A real shinmun from Korea. This is what real Korean writing looks like

A real shinmun from Korea. This is what real Korean writing looks like.

Attached: aGhSEun.jpg (550x346, 220K)

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pickle rick weubabawuba

>avg gook can't even read their own consitution
Oh no no no no

Attached: 76-764960_transparent-pepe-laugh-hysterical-pepe.jpg (820x647, 160K)

Neither can the average American.

Attached: images-3.png (256x197, 7K)

im not Am*rican.

I'm half Korean hapa
Here read this

悠久한 歷史와 傳統에 빛나는 우리 大韓國民은 3·1運動으로 建立된 大韓民國臨時政府의 法統과 不義에 抗拒한 4·19民主理念을 繼承하고, 祖國의 民主改革과 平和的統一의 使命에 立脚하여 正義·人道와 同胞愛로써 民族의 團結을 鞏固히 하고, 모든 社會的弊習과 不義를 打破하며, 自律과 調和를 바탕으로 自由民主的基本秩序를 더욱 確固히 하여 政治·經濟·社會·文化의 모든 領域에 있어서 各人의 機會를 均等히 하고, 能力을 最高度로 發揮하게 하며, 自由와 權利에 따르는 責任과 義務를 完遂하게 하여, 안으로는 國民生活의 均等한 向上을 基하고 밖으로는 恆久的인 世界平和와 人類共榮에 이바지함으로써 우리들과 우리들의 子孫의 安全과 自由와 幸福을 永遠히 確保할 것을 다짐하면서 1948年 7月 12日에 制定되고 8次에 걸쳐 改正된 憲法을 이제 國會의 議決을 거쳐 國民投票에 依하여 改正한다.


He can't read shit, he's a yank.

유구한 역사와 전통에 빛나는 우리 대한국민은 3·1운동으로 건립된 대한민국임시정부의 법통과 불의에 항거한 4·19민주이념을 계승하고, 조국의 민주개혁과 평화적통일의 사명에 입각하여 정의·인도와 동포애로써 민족의 단결을 ?고히 하고, 모든 사회적폐습과 불의를 타파하며, 자율과 조화를 바탕으로 민주사회적기본?서를 더욱 확고히 하여 정치·경제·사회·문화의 모든 영역에 있어서 각인의 기회를 균등히 하고, 능력을 최고도로 발휘하게 하며, 자유와 권리에 따르는 책임과 의무를 완?하게 하여, 안으로는 국민생활의 균등한 향상을 기하고 밖으로는 ?구적인 세계평화와 인류공영에 이바지함으로써 우리들과 우리들의 자손의 안전과 자유와 행복을 영원히 확보할 것을 다짐하면서 1948년 7월 12일에 제정되고 8차에 걸쳐 개정된 헌법을 이제 국회의 의결을 거쳐 국민투표에 의하여 개정한다.

God Tier
>Japanese Rule
Best Tier
>Unified Silla
Good Tier
>Early Silla
Bad Tier
>Han Rule
Worst Tier
Shit Tier
>Korean Empire
Bullshit Tier

How do you know so much about our history??

they use the latin alphabet so he probably just read it in a book


Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Even words about math
素数(Prime number)
少数(Small number)
all of them are one word 소수.

以上(More than) all of them are one word 이상
And more complicated,
首相 prime minister
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
All of them are one homonym「수상」

事情 Situation
私情 Personal feelings
査定 assessment
射程 shooting range
射精 ejaculation
All of them are one homonym「사정」

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
except try to get the meaning by each of sentence.

電気 electricity
電機 Electrical machinery
伝記 biography
前期 the early part
全期 Full term
戦旗 battle flag
戦記 a record of a war
転記 transfer posting
All of them are one「전기」

And korean has the some of the words opposite meaning and still the same words.

防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson)
Are one word 「방화」.
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off)
are all one word 「방수」.

連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) are one word 연패.

And This is important words and it might use in the same sentence but the same words.

検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor)
Are one word 「검사」.

・ in Korean media
"The best",
Does not distinguish all.
All are unified to "maximum".
These words of subtle meaning are being made dead words.

Koreans can not understand sentences with complicated meanings only by Hangul.

Since majority of the Korean vocabulary is based on Chinese characters,or wasei Kango Japanese , each of which has its own meaning, so many Korean words are coined that way. For example, ankle in korean is "foot+neck". In English, ankle itself has an independent meaning but in Korean, ankle is comprised of two different Chinese characters: foot and neck. This is why so many Korean words sound very strange or nonsense when they are literally translated into English word for word.

Most biggest problem of Korean alphabet is when it come to terminology. Like special advanced academic study at graduate school.
Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja.So it's difficult to read advanced academic essay only Hangul.

