Sweden, please reign in your goblina, she's driving our people insane

Sweden, please reign in your goblina, she's driving our people insane

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Based Greta will start the 4th reich and wage war on all polluting countries, and just like the USSR, the US will push Greta's reich back till we reach whatever home town she's from

whatchu talm bout nigga that bitch is from da uk

what's happening in 18 months

I want to eat a huge steak in front of her only finish half of it, then throw the rest of it away.

*exits a room and leaves the lights on*

Greta's eco-hall putsch

*brushes teeth with the water running*

*puts computer on sleep instead of turning it off completely*

*drives for 2 minutes instead of cycling for 10*

she's right, we should probably only eat 2 or 3 servings of meat a weak supplemented by grains/lentils/beans, but there's also no way to mobilize people to act responsibly so fuck it, man

*eats a microwave cheeseburger*

I will visit your house and then I will proceed to shoot you with a gun at your legs to immobilize you. Then I will proceed to cull you in the same way m*at eaters slaughtered billions. You will squirm for mercy but in the same fashion as how all murderers of innocent animals did, I will pretend to be sad and emotional moved will not changing my act of brutally castrating you after I kill you using my butter knief. I will stab a small but a sharp stick in your filthy penis then proceed to slowly push it. Than red and white and brown liquids will come out then you will let out a small scream. But sadly, you won't survive as you are already bleeding from your penis with a needle sticked inside it. Then I will proceed to slowly cut open your belly using my butter knife around your intestines. Then I will pull out the dirty organs like intestines by pulling them out after you finially die. Same thing will and must happen to all meateaters

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A commando of the Gretajugend has been dispatched is on its way you ecotraitor.

did not read lol. i will shoot you first cause i actually have a gun

*orders something useless online from far away*

All meateaters will meet ruthless vengence for what they have been doing. They will be physically castrated then put into cages where animals used to live. Then we will forcefully fill your intestines with eggs while you are fed crap food. We will artificially slit your throat and your belly when you become plump in a 1mx1m sized pen without any light. The productivity of humans will increase day by day as we modify your body using surgery to deform you into a more meaty figure.

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>I want to eat a huge steak in front of her only finish half of it, then throw the rest of it away.

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sTOP acting as if you are being a reddit teenager fucking faggot meateateryour kind will meet retribution for your own crime and sins

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*doesn't recycle*

wow that was hilarious and quirky. Dont worry you will be the world's first human livestock for me to breed you by smashing 10 inch steel needle into your bum with a stone hammer.

What will her grand strategy be? Will she attack Poland again? Or will Greta just go after France and England to get their nukes? Will her engineers be able to create electric super-heavy tanks? Will she get obsessed with supernatural mother nature shit like Himmler got obsessed with the occult?

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I will decapitate your penis as you sleep peacefully with your mouth drenched with animal blood


She's got all the chads and the smart kids on her side. Losers are fucked - outmuscled and outbrained.

*spends a fun and fuel burning afternoon go-karting with friends*

Ecofascism when


Greta commits the first ever act of nuclear terrorism in hopes of starting a global nuclear war and halting the climate change.

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Nothing could excuse the human race in the same way how a rapist suddenly becomes innocent by stopping the act of rape itself. It is also absurd that someone would continue eating meat when people were perfectly compatible with only eating vegetables before modernity. It's beyond ape labels but more of an act of simple justice. The symbol that the world has a ounce of justice.

>will Greta just go after France
She's been here for a few days and was offered a medal, large donations and she made a speech in front of our Assemblée Nationale, converting half the members.

>Will her engineers be able to create electric super-heavy tanks?
the smart ones are on her side.

Dont worry whatever you do the future is inevtiable you filthy nigger. I will personally drive to your jewish house then proceed to shoot you 2 times while you are sleeping like a cute baby that you murdererd. Then I will continue to decpaitate your penis like how your chickens are made out of dog penises. After that I will bring you to my basement where I will cut off your limbs. I will eat you if you survive castration adn I will make you the first honorary human cattle in history.

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Greta won't be able to pull off Blitzkriegs because those would use a lot of polluting diesel, so she will probably instead rely on her greatest scientists to create space-based weaponry to destroy China and India with. probably something that can launch vegan tungsten rods with extreme velocity

Nuclear winter might be the solution...

The criminal must receive punishment for what he had done. Merely ending his lineage painlessly isn't enough as that wouldn't be enough to pay for man's sins.

Ruthless Vengeance must be done against man to pay even for a fraction of what they had done as a species

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You already eat dog so this doesn't sound too far off actually.

