Ave, true to Caesar

>Ave, true to Caesar

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>e-et tu brute?

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>You will never experience playing New Vegas for the first time again, on a cold but comfy October 2010 evening indoors after school

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>we won't go quietly, the Legion can count on that

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>You've got three days to improve your reputation with the NCR or we come for you... without all of this pleasant conversation

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the house always wins

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Discede vitam gallicam.

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>tfw I was so addicted to the game I would leave the Xbox on when I slept so I could immediately continue playing the game after waking up
greatest game of all time, I don't give a fuck what any of you boogie fans think.

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Discede vitam.

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What's this a reference to? I thought this was a Roman shitposting thread?

Fuck please don't remind of this

Fuck you dude... Fuck you

Although, I have started playing modded nv for the first time recently. Played it on Xbox all those years ago, didn't touch it for like 6 years and now I'm doing it on PC all fine tuned and with smokable cigs and whatever other slice of life mod I can install, so I'm about as close as I can get to "replaying it for the first time" that I can get, I guess. Having a blast tb h

Fallout new vegas dummy

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't just crucify or enslave everyone you personally think are degenerate

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i hope you installed Darnified UI
for me it's as essential as SkyUI is for Skyrim
and of course Fallout Character Overhaul, tell me you don't play with these fucking oblivion potatoheads
other than that i mostly just use retexture mods, everytime i play new vegas i spend entire day downloading a retexture for every little shit

How can anyone like fallout games?

>Le nuclear wasteland and le 50s music.
>Le shoot everything, because in 200 years nobody was able to make a working society

but it's america, they shoot each other even now

This is before he shoots him the head, while Boone watches approvingly, right?

I only like new Vegas, all the other ones including 1 and 2 are gay and boring.

What about fallout 3?

Only played New Vegas.

The gameplay was shit. The story was shit. The whole concept was shit.

>Le USA but not really, whom I must hate, because /v/ told me that the NCR is corrupt
>Le secret incel USA with the mechsuits
>Le retards LARPers with no agenda, they are edgy for the sake of being edgy
>Le Americlap Robber Baron, you like good ole Capitalism don't ya?
>Le you choose to be le God emperor, but it doesn't matter, because in every scenario you are an invincible God.
I love it too after installing 15 add-ons and 34 mods to make the game playable. Otherwise great game!

I dontnhave the UI overhaul, I'm kinda new to kidding and pc going as a whole. I'll write that down, i find most nv stuff pretty comfy tb h, even the potatoes heads, but I'm def still not done modding, I just keep finding new ones everyday. I'll check out the ones you posted. Any other mods you like using? I've got thru most of the highly rated shit.

>le le le xd

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Vanilla UI Plus is better than Darnified

pretty cool how they made this game in such a short dev cycle and Bethesda's shitty engine
>a fully finished NV on a new engine, never ever
feels bad

>new Vegas
>not 3

Fucking newfag hour in here

Wow you refuted all of my points

i love the darnifiedui fonts and aesthetics in general

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It's a great immersive world with above average viyda writing and world building. If you're suck stuck on its story tropes sorry I guess.
Super comfy game.

>obshitian can’t hit deadlines and end up wasting budget


>You will never experience playing New Vegas for the first time again, on a cold but comfy October 2010 evening indoors after school
>greatest game of all time, I don't give a fuck what any of you boogie fans think.
>Fuck please don't remind of this
>Fuck you dude... Fuck you
>Although, I have started playing modded nv for the first time recently. Played it on Xbox all those years ago, didn't touch it for like 6 years and now I'm doing it on PC all fine tuned and with smokable cigs and whatever other slice of life mod I can install, so I'm about as close as I can get to "replaying it for the first time" that I can get, I guess. Having a blast tb h

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Fair enough, but Vanilla UI Plus has added functionality and is still updated.

new vegas sucks
fallout 2 sucks
fallout 3 sucks
fallout 4 sucks
fallout should have never become a series. the first one is ok because the scenario was novel but didn't really need expanding on

Playing fallout 4. Enjoying it much more than NV.

Yes FV4 has a shitty story. The items, crafting, weapons, and power armor make it sweet tho.

Factions are shit, dialog is shit. Enjoyed the Boston landscape better than NV.

>the RPG part of my RPG is shit
>but I like it better than this RPG where the RPG parts are done well

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I mean, they had to make a game within 18 months, which is very short in comparison to the average time it takes to complete a game under a AAA dev.
The exploration in FO4 is its strongest suit, besides the crafting and weapons. But everything else just falls flat on its face.

fallout 4 is better than nv just because it doesn't have the yellow pissfilter
>RPG parts are done well

delete this thread

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shoestring budget indie crap like avernum series has better roleplaying than any fallout game

The problem with FO4 is that despite the noticeable improvements in the core combat and crafting, it stripped down the dialogue mechanics to a degree that it feels like a useless gimmick to showcase the protag's VA. It's surprisingly railroaded. There's very few instances were your actions can affect the main story until very late into the game. It's literally impossible to do a pacifist run (Kellogg NEEDS to be killed, for e.g.), unless you abuse glitches. There's multiple situations in the game where obtaining vital information that would otherwise progress the story can not be obtained from the environment like the townsfolk of Diamond City, but from a railroaded conversation with an NPC.
Not to mention, the countless plot holes this game has. I'll give it this though, the exploration aspect of FO4 is very well made. It's better than in FO3 or NV in this regard.

>because in 200 years nobody was able to make a working society
But that's wrong fucknugget

FO3 and NV already had stripped down dialog options. the games are shit

Based. Stepping out of the vault for the first time was so incredible

3D Fallout is vastly different to the 2D
it's more difficult to implement meaningful RPG mechanics as a result, especially regarding the dialogue trees
which is why it's frustrating that FO4 regressed from the established dialogue mechanics of FO3 and especially NV into this shitty pseudo "YES, NO (but actually yes), sarcastic YES" dialogue wheel
charisma doesn't compliment well into the dialogue trees beyond earning extra caps, increasing success in poorly written romances with NPCs, or learning mundane information that leads to nowhere

they should taken what we had from NV and FO3 and build upon it
they had fucking years to do so
but what we got was the most superficial dialogue system I've ever seen in a video game, to the point where they should've just ditched the dialogue wheel and give us scripted scenes instead

I haven't. Is it worth it?

>they should've just ditched the dialogue wheel and give us scripted scenes instead
[sarcastic] they were scripted scenes

NV story is pretty shit hahah and if you think just a story is what makes an RPG you don’t understand the genre