If you learn, medical study, law, biology, and so on by Korean language, Hangul has too many homonym

Even those easy words about math is like this so many homonyms
素数(Prime number) 小数(Decimal) 少数(Small number) all of the are one word 소수

so they can't learn advanced study without back up of Chinese character or English especially young generation of Korean who didn't learn Chinese character.
If you are at west, you would learn Latin or ancient greace for terminology.
Korean Have to use chinese character when they learn the advanced academic terminology.
So it is lie that Korean could perfectly get rid of Chinese characters Without problem.

Korean homonym problem cause of the big problems at 2010.
that has been confirmed Korean High Speed Rail KTX sleepers were all defective prodacts and have to replaced it.

It is the result of mistaking「방수」which 防水(Waterproof) 放水(water dischargeing ) are the same homonym in korea

The survey team

The cause of the crack of the Korean High Speed Rail KTX sleepers coused by the specification document was misunderstood by the korean homonymous words "Draining water off(reducing water)" and " waterproof "is the same homonym 「방수」in Korean.

So that Absorbent sponge material was used for the material of the plug (hook bolt) which the manufacturer ordered from the subcontractor.

100% accurate, I went to Korea and even the newspapers are printed in both Hanja and Hangul.
T. Korean in Vancouver

This thread is the thread for the best characters in the world
most logical, most ingenious and most scientific of the world's writing systems

>"Edwin O. Reischauer and J.K. Fairbank of Harvard University co-wrote in their book that "Hangul is perhaps the most scientific system of writing in general use in any country.""

漢字, chinese, Japanese BTFO

Attached: 1547346813342.png (1027x731, 28K)

>Former professor of Leiden University Frits Vos stated of Koreans, "They invented the world's best alphabet!" adding, "It is clear that the Korean alphabet is not only simple and logical, but has, moreover, been constructed in a purely scientific way."

Attached: pp,550x550.u1.jpg (550x397, 31K)

>Sampson concludes his book as follows:
"Han'gŭl must unquestionably rank as one of the great intellectual achievements of humankind."

Attached: Hangul.jpg (763x263, 173K)

>In its extreme form, according to Harold Piper a writer, in a negative critical statement "Hangul is in fact best suited for the expression of sounds in all languages"

Attached: 450px-Hangul_Vowel_Diag.svg.png (450x343, 60K)

hangul was developed to suit the korean language you dumbfuck. meanwhile japanese writing, which is just stylized chinese writing, doesn't suit japanese speech because japanese spoken language is syllabatory yet kanji and hiragana are logographic. japanese writing is just hobbled together from chinese writing and completely inefficient to use as writing for japanese


You don’t reply anything the facts

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

I can understand that the Japanese are jealous of Hangul literally.

>Hideki Noma, 'The Birth of Han-gul.'
"Han-gul is a universal and objectively outstanding character." "It is in itself an asset that mankind must be proud of and develop."

Attached: Hangul1.png (954x2326, 741K)

Why the hell we have to fucking jealous anything about savage korean lol

Korean has those delusional mind due to inferior complex

Die in just economical sanctions you gook

Attached: 7A0B2B80-9E47-4E87-B32E-1CB3BB65B9BA.jpg (728x801, 115K)

>Japanese Homonym
>There are 30~50 meanings in an one letter

There are no languages with homophones that are more severe than Japanese.

Attached: Japanese Homonym.png (898x688, 15K)

You don’t reply anything the facts

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Japan is useing kanji and different vocabulary for speaking languages and writing serious vocabulary.

korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself. And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.
有機(Organic matter) 遺棄(Abandonment) 유기
史記(Shiji ancient Chinese history ) 詐欺(Swindle) 사기
顧問(Adviser) 拷問(Torture) 고문
郵政(Postal administration) 友情(Friendship) 우정
火傷(Burn) 画像(Image) 화상
風速(Velocity of the wind) 風俗(Customs) 풍속
戦死(Killed) 戦士(Soldier) 전사
数値(Numerical value) 羞恥(Shame) 수치
犬食(dog eating) 見識(Discernment) 견식
読者(Reader) 独自(Originality) 독자
停電(Power failure) 停戦(Cease-fire) 정전
救助(rescue) 構造(structure) 구조
意識(Consciousness) 儀式(ritual) 의식
声明(Statement) 姓名(Full name) 성명
全員(All members) 田園(The country) 전원
全力(One's best) 電力(Electric power) 전력
捕鯨(Whale fishing) 包茎(Penis phimosis of foreskin) 포경
童貞(Virgin) 同情(Sympathy) 동정
課長(Section chief) 誇張(Exaggeration) 과장
地図(Map) 指導(Guidance) 지도
初代(Founder) 招待(Invitation) 초대
駅舎(Station) 歴史(History) 역사
反戦(Anti-war) 反転(Reversing) 반전
連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) 연패

korea brought the invention of writing to japan and yet japan still couldn't develop its own writing. now stfu you retarded beta jap midget. nobody cares about you retarded netouyo japs and your inferiority complex you pathetic faggot