*choses a vintage low effiency car over a green electric*

America is her first target as the worst offender.
Her first plan is to sue city after city over allowing the the use of non-electric cars outside of emergency.

Truly a hilarious word coming from a man of race who genocides and rapes billions of animals. Don't worry when the time comes no meateaters will be left from the retribution regardless of background

Faggot nigger meateater's bodies will be modified to an extent that it can't be called a human anymore. We will first castrate you using needles to smash into your penis hole. Then we will proceed to do something more radical including decapitating all of your limbs using scissors. These procedures will be done in a massive facility through trained vegans as a revenge. You might scream and tremble but you won't be able to do anything. You can't die even if you wanted to as your hands will be chopped off using industrial machines.

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After we do the righteous act of justice to the meateaters we will put them onto eons of servitude for thousands of years enough for their devilish sins to go away. Their devil sins of killing and torturing innocent animals shall be avenged for thousand s of years along with once 'GREAT" man's sons and daughters taking their parent livestock's position as karma to what homo sapiens had done. There will be no end to finial act of retribution against humanity as how humans would never had left free of their livestock from pain humans themselves had caused.

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*snacks on cured meat out of boredom and gluttony*

"""Green""" electrics with batteries full of rare metals and electricity made from coal in eco-sensitive countries like Germany.

On another note, if only France had an actual cycling infrastructure and cagers with an IQ above two digits...

Correct. The only solution to the ecological collapse and industrial collapse is extermination of industrial civilization.

veganism makes you mentally ill due to malnutrition
just look at the korean in this thread

*picks a lithium battery powered electric bicycle instead of a regular sweat and muscle powered bicycle*

I don't go vegan because I'm a Gymcel, so I kill this planet by pure superficiality

>What I voted for? The Greens of course. No, not those greens, the plutonium greens! By the reactor we create clean energy, by the missile we clean the earth from polluters!

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Mentally ill corean. Go talk about your power fantasies elsewhere.


And she's a retard

Based and atompilled

She triggers wh*Te Europoors all too easily

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only women are into veganism because their pathological levels of altruism towards literal animals

"oooohhh noo they eat the cow mankind must pay for this sin" -a big gay idiot

Shut the fuck up Europoor I piss on yo face

>eating meat causes global warming
This is the most stupid retard nigger shit I've read in a long time. All carbon emitted by cattle is from carbon they consume in their life. Literally emitting carbon from grass in methane form which then becomes carbon again. Meat is carbon neutral.

based atomwaffe-err, wrong group

For every animal that was decapitated
For every animal that was castrated
For every animal that was murdered
For every animal who had to watch their sons and daughters decapitated and turned into livestock
For every animal that was put into industrial machinary
For every animal that was deformed beyond recognition
For every animal that was tortured by man
A man will and must serve the same fate as they had done to animals
All men will lose their forms
All men would lose their limbs
All men would lose their penises
All men would no longer be men
Same to what kind of yoke men had forced onto animals for the eons
The same shall be done to man himself as a finial act of justice and retribution

Seething at reality?
Have you ever seen humans put into 2mx2m area in an industrial scale openly with billions living like that way? Have you seen humans getting systemically castrated? Have you seen humans being decapitated from birth in the same way billions of chickens were? Have you seen majority of humans subsisting on worst of food? Have you seen human children being torn apart with a machine while billions ignore it?

Just ignore her. I eat a 1.2 kg steak 3 times per week and other meat based meals for the rest of the week.

not all cattle is grass fed or grown where people eat it

Perfect description of yourself. Congratulations.

Do you have 2 digit IQ? Carbon from grass doesn't cause global warming. At your logic burning fossil fuels are carbon neutral.

I can see your womanishness irrationality and emotional reaction showing through the monitor

Unless they're munching fossil fuels they're not contributing much to global warming. If anything, meat heavy diets are good for the environment as they kill people young.

It's *rein in
You can't even speak your own language

>Have you ever seen humans put into 2mx2m area in an industrial scale openly with billions living like that way? Have you seen humans getting systemically castrated? Have you seen humans being decapitated from birth in the same way billions of chickens were? Have you seen majority of humans subsisting on worst of food? Have you seen human children being torn apart with a machine while billions ignore it?
No, because that’s against human rights

Fossil fuels are carbon neutral only in a multi-million year time frame. Meat is within 2-3 decades as methane converts to CO2

If you ate meat you have blood of an animal on your hands and you will pay for every drop of the innocent animals. As we murder rapists and murderers, there will be no mercy when the day comes and man finally receives justice.

