Fucking disgusting place Warsaw, Poland. Will never go back

Fucking disgusting place Warsaw, Poland. Will never go back.

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Nobody cares about your blog

What about when you're drafted?

> A ruski swine doesn't want to go to Warsaw

Am I supposed to be offended by this, Vasili?

Come to Cinisello

I really liked Warsaw, friendly people.

Unironically I agree, Warsaw is shit, Kraków on another hand is pretty fucking nice
t. Wrocław

Good, stay the fuck out kaccapie, we dont want your kind here

When he gets drafted he'll get sent to Syria where ISIS will give him a free haircut.

Based Russbro, Polish clay belongs to the German BVLL

>all whites
>no arabs/blacks


cringe, warsaw is pretty kino as far as tourism destinations go

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Appologize and pay reps to koreans, tojo.

They should pay reps to us instead because we were forced to rape such ugly creatures

Warsaw is unironically my favourite Polish city; nice modern architecture and museums, lots of greenery, people are chill all around, not tourist-infested. "Ugly Warsaw" is a meme.

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looks like a fairy tale

fucking destroyed

I went there once and it was full of (may Allah forgive me for even uttering this vile word) Poolacks. Overall awful experience, never again.

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Eh I've been there twice and really didn't like it that much either of those times, then again it was some time ago so maybe I should give it another go

lose weight

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Warsaw is unironically the best Polish city. Everything else seems to be like small town with almost no culture at all.

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good, nobody wants ru*sians here

I fully agree
The place you posted is not even an actual old town, it was rebuilt after ww2 so it's fake

how many cities have you stayed in?

>people are chill all around
You better be joking

I have visited most of major Polish cities except eastern ones like Lublin or Białystok.

>Stare Miasto
Warszawa nie ma Starego Miasta tylko starówkę

stare miasto a starówka to jedno i to samo

>Warszawa nie ma Starego Miasta tylko starówkę


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>Warszawa nie ma Starego Miasta tylko starówkę

user debil?

>Warszawa nie ma Starego Miasta tylko starówkę
Debil no kurwa, debil

warszawiacy w jednym poście

raczej wieśniactwo

>Stare Mialsto
>built after World War II


>stare miasto a starówka to jedno i to samo
Wg konserwatorów budynków właśnie wcale nie jest. Starówka = odbudowana po wojnie, Stare Miasto = zachowane sprzed wojny.
>t. nie znam się, ale zapostuję xd i śmieszną żabę

It's not authentic if it was rebuilt from scratch.

no debil, starówka to potoczne określenie z gwary warszawskiej i nie znaczy nic innego jak stare miasto.

Starówka to synonim starego miasta

>Starówka = odbudowana po wojnie
było używane długo przed wojną debilu i nie tylko w warszawie
to synonimy

yeah Warsaw is pretty boring

Lmao, so many polshits triggered

Could you elaborate? I've never been to Poland.

>he was dumb enough to go to Warsaw in the first place

Dude, save some money and fuck all the cheap polish girls. They're literally not far away.

literally 4 guys

It's nice. Too many tourists maybe

Its really small actually

Almost 2 million in the city and 3 million in the metro.
Don't think that's small anywhere in Europe.

>fuck all the cheap polish girls
Poles are subhumans

I've been there as well, my worst trip
disgusting and boring place

2-3 million is small, especially for poland with its 40 million people.

So fuck off and come back to your shithole. No one want R*ssoids in this country.

You only really have London, Paris and a handful others that are much bigger


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>and a handful others
London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid. Rome, Bucharest, Hamburg. That's it.
Also Istanbul, Moscow and St. Petersburg in case someone wants to count them in .
So it's either 6 or 9 cities which are bigger.

this says more about Europe than about p*land though

warsaw is only the 23th biggest urban area in europe. even katowice urban area (where krakow is) is bigger

all of eastern europe is disgusting

true, it's world's most unaesthetic and depressing area
latin america, middle east, central asia, south asia and africa are all considerately better

>even katowice urban area (where krakow is)
Aren't you American by chance? Cause that was American levels of stupid

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Doesn't matter, still bigger than warsaw

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>central asia
Stop right there, Hans.

Yeah, but they've been triggered by their fellow countryman, not Ru*sian and Hunnic retards.

Actually Katowice is at least a real city, unlike the oversized village Kraków is.