Is it acceptable to show off in your country?

Is it acceptable to show off in your country?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2017-10-22-at-7.28.46-AM.png (655x437, 134K)

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No. Finns are very angry about rich people.

Bragging and praising yourself is not really socially acceptable. Appraise must come from a third party.

depends on where you’re at.


absolutely not

No, all Americans are humble and reserved at all times. Money is seen only as a necessary evil, and people are judged for the richness of their relationships and experiences rather than their bank accounts.

Ironically, it's considered to be a lower/middle class thing because if you are truly rich you don't really need to show off and seek approval from your peers.

the mere desire to show off implies being poor
We had a name for those people some times ago "nouveaux riches" which designated people that became rich without the aristocratic tastes, values and general sense for aesthetics

>expected Nordic posters saying "no"
>they delivered

Feels good desu

Yes, consumerism is all about showing off through material goods, maybe not necessarily about the moneyed-class
how you see yourself determines what kind of products you buy

It is acceptable if it is not too much. I mean something slightly fancier and expensive than someone else: the Finn will compliment because he subconsciously understands that if he wageslaves and works hard maybe mr Shekelstein will allow him to get that new car too

But if someone actually makes it, let us assume that someone makes few million off from crypto, the Finns try to downplay it, or straight up attack him etc.

People will become extremely bitter towards millionaires or people who don't have to work anymore for mr shekel

Showing off too much is quite lower class


yes and no
very hypocritical stance on this, mostly driven by envy

Is dress nice a show off? What the fuck. Do I have to dress like an american boomer in order to lay low? Take the /fa/ pill faggots.

It's acceptable, desirable, hated and dangerous. All at the same time.

The Dutch have a similar view and a saying: "act normal, that's crazy enough already".

I would say that wearing a suit is hardly showing off. Even a fancy watch can be appropriate depending on the setting.

No not at all however the same people who complain about people wearing Lacoste and driving a Mercedes are also the ones obsessed with fedora tier Swiss watches worth 40k and gay ass Dutch design bikes worth 50 normal ones.

Here is example

This 30 year old guy made 25 million € with crypto.

I read the comments by Fininsh boomers they were all saying "Money does not make happy"

"I would not want that much money"

"He still has to pay taxes. imagine paying over 10 million taxes for crypto gains, hahah loser, 10 million, real hard work does not have to pay some much taxes" (Reference to Finnish policy of 34% tax for all crypto gains)

There is a difference between wearing nice but restrained tailor-made clothes and wearing a bland Supreme shirt that cost a thousand bucks.

go be succesful somewhere else you piece of shit

Attached: 1560867279728.png (1232x752, 1.49M)

Considered gauche and uncouth

Associated with 'new money', lower classes and foreigners

>nice but restrained tailor-made clothes
Don't fool yourself those people will make sure there is a brand showing somewhere. Nobody is actually going to walk around in a €10k unbranded suit.

yes it's the norm

I would, because I give absolutely zero fucks about brands.

I know people who say things like that and they all read the Esquire and dream about a Patek Philippe watch.

I don't even own a watch, and I can afford one easily. If I would buy one, it would be based on what I like and within a range I feel comfortable paying for a watch, maybe 200 euros max. I guess I would go for a Swiss brand since I'm half Swiss but above ~75 bucks everything is Swiss anyway.

nigga you are on Jow Forums, there are 100% people who dont give two shits about brands here

Yes and those people wear hoodies + jeans
Swiss junk starts at like 800+ and they will only take responsibility for things failing once you paid 5k or something

>Yes and those people wear hoodies + jeans
very normal combination

Its unofficially encouraged.

Wearing goodies after 14 is pretty cringe desu

’New money’ in English, uusrikas in Finnish. I’d imagine all languages have an equivalent.

>Swiss junk starts at like 800+
The fuck are you smoking dude? Cheapest Swatch is like 50 bucks. They are water resistant and built to last.

This is actually the way it works in reality here unless the person is a celebrity of new money that formerly was poor trash.

But one time I wore an expensive jacket and some guy and his gf accused it of being fake and when I proved it wasnt they started insulting me

For some reason hunting down people with fake jackets and accessoires is a popular past time among our zoomers and in particular minorities.

yes and no, yes it's obvious why
no because you can get robbed

Watches are such a meme. The reason why mechanical watches are considered a luxury product is because the new types of technically superior watches were way better and more preciser than the majority of mechanical watches so companies like Rolex, originally not considered to be a luxury company, marketed their mechanical watches as a luxury product.

Yes, I'll send you the american boomer starter kit. Expect your poorly fitting polo shirt, sneakers, tube socks, baseball cap and cargo shorts to arrive in a few weeks.

No, Americans are a notoriously humble people

A literal requirement.

You dont need to go to a tailors the highstreet shops are cheap and stylish

Yes, as long as the goyms don't see

Did you just name yourself Bob so people don't call you Shahar you pathetic virginoid

We name them '' Auksinis jaunimas'', literally golden youth.

Same kind of people that drive porsche and sniff coke before going to private clubs

The highstreet shops are for Chink tourists and Arabs. If you really have money you wear tailor-made clothes that fit your body-type.

Life in Brazil is all about showing off.

In Hebrew, B = V so Bob = Vov = Virgin Oy Vey

Not epic bro, le very cringe.

Nye, B can be both b and v you normie cringe

It depends if you also drive a Ferrari or just a Toyota with your nice tailored suit.

Of course. Americans love opulence and excess.
The buying old-rich style of buying one suit and keeping it forever and buying one sports car and driving it until it becomes vintage that is a European thing.

Now if we're talking about the mega-rich who dress in casual clothes and jeans, that's also a new thing as well and very American, so I don't think it counts. Regular rich people usually don't care about showing wealth, though because there aren't public image to keep up with and 99%'ers to placate.

People with apple products will tell everyone about it, but they are poorfags so theres that

Any suit that cost 10k would be bespoke, i.e. made entirely for you by a master tailor.

There is no brand label on a bespoke suit (unless you request a label...). A tailor is not a brand anyway, and the general public doesn't know who these top tailors are. Ever heard of Caraceni, Huntsman, Cifonelli, Henry Poole, Camps de Luca, Gieves & Hawkes, etc.?

No. Showing off is associated with arrogance. Nobody likes arrogant people

High street shops are H&M, Top Man, Zara.. and nobody buys tailor fitted clothes except for suits you dumb fuck

That's what I was implying, that the same letter in Hebrew can be used for B or V desu

t. Jew