Which of the big 5 European countries has the most fascinating history?

This is my ranking:
1) Britain.
2) France.
3) Italy.
4) Spain.
5) shitmany (a country that I hate and is filled with fucking nazis, niggers, turks and arabs)

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France by far.

It goes
>Holy Roman Empire

>British Empire



Spain has more and better hisotry than Italy,fact.



1) Italy
2) France
3) Britain
4) Spain

power gap

5) g*rmany

Here is my list.
>The Netherlands

The rest are arabs masquerading as european or in other words, meds.

The first time I ever laughed from a puerto rican post

Your ranking is sheit

>puerto rican


Not bad but France is above Britain obviously. France created England, and is much older.

He says you're funny.


Switch Italy with France or Italy for Spain and then put France after Spain and it is very accurate.

>filled with fucking nazis, niggers, turks and arabs
pot calls kettle black

But I'm not puerto rican

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You’re Haitian.

preromn times=:greece
roman times= italy
middle ages-1815= France
Nazi= germany

Europe is home, it's our treasure. Protect it.

Thank you, David.

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most fascinating history:
in that order.

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Portuguese history feels more interesting than yours to me desu ngl

I'm not, but your country will be just like them in 50 years

the name is Shahar

>There is only Israeli on Jow Forums.

Seething kike, kys.

>most fascinating history:

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there is only one who's as mentally ill and as obvious in his posts as him. in this case it's obviously him.

Russia, for sure.

Why, it's literally discount Spain.



honorable mentions

>meetup japanese
>indian trading posts

>some african colonies i guess

and Russia maybe

Russia makes more history thaan italy and spain altogther.

but Russia is gay

What does this even mean

1. Italy and France
2. Britain
3. Germany

Holy fuck, I didn't expect to see golden humor itt


Idk the philippines were really cool, also we met the japs too


Yeah, Spain, great history and accomplishments. 0, I suppose.

Final version of the list :
1- France
2- Russia
3- UK
4- Italy
5- Germany
6- Spain
7- Greece
8- The Netherlands
9- Austria
10- Portugal

Oh, it's the schizoposter

means you and all your family's gay. Also your mother



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They've had a lot of important philosophers and scientists in the past 500 years tbqh

Yeah, Im interested how Spain is greater than Russia in terms of history.

That's not even what you wrote
Anyway, try passing middle school, it's usually taught there along most Western European history you seem to ignore
Hope you are enjoying all these easy (you)s

>Meet up know civilisations
>Just sets up an alternative for an already existing trading route

>Went from nothing to the largest empire in history (at the time)
>"Discovers" a brand new continent with several unknown and misterious civilizations
>Explores an entire new continent and sets the grounds for the other powers
>Has sizeable colonies in almost every continent
>The Philippines

Don't take me wrong Portugal did very impressive stuff and has an incredible history but just not as fascinating/good as ours.

Just like you ignoring Russian history.

Spain's history took racines in the antiquity, then Russia is just some Greeks mixed with some Germans fighting against Mongolians and thinking they are a people. Russia's history is very interesting, but not as long and rich as the Spanish one.

they stole brazil from you

Explain how Russian history is superior to Spanish history, I'll wait
Prove your argument

1: Greece
2: Italy
3: Russia
4: Northmen
5: Spain


russia has a more interesting history than spain
Only cause you don't know it doesn't mean it's not true

If your shit people would never have existed nothing would've changed except that the bloodiest and most destructive wars in history would never have occurred
>important philosophers and scientists
Which were all Jewish or Polish

Since before Hannibal to the Civil War. Just by sheer amount of events Russian history pales when compared to ours. We are not talking about achievements, but history.

>If your shit people would never have existed nothing would've changed except that the bloodiest and most destructive wars in history would never have occurred
>Germany invented war and bloody battles

1) Italy
2) France
3) Spain
4) Britain
5) Germany

You don't have a clue of Russian history and having a coastline that a Carthage general walked through means nothing

Cute one little boyfriend, still waiting to hear any argument for his claim
That's how proper discussions work
If you can't, it's not me being ignorant

1. Spain
2. Netherlands
3. Italy
4. Germany
5. France

where are you from?

Fucking retard, I'm stablishig the time frame, not talking about specific events. But even then you seem to know nothing, since Hannibal brought with him tons of Iberians to sack Rome.
But tell me, how is it any more impressive, I still haven't seen anyone say exactly how that's true.

They didn't sacked Rome tho

Since the fall of Rome sure, as modern country Italy has barely 200 years

won against Napolionic France, Ottoman Emprire, Hazar kaganate, Polish-lithuanian shithole, Swedish empire, Golden Horde, Austro-Hungary empire and Hitlers Germany and a lot of times wars back then.
Only two countries first had and have nuclear weapons: USA and USSR/Russia, the largest nuclear bomb was also made in USSR.
The biggest defence system in Europe in XVIII century

1150 years of invictible history and wars which made Russia only stronger and better.
Russian climate is more harsh than in Nordic countries, it is located closer to Northen pole.
The most multiethnical country in history, only ancient Rus' consisted a lot of finno-ugric people, varyags, jews, cumans and so on and this number just raised thorough history.

Also, it's the biggest country on earth thorough history, again.

A lot of culture and tech were also made in Russia.

We did in 1527

Isle Of Man

To do a top 10 with all the countries would be
1) Italy
2) Greece
3) France
4) Spain
5) Britain
6) Russia
7) Germany
8) Portugal
9) Austria
10) Poland

Not with Hannibal
And in 1527? The fuck are you on about

Russia did not win against Austria-Hungary. The Russian Empire collapsed before Austria-Hungary.

No mention of kievan Rus or pre kievsn Rus states that were very powerful and populated.

Finally a fucking argument, good job

But they went with him, that’s my point.

Italy easily

Now prove how that is superior to BOTH Italy and Spain, like you first claimed

Germany. Holy shit playing vic 2 is satisfying kicking france's ass as prussia then forming the north german confederation, then kicking austria's ass and forming germany, then kicking russia's ass and securing the east, then kicking britian's ass and forming the high seas fleet with the kiel shipyards. Vic 2 should be named the european ass kicking simulator

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Final ranking

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Italy made luftwaffe for nazi Germany and it's retired in ww2 :)

Wait until I read something big

>we won against napoleonic france
Retreating and burning your own homes, wow such military genius. Russian history is interesting from muscovy and novogrods rivaly to the subjugation of the tatars. Thats about it


LMAO mongols killed all major kievian princes by tieing them up and placing a giant wooden platform over them, eating a feast while crushing the russians under their weight. In your deluded mind that's winning? Lmao!

Very ignorant


Sorry your cuntry got their ass kicked in every era post napoleon

wow what a badass.

you ok?