
Best scientific research institutes in the world.

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In North America

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France stronk

In Latin America

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Arab World

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I wonder hard they will fall now that amlo has cut them funds and is planning to dismantle them to give that money to religious institutions instead

UK can’t into research

it seems like the ranking only has public ones, the uk has only private institutes

Class system, we don't want the peasantry in science.

Why can't Finns into smart? Is it because our smart people don't stay here?

Hey where is Canada?

Álvarez-Buylla is fucking cunt. She's an anarcho-communist-feminist-LGBT-anti imperialist cunt and she wants science in Mexico to follow that line.

>“En el sistema capitalista neoliberal globalizado las corporaciones usan a las científicas y su ciencia, nuestra ciencia, y dictan qué se investiga y qué no, y cómo legitimar sus negocios. Esto es a lo que llamo los avances de la hidra disfrazada de ciencia."

Disappointing Nordic showing tb h

don't forget that time she appointed a guy without a degree and actual scientists doxxed him

UK where are you ? :-)


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these are just public, if there were private ones there would be a lot more swiss flags, uk etc...

ayy lmao

Brits on suicide watch.

Always amusing to see these charts named like this.

Wow this is classism. I'm literraly shaking right now