What happened bros? Every day on the news there are shootings reported. It wasn't like this a decade ago...

What happened bros? Every day on the news there are shootings reported. It wasn't like this a decade ago. Also my confidence in Canadian policing is at an all time low. The RCMP and multiple police forces can't even catch two teenagers. Fuck. Is this how Americans feel?

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Tick tock leafs.

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Canada is an European nation

probably a mix of immigration and no funding for police

Where do you live?

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There is currently a manhunt going on for two teens who killed an Aussie couple and an old man. They managed to elude the authorities and made it to Manitoba from British Columbia

yes l heard about it. i also heard about a man eating another on a bus
canada is wild

>no funding for police

The RCMP is definitely overextended. The real problem is that in so many parts of the country the RCMP are being called on to do local police work like DV calls and traffic stops. Then something like this happens and it's like they have forgotten how to be feds. Then you end up with two incel gamers like this managing to get halfway across the fucking country. It's an embarrassment.

It's almost certainly that you're just hearing about it more. In most Western countries crime is way down from say 30 - 40 years ago. But with the internet and the 24 hour news cycle you hear every single thing going on at all times.

>i also heard about a man eating another on a bus
Guy who did it wasn't held criminally responsible. Too many people get off by claims of being mentally unfit

24/7 news existed for a long time. In Toronto homicides have had a sharp increase. Don't know how other cities are doing though. Maybe they're better off

Import niggers and arabs en masse and wonder why everyone is stabbing each other hmm.

It would be a greater embarrassment if they made it to the Atlantic. A real accomplishment to elude the feds from the Pacific to the Atlantic

lol same here
a 15 year old autist killed his mother yesterday here. he’ll probably get sent off to some home until he’s 18 and then he’s a free man

This is the hot story right now. Some Bengal dude who hated himself and spent his time on some private server killed his family because he wanted to spare them from his disappointing existence or something. There's also a story of some guy killing his neighbour which is embarassing for the police because the day before they went to the guy's house and told him to behave. What a joke.

This is very true, Violent crime is WAY down in America but reporting is way up giving people the illusion that things are much worse than they actually are

We should bring back asylums but I don't see that happening unless all these insane people and autists organize a massive slaughter

Blacks move in, whites leave, crime increases.

Have you read about the guy who carried out a mass shooting in Quebec's legislature? He only got 10 years

Wow. The most fucked up thing for me is that Karla Homolka came back to Canada a while ago and is living in Quebec. Shit is fucked up

funny you fags still post this since in the Fallout world Canadian freedom fighters were slaughtering US troops right up until the great war

Toronto is pretty easy to know why it has been increasing. Inequality is going up and so is crime

assault weapons should be banned. you don't need them- people die because of them. BAN all guns

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She has a cute French accent

You will join the North American collective. This is your future.


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If you gave Canadians special tax exemptions I will be waving the American flag as you lads roll in. Let us keep the healthcare and give us a 10% extra tax exemption and I am on board.

Asians don't do crime.

lmao, you're gonna balkanize with the rest of us

Just because they're being reported more doesn't mean they're happening more

>Asians don't do crime
They do

Educate yourself:

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Terrible bait

Iam Asian I dont do crime unless there is a substantial amount of money involved like bank robbing or diamond heists.