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself. And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

祈願(Prayer) 起源(Origin) 기원
同志(Fellow) 冬至(Winter solstice) 동지
市長(Mayor) 市場(Market) 시장
紳士(Gentleman) 神社(shrine) 신사
首相(Prime Minister) 受賞(Winning) 수상
映画(Movie) 栄華(Prosperity) 영화
歩道(Pavement) 報道(Report) 보도
お腹(Stomach) 船 (Ship) 배
日傘(Parasol) 量産(Mass production) 양산
主義(Principle) 注意(Attention) 주의
団扇(Fan) 負債(Debt) 부채
大使(Ambassador) 台詞(Dialog) 대사
諸島(Islands) 制度(System) 제도
定額(Fixed amount) 精液(Semen) 정액
インド(India) 引導(Requiem) 인도
対局(Play) 大国(Large country) 대국
無力(Powerlessness) 武力(Military power) 무력
電車(Train) 戦車(Tank) 전차
発光(Luminescence) 発狂(Going mad) 발광
充電(Charge) 充填(Filling) 충전
代弁(Representation) 大便(Feces) 대변
朝鮮(Korea) 造船(Shipbuilding) 조선
反日(Anti-Japan) 半日(Half a day) 반일
柱石(Pillars) 主席(The president) 주석
防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson) 방화
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off) 방수
地方(The provinces) 脂肪(Fat) 지방
駅舎(Station building) 歴史(History) 역사
検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor) 검사

>Whether or not it is ultimately the best of all conceivable scripts for Korean, Hangeul must be unquestionably ranked as one of the greatest intellectual achievements of humankind.

Geoffrey Sampson (1985/ Professor of Natural Language Computing, University of Sussex, Linguist.)
Source from Writing systems : A linguistic introduction, 1990

This is why the Japanese are jealous of Hangul.

Because Their inferiority. They can not overcome inferiority.

Attached: summer.jpg (397x385, 51K)

You are fucking loser You don’t reply anything the facts

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Face the reality

Die in endless economical sanctions from japan faggot

How on earth japan can jealous barbarian who was 80% of illiteracy before Japanese rule

You don’t reply anything the facts

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Face the reality

Die in endless economical sanctions from japan faggot

No one cares. Go to sleep chinks.

How on earth japan can jealous barbarian who was 80% of illiteracy before Japanese rule

> ”I take it for granted that the academic world of linguistics praise and celebrate Hangeul Day as a holiday. So I’ve been celebrating Hangeul Day every year for more than 20 years.”

-The Biblical Meaning of Hangeul(2005) p.26 from the body, Jeon Taekbu.
J.D. McCawley (Professor, University of Chicago, Linguist. He has celebrated Hangeul Day with his fellow linguists for more than 20 years.)

Japanese do not want to admit this
The fact that Hangul is the best writing system recognized word in the world

Attached: History of Hangul1.jpg (2500x4620, 3.72M)

You are keep on posting senseless.

Just do logical counter argue by your word,

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Getting out of vertical writing, Chinese letter is a good thing.

We can say we did it.

>No one cares. Go to sleep chinks

Attached: 1515002034463.png (618x619, 128K)

>economical sanctions
japan is only hurting their own exporters. if you think multi-billion dollar companies don't have contingency plans to deal with material shortages then you're retarded

japan was taken over by u.s.a. in the meiji era. korea was never under japanese rule. u.s.a. nuked japan twice and all you beta netouyo japs do is bitch about korea

> “Hangeul is the most developed phonemic alphabet and also feature characters that are much better than Roman characters.”

Hiroyuki Umeda (Former Professor of University of Tokyo, President of Reitaku University, Japan) (2007-09-15)

Even Japanese scholars admit it. Only the nationalist Japanese deny this
"We wuz jomon! ! Hangul is shitu!! Zapanaizu letters are the best desu"

Attached: 1544115160479.jpg (258x245, 12K)

>economical sanctions
japan is only hurting their own exporters. if you think multi-billion dollar companies don't have contingency plans to deal with material shortages then you're retarded

japan was taken over by u.s.a. in the meiji era. korea was never under japanese rule. u.s.a. nuked japan twice and all you beta netouyo japs do is bitch about korea. pathetic

Korean language is one of the most ugly sounding also ugly looking language anyway.