>you have blood of an animal on your hands
Wrong, I have it in my mouth and tummy because it’s delicious

>Methane converts to CO2

Not in the timeframe of humans

Psychopathy of the meateaters shown. There truly should be no mercy for them. Remember that when you see a man getting raped or murdered on the news, he was probably a meateater who caused murder and suffering.

Greta isn't vegetarian you retard.

wow that was hilarious and quirky. Dont worry you will be the world's first human livestock for me to breed you by smashing 10 inch steel needle into your bum with a stone hammer.

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>Remember that when you see a man getting raped or murdered on the news, he was probably a meateater who caused murder and suffering.
Eating meat is inconsequential to getting murdered

Doesn't SK have universal healthcare?
Go get that schizophrenia treated.

I won’t be alive by that time because of all the meat I’ve eaten and will keep eating

>Climate disaster? Can't wait, I could use a challenge.

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According to that logic killing criminals are also inconsequental for criminals killing people

Mental illness is a lie. In a world of insane people the sane person is the abnormal one.

As someone who drives a forklift, I want this shirt.

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The finial solution will face you regardless

>Not in the timeframe of humans
It lasts about a decade or two

>the most selfish entitled bitch ever calling anyone selfish

all of nature is evil and all of life is energy being harvested from other sources
you are merely a dysfunctional animal with a hypertrophied social algorithm protected by the efforts of the stronger animals of your own species, and as thanks you have nothing but disdain for them

ingratitude is a sign of someone with nothing to give back

>The lifespan of methane in the atmosphere was estimated at 9.6 years as of 2001; however, increasing emissions of methane over time reduce the concentration of the hydroxyl radical in the atmosphere.

>blah blah blah

Nice justifications for the greatest monstrosity in history. Have you ever seen an animal in the wild systemically put other animal into 2mx2m area in an industrial scale openly with billions living like that way? Have you seen other animals letting other animals get systemically castrated? Have you seen animals decapiating other animals from birth in the same way billions of chickens were? Have you seen animals systemically putting billions of animal childrens into grinders?

Yeah not long so it's a meme

She can kill herself and everyone like her. That would decrease the CO2 output and relax strains on resources.

no, animals are too stupid to do any of that in an organized way, but I've seen seagulls eat a baby penguin alive asshole first

How about people not use straws because we arent children?

She didnt actually read past the title. CO2 production should peak in 18 months not dissappear.

BBC News - Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months

As someone who works in resiliency these morons irritate me. They think reducing c02 emissions will magically stop the weather and the ice caps will go back to normal. We have to also prepare for these massive storms, draughts and fires to be the new norm.
They also fail to realize that say where I live electric cars work because our power is mainly hydro and nuclear with some natural gas peaking, so most of the energy isn't from CO2. Meanwhile Germany and foreign Warsaw pact countries use a lot of coal for electric production so they just change diesel/gas to coal. Everyone is also ignoring the fact China is building coal burning power plants all throughout Africa a continent with a booming population.

You could just tell the third world to stop having so many kids and flooding the west were they expect the western standard of living making it look like Western CO2 output is increasing despite having a naturally shrinking population.

Doesnt the other side want her to fuck off though. Also, medals are a joke.

Why are you calling her globlina? are you retarded?

Give me tasty insects then. But only if they are 1/3 the price of meat. No jewing.

insects cannot have their blood drained and so as Christians we are not allowed to eat them

Fucking North Americans.

Veganism is based and morally consistent, cope.

what's the 18 months thing? quick rundown please

there isn't really anything that individuals can do to affect global warming
Even if you got rid of your car and walked everywhere, a single cross Atlantic flight will create more damage than you prevented.
Do people really think the world is coming to an end because you let the water run when you brush your teeth, or because you don't use a reusable grocery bag? Get over yourself

Can somebody explain me this whole "meat-eating causes global warming thing?

>tfw buying shampoo online that takes a week to get to my house when there's a grocery store 10 minutes away so I don't have to talk to interact with normies at the grocery store

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>green house gases work additively not accumulatively

The Animal Bio-mass that is needed for the consumption of meat has a bigger impact than oil, cow farts are literally bad, the crops used to feed them, transportation etc are wasteful. Unironically, Hunterfags and vegetarians (not vegans) are right about this issue. It's not hippie non-sense, the problem has been identified, the issue is the solution isn't "just don't eat meat". Cow farts are part of global warming, but the bigger issue in my opinion is how much water do you need per kilo of meat.