

Get a load of this retard
In socialism, You would be hanged and you entire family stigmatised.
Politbyro would assure your family up to grandchildren at least would be hard labour wagecucks for minim wage.

>Hehe, here hold this ad hominem, while I don't adress the issue itself

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Honestly good for you. I just need to vent a bit here but there are definitely people that think the way I have written.

dont have the mental capacity to do it mate. go on find some litrature on the subject you will quickly accept the reality or you will throw it all away and say it can not be

>a life not worthy living
your fucking pathetic. you have clean water, access to food, shelter, even enough money to be shitposting on the internet from an electronic device. there are people that live in places where cannibalism is literally still a problem.

>get together 100 people that only want to murder and take your shit.
Yeh okay faggot. except its not just one rich person. Rich people will live in a neighbourhood of other rich people. Were there will be funded security and/or mercenaries. Even if, by some miracle you do manage to kill your boss this will be your scenario;

>Kill your boss
>His company collapses
>You no longer have a job
>You cannot work anywhere else because your name is now on a database standard that employers all use and says you have fucking murdered someone
>Now your life really "isnt worth living"
>Your on the street
>No longer have access to clean water
>No longer have access to shelter or consistent food
>And there is now a bounty on your head set by all of the other rich people to get rid of parasites like you

soo you think Goldman Sachs isnt Cancer incarnated.????

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You had two chances (2 posts) to attack atleast a little bit of my original post. You didn't. The only one who have contributed to this topic is me between you and me. How about you "enlighten" us with your "wisdom", you posing faggot.

you dont think power corrupts. the only few times it doesnt. is when the person given it. Is activly getting pushed into the roll he soo desperatly doesnt want.

people lust for power, the more they get the more corrupt and evil they become until they resemble nothing but the great white shark swimming in a wast empty pound looking for things to feast on

how ironic coming from a "socialist" which is literally built on the premise of giving all of the power to a handful of individuals at the head of the state to decide the economic and societal structure of your country. kys. probably just some 14yo edgelord.

am no socialist if you want it the natural way we would kill anyone who where disabled kill anyone who didnt produce till ther bones grinded to dust.

we would have the very top being literal gods.
decideing who lives and dies.

soo the day you get a kid, and your kid ends up in an accident. soo you need to take care of him(here the rest of your life ask yourself if your willing to kill your own child and every child that can not become extremly productive
there is the amount of people (square rooot) = whom produces 50% of alll products.

still didnt fucking answer my question

IS Goldman Sachs A CANCER to society or NOT?

I'm sure you won't have that attitude when you're being waterboarded after being slashed and your fingers toes cut off mate.

>even in libertarianism, there are laws that prevent fucking child labour
Well, that's just not fucking true... you can't just restrict a human's right to choice and freedom to engage in the market just because you don't think they're "rational" enough actors. That's fucking statist bullshit, and no real libertarian will support your moralism.

Not him but fuck off, you're nuts, it's obvious to anyone you're a mentally unstable parasite to society and to yourself.

Have a bit of dignity for once and shut the fuck up with your retarded questions or even better, off yourself ASAP.

your thinking of ancap. libertarianism still has laws. just the bare minimum. the only laws that are passed are those that are deemed a necessity for society to survive and that 99%+ of participants agree on. im pretty sure anti-child labour laws are something that is deemed a necessity...

well no, the reason why people in the past had many children is becasue they were able to profit from it, it is in the bible too

currently children are massive liability so there are very few

Ah yes, I forgot the thousand-year history of workers wanting to work less and employers letting them do so. I'm sure they just wanted to be slaves/indentured servants/wageslaves/etc.

>anti child labour laws.

no way statist. you wont be able to eliminate competition by claiming "hurr durr you are too young". if a child gets your job, you either analyze your mistake and outcompete that child, or you accept defeat.

You're nothing you pathetic worm. You'd get squashed like the insect you are if you so much as tried to raise your voice against someone "weak". Get a shrink faggot.

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yeh okay lets just go back to the days of the industrial revolution where kids are forced to work 100 hour weeks and the average lifespan in Manchester was fucking 17 years old. Child labour is literally in the same category as slavery. Retarded ancap.

In socialism my daughter passes for rapeable? No way she's not even a little hot. She has no tits pudgy little arms no sex appeal whatsoever. We need a free market solution where a Little Lupe can be rich and mini whales like my daughter stay in private preschool. Some of the dykey teachers there were hot sort of I guess

if the kid doesnt like his work, he schould just quit.

I am in fact mentaly unstable mate.

Goldman sachs group is still cancer to society.

No, you're not. You're just sub-80 IQ.
>thinking you can form a rational opinion of the world
Dog you're literally fucking retarded

ok am still in mental hospuital jokes on you

>you work 8 hours instead of 1 because if your company forced you to work 12 hours they would have no employees left. They would just move to other companies. 8 hours is literally just the equilibrium between employees wanting to work, and companies needing labour.
imagine actually believing this

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>he should just quit.
except it doesnt work like that for children you brainlet. children are more subject to emotional and phycological manipulation by the boss who hires them. imagine being told by your parents you have to work for someone for 100 hours a week as a 7 year old. your job is to clean a restaurant and get in the places where adults cant easily get to. like cleaning behind the toilets and underneath the seats and tables.

you cant "just quit" because your abusive mother forces you to work. except, in your magical ancap world, its not "forcing" or "abuse" because there are no laws against child labour and the child can "just choose to leave" whenever he wants.

if your company increased your work hours per day to 12 instead of 8, with the same pay per hour, would you leave or quit? honest question.