Japan is now on the process of removeing korea from white country list. It means economical ally list.
If it’s korea was removed then 1120 of different kind of each industrial materials to korea from japan will be stop.
And about to 100 is significant important industrial materials.
Taiwan and USA will replace the market of Samsung business.

In the calculations of Korean economists,
>"'"Japan's economic sanctions gives
Loss scale South Korea 45 trillion won and Japan 166 billion won."''
How many times bigger damage in Korea.

Japanese economical sanctions of stop the export of semiconductor material to Korea will make big benefit to USA and Taiwan who will replace the market share oh korea

That’s why no one is complaining about it except korean

>Korean Hangeul is the long-waited perfect script.

John Man (Science historian, UK, traveler, documentary director)
- Alpha Beta: How 26 Letters shaped the Western World, 2000.

Attached: 1544420157705.png (643x1242, 129K)

Korean was ruled by Japanese ad being low pay worker and prosituters

Also 80% of korean could not write any sentence before Japanese rule (U.S. survey

Koreans are Barbarian indeed

>“King Sejong systematized the phonological theory five centuries earlier than the West which completed its phonological theory in the twentieth century. Hangeul is the best alphabet in the world which combines the traditional philosophy and the science theory.”

Werner Sasse (Professor, University of Hamburg)
- Digital Hangeul Museum > Future Room> Globalization of Hangeul (2007-09-15)

Overcome your inferiority jjokbaris

Attached: 2150D84A56740B8507.jpg (420x420, 21K)

Just do logical counter argue by your word,

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Try to say something logical counter argue for this except shitty nationalist delution you shitty gook savege

Even words about math
素数(Prime number)
少数(Small number)
all of them are one word 소수.

以上(More than) all of them are one word 이상
And more complicated,
首相 prime minister
受賞 get a prise, winning
授賞 give a prise, award
All of them are one homonym「수상」

事情 Situation
私情 Personal feelings
査定 assessment
射程 shooting range
射精 ejaculation
All of them are one homonym「사정」

Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
except try to get the meaning by each of sentence.

電気 electricity
電機 Electrical machinery
伝記 biography
前期 the early part
全期 Full term
戦旗 battle flag
戦記 a record of a war
転記 transfer posting
All of them are one「전기」

And korean has the some of the words opposite meaning and still the same words.

防火(Fire prevention) 放火(Arson)
Are one word 「방화」.
防水(Waterproof) 放水(Draining water off)
are all one word 「방수」.

連覇(Successive victories) 連敗(Series of defeats) are one word 연패.

And This is important words and it might use in the same sentence but the same words.

検査(inspection) 検事(prosecutor)
Are one word 「검사」.

・ in Korean media
"The best",
Does not distinguish all.
All are unified to "maximum".
These words of subtle meaning are being made dead words.

Koreans can not understand sentences with complicated meanings only by Hangul.

Hangul has too many homonym without Hanja. Its defected language.
Even if you may read by each sentence and get a meaning , that's shit and defected as language.
korean can not distinguish the words at all by the words itself.
And no any solution of this by hungul system.
except try to "guess" the meaning by each of sentence.

Fun Facts) During the Japanese rule, the literacy rate of Koreans was about 80%.
The illiteracy rate in modern African civil war countries is also below 60%.

It is the truth of history that can never be taught in Japan

Attached: illiteracy of Korea during japanese rule.jpg (604x745, 165K)

>china has been your master over 1000yrs >now korean cannot read their history book with kanji
>so korean decided rewriting their own history aka fantasy with hangul

pure pathetic gook

Attached: vassal state.jpg (1024x491, 71K)

This. Korean is the closest to verbal diarrhea, which makes even Chinese sound heaven.

>“The King’s 28 letters have been described by scholars as the world’s best alphabet and the most scientific system of writing.”

Jared Diamond (Physiologist, Medical College of UCLA, Pulitzer Prize winner)
- Science magazine , June 1994

The probability of Japanese overcoming inferiority

Attached: 1559332175847.jpg (179x282, 8K)

Attached: Joseon vs Japan.jpg (886x903, 118K)

근데 이런 짤은 누가 제작하는거임? 포챈하는 김치들이 쪽바리들이 도배하는짓거리 보고 참고해서 응용한건가

if you think other countries could replace samsung's business then what makes you think other countries couldn't replace japan's material exporters. the market would adapt by prompting other companies to crop up and provide the materials that samsung uses. it's also more feasible to supply some chemicals as raw materials than it would be to use those materials to build semi conductors and microchips. keep in mind also that companies like samsung provides semi-conductors and microchips to other companies like apple, huawei, etc. so your belief that the trade spat would even last before the supply chain for raw materials can be replaced is misguided

>Hangeul is simple, tactic, minute and easy Korean alphabet. The reason why the number of Hangeul learners is increasing in China is not only because the presence of Korea in the Chinese culture has rose but also because its outstanding phonemic structure makes it easier for the Chinese to learn Korean. The scholars of Joseon Dynasty accomplished what Chinese could not by transcribing Chinese sound of Chinese characters with a phonogram ‘Hunminjeongeum.’ Hangeul put a period to the history of Chinese language which had been delivered only by characters without sound transcription.”

