Why does the hijab cause offence to you because they just do this so that they can go to their paradise when they die?

why does the hijab cause offence to you because they just do this so that they can go to their paradise when they die?

funny their men don't need to do it though...

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hijab doesn't cause any offense to me

it's THEM who get offended when they see women wearing no hijab

Both look equally retarded to me

>Sorry, user. But I just can't date someone who doesn't respect my beliefs

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This is quite true.

Should have taken off the flip floppies

imagine being butthurt over hijabs lol

both are retarded. but you rarely see the left around here, and if you do they are the nicest person you have ever met, but i see the right almost daily. and they are always extremely obese somali """women""" with 7 kids following in line in front of me at the grocery store trying to bargain the price of a fucking bread when all i want is to pay for my fucking 6pack and leave.

This would make sense if a hijab, chador, al-amira etc. were used by a religious group analogous to nuns and not every day wear for muslim women

wtf are you trying to say dumbass, catholic nuns are the nicest people you've ever met?

nuns at catholic schools are out and out nasty old bitches so I've been told.

they are just people.