
>well read
>fights for a better future for our children
why Jow Forums hate her? she's on a noble crusade

Attached: Greta-Thunberg.jpg (750x422, 55K)

Other urls found in this thread:

literal psychopath

Attached: Greta_Thunberg-WEFORUM_2019-1200x675.png (1200x675, 1.03M)


>Distanced herself from antifa because liberal cuckolds cried about her liking them
Nah she's a dumb cunt. I hope some deranged American reactionary blows her fucking head off when she comes here.


Attached: D_R2NjdWsAACwrV.jpg (1200x800, 181K)


shit taste tbqh

>american state of mind
no wonder you have daily shooting sprees there

>radicalizing a child for your propaganda
and then euros have the audacity to say other countries have clown politics

she's a meme

>be Gideon
>decide you need to sell filters to fund missile strikes against palestinians
>take fetal alcohol syndrome ridden swedish goblin
>insert nonsense propaganda
>FAS goblin now repeats that shit ad infinitum
>sell filters and buy missiles

Will she sell her dirty clothes after the trip?

greta apu is the best apu ever done don't @ me

Attached: 1563937579783 (1).png (656x526, 15K)

I support climate change as he cure for the human disease.

quick rundown?


You didn't upload Lauren Southern's pic, bro.

Is it the angle or she has a massive skull irl

Climate autismo girl is sailing to the US to shill her agenda.

if one of you europoors so much as thinks about hurting her ima finna genocide all of you, ya feel me wh*teboi?

>24 years old
Why does she look like a 42-year-old?

Attached: 260px-Lauren_Southern_Winnipeg_Alternative_Media_2015b_(cropped).jpg (260x341, 22K)

>well read
I think she has dyslexia, user

how did she become such a figurehead? why was she in particular chosen to become a main voice against climate change?

>well read
>fights for a better future for our children
As well me
why does Jow Forums hates me? Im on a noble crusade.

Don't underestimate Swedish media

but why her? is she the daughter of an important person? was she really an activist by herself?

Keked at the comment saying "100% makeup".

I hope someone from /b/ or Jow Forums to shoot her, please grant my wish.

I stand with GRETA!

>literal coalburner

Attached: 1543939316256.jpg (640x379, 229K)

why does she always without exception hangs her tits out in the open in her videos?

does she get magixxx points from youtube for her tits?

Why are you saying shit that'll put you on a list dude lol

Attached: 1561212351639.jpg (1151x878, 69K)

Because everything on this site is fake dude.

>be a product of media
>insignificant little twat
>unread for the most part

can't impact environmentalism other than little browny points of "oh little girl is telling us how to do things".

seething europoor



Too bad some animals will die but eventually the earth will recover after the death oh m*ankind

she cute

>Developmentally delayed
>Fetal alcohol syndrome
>Comes from a dysfunctional family full of unstable narcicissts and sycophants
>Her parents had enough dirty laundry to get themselves blackmailed by Soros into shilling for his globalist agenda
>Low IQ shitskin leftypol creaturas on Jow Forums applaud this even though they themselves are poised to suffer the most if these policies were to be enacted globally

Attached: klimawahn-1024x724.jpg (1024x724, 157K)

Thunberg? One of us then

Attached: goe.jpg (655x650, 103K)

How would leftists suffer? We want the world to not be annihilated by capitalist retards.