李得春 (Professor, Yanbian University)

Attached: i15920956957.jpg (604x340, 29K)

korea was never ruled by japan. japan was ruled by america ever since the meiji era

korea was never ruled by japan. japan was ruled by america ever since the meiji era

Attached: US president Herbert Hoover - Freedom Betrayed.png (992x1310, 1.11M)

I read those in chinese and they all sound different to me
That's why you need tones

Mandarin is a mistake of Mongol and Manchu origin though. Dropping from 6 to 4 tones means homonyms happen more frequently.

Everyone needs to go back to Cantonese or Wu

This doesn't look so bad, it looks like Ireland in the eighties.... the way Japanese make it sound as if they were literally cavemen before they arrived tho Koreans seemed not so bad.

hell no
At least we lived in clothes.

Attached: Truth of Kimono.jpg (600x3028, 1.26M)

"The Korean people at that time were in the most disheartening condition that I had witenessed in any part of Asia."

"There was no sanitation, and filth and squalor enveloped the whole countryside."

"During the thirty-five years of Japanese control, the life of the Korean people was revolutionized."

Former US president Herbert Hoover

Attached: 1560355428082.jpg (228x221, 10K)

>Differentiated from English and French, Korean is a unique language that can be learned easily. One day is enough to master reading in Korean. Hangeul is a very scientific and convenient alphabet system for communication.”

Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio (the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 2008)

Why is it that the Japanese can not abandon the sense of inferiority about Hangul?

Because they do not like to admit that they are inferior?
Because they do not want to recognize the excellence of Hangul?

Attached: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio.jpg (600x400, 59K)

Public, communal bathing of mixed sexes also has a long history in Japan. Public toplessness was generally considered acceptable as well until the post-WWII US occupation when General Douglas MacArthur passed edicts requiring women to cover their breasts and banning pornography that contained close-up shots of genitalia.

Public nudity was quite normal and commonplace in Japan until the Meiji Restoration. Commodore Matthew Perry's interpreter Rev. S. Well Williams wrote "Modesty, judging from what we see, might be said to be unknown, for the women make no attempt to hide the bosom, and every step shows the leg above the knee; while men generally go with the merest bit of rag, and that not always carefully put on. Naked men and women have both been seen in the streets, and uniformly resort to the same bath house, regardless of all decency. Lewd motions, pictures and talk seem to be the common expression of the viler acts and thoughts of the people, and this to such a degree as to disgust everybody."

After the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government began a campaign to institute a uniform national culture and suppress practices such as public nudity and urination that were unsightly, unhygienic, and disturbing to foreign visitors. Mixed gender bathing was banned. Enforcement of these rules was not consistent and most often occurred in Tokyo and other major cities with a high number of foreign visitors.

notice how you didn't include any pictures of buildings or infrastructure after industrialization because they're western-style and not japanese at all you retarded beta midget

After centuries of being incompetent and ripping off China's language and faith, the Japanese literally overthrew their traditional system of nobility in 1869 using American civil war and British weapons then installed a ripoff of European peerage called the Kazoku and a retarded version of the US constitution in 1889. During the MacArthur shogunate they stole Bourbon, Jazz, Jeans, Burgers, and through corporate espionage the microprocessor from IBM and have continued their utilitarian brand of stealing shit to this day.

Reading this fucking thread and having an aneurysm from Japanese and Korean posting styles. These people are not fucking human. No sane person formulates their post like that.

they type in broken english but most of what they post isn't even that difficult to interpret

How do you go from "Japs started moralizing about nudity so Europe-sempai would notice them" to "kimonos don't real"?

This is just traditional Chinese with weird circles and sticks

Attached: 9949f83b.jpg (380x422, 46K)

>and through corporate espionage the microprocessor from IBM
Meanwhile Edison ripped off Tesla and both Microsoft and Apple ripped off Xerox; industrial espionage has been a given in the tech industry since before the tech industry existed and as such the real test is whether or not the thief can turn around and make something worth stealing themselves.