I'm currently learning php cuz web development is the easiest field to get in to. But competing with pajeets from 3rd world is not the best thing to do. Probably need some narrow skills, specific field, limited competition, etc. Any ideas?
i was planning the same user about web dev programming, but when I saw pajeets asking 2 USD dollars per hour I got pretty discouraged. Hope to see good answers.
Jackson Kelly
Get a CS degree nigger or you'll never be better than the stinky pajeets you compete against
Ethan Watson
Cyber Security. Pays very well, nowhere near enough people.
Get in any IT role, speak to your Security Manager or CISO about moving into it. Work out a plan. Easy.
Samuel Morgan
Real talk, I'm a software engineer. Get into Dev ops. Learn continuous integration, version control and how to set up servers and shit. These guys are invaluable, most of them dont have college degrees and they get paid almost as much as engineers.
You are basically the plumber of software, but everyone needs a plumber.
Colton Taylor
>learning php good luck destroying your life by primarily learning a language that is on the verge of extinction in near future, neither is php a language which would teach you good programming paradigms that you could use in other languages/models. There's a reason Machine Learning and AI is called the electricity of 2018, being a new field it is transforming the world. If you have the brains, resolve, and motivation, go for it. 3rd world pajeets are already learning it in the massees.
Jordan Ross
I was trying python and data science but struggle a lot. Anything not to hart that pays allright ? Not that i don't need 6figures but realistically i'm somewhat brainlet, 30-40k a year is fine for me.
Robert Torres
php is certainly not what you want within development, I believe nodejs for the backend or if you have creative skills, frontend on platforms like react, angular would be great.
Eli Evans
How difficult is this work? What's the day to day like?
Bentley Thompson
>trying python >struggle a lot Brainlet detected. Don't even bother trying shit like C++ or low level stuffs
Kevin Watson
Can confirm, friend is an electronic eng, switched to DevOps and had only one high level coding module during his whole course. Earns more than he did in EE and only had to learn networking and tcp/ip when he started the job.
Bentley Gonzalez
good luck trying to code convolutional neural networks from scratch with all the calculus on python, forget C++
Jacob Mitchell
>most of them dont have college degrees and they get paid almost as much as engineers.
Could you advise how to maneuver into this career? I'm tech savvy, but lack direction. I've been stuck in shit-tier low salary jobs that I am too overqualified for, it's getting depressing.
Do I need to go on a course or something? I know that if I had the oppurtunity to prove myself I could do a tech job like this.
Eli Collins
Adam Brown
If you need direction start reading about devops, there are a lot of books, most can be torrented. Google is your friend
Ayden Sanchez
on a side note, is solidity more complicated than python?
Just read that it's not really an entry position, they won't even consider a newbie, would you say thats true?
I just need to get out this hellhole call center job, if I don't get into a decent professional job by 30 I may have to kms. What scares me is spending 6 months studying, since time is so limited, and being rejected from lack of experience/degree. They may take one look at my CV and laugh at me.
Jason Cooper
if you struggle with python then programming probably isnt for you user. python was originally designed for children btw.
Jonathan Ward
yes. if you want to /into/ programming, learn javascript and then after that, c++. then you will be able to learn any programming language bar, functional based ones.
Isaiah Baker
What projects would be in a good front end developers portfolio?
I'm learning python, then JavaScript and C++ but are there any additional languages or certificates that would give me an edge?
Kevin Roberts
Depends on the role and the environment. There’s lots of options. Management, business advisory, pen testing, etc. It can be very rewarding and varied. For example as a Security Manager I’ll go from discussing cloud design patterns with one of the architects to briefing a board on cyber risk profile.
>learning php since the current year -5 nigger no one uses it anymore, everyone and there mom is using the fuckfest that is javascript learn react if you want to do webdev, its the popular thing right now
nobody uses COBOL anymore but if you know it you can make a good living.
It's like opening up an antique store.
Mason Davis
php does not have the same requirement of maintenance as cobol implementations do the entire financial infrastructure is built on cobol, only part of the web is php and most of it is front-end
Austin Anderson
findom scammer. i see a lot of fake roasties online
Thomas Richardson
You have to have really, really good troubleshooting skills and that is something that only comes from experience. A lot of the guys in DevOps at my company can pull a solution out of their ass and it's really nothing you can prepare for. Don't know how to describe it, you just need to work your way towards it.
William Cruz
GitHub is your friend, contribute to open source projects and programs, having actual experience is infinitely better than a degree.
Caleb Gonzalez
Are there other roadmaps for people that do not want to go into programming?