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As if I needed another reason to hate our """justice""" system.

