I want to hitch hike across europe

I want to hitch hike across europe

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bring anal lube

Do it then.

I have never been outside iceland and I rn i am having a big life crisis all I do is work

Mate I have never even been on an international flight
What do I ecwn need to get on one?

Don't know, never been on one either.
I'm guessing just a passport to get into Europe, you do have visa on arrival with European countries don't ya?

Bump, serious

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Come to italy fren

Sammála. En ég er á enga penninga þannig
ég er fastur hérna að eilífu

You want to be kidnapped and murdered by Muslims?
Be my guest Sven, be my guest.
It's not the 70's, Europe is not safe anymore.

Er með nokktar kúlur hvernig ferðast èg

Is Iceland in Schengen? If yes, then you don't need a visa for the vast majority of European countries, in that case you'd just need to book a flight and hop onto the flight.
If it's not, you should look up Visa for the country you want to land in, as soon as you're inside the Schengen area you won't need to show any identification anymore as border controls are more than rare

Kaupta bara flug með Icelandair til meginlandsins.
Örruglega ódýrast til Köben eða Amsterdam og finndu lestamiða milli borga. Kostar svona 8000kr milli major borga í evrópu. Eða hitch hikea en það er svoltið risky

All chinese to me mate

Er í svo mikilri krepu að ég er að pæla að beila á lifið her

Veit ekki alveg hversu vel þú myndir hafa það
almennt þarna á meginlandinu en það er alveg
gaman að hella vel í sig þarna og missa sig smá í nokkrar vikur

úps wrong (you)

Hef núll shyggjur af fyllerí

Þarg éb vegarvref tho? Hverbig fæ èg þannig?

Ef þú vilt legit bara lifa annarstaðar en á Íslandi
myndi ég bara fara til Danmerkur. Án alls memes þá er það besti áfangastaðurinn því fólk þar almennt þekkir Íslendinga og líta á okkur alveg eins og Dana þótt við séum það ekki.

>he's never been off his tiny shithole island

Attached: b.jpg (226x223, 11K)

Ignoring rhis post

It's really hard unless you have a girl with you. No one wants to pick up a dirty homeless looking guy (and yes you will look like that after 2 weeks), shocking I know.

fuck off commie

this no one wants to rape and murder a guy

Hitchhiking is pretty common here for all sorts.


He isnt a jew, he should be fine.

Kann ekki orð í dönsku

Have you seen the show Thumbs Up on youtube? It is pretty good, some dude and his friend hitch hike across america, then from mexico to alaska, and then they do a hitch hike across china. honestly my favorite youtube series because the adventure is comfy

If you're cute, plz hitchhike to Munich

just turn up 3 hours before and go the counter the flight company, based drunk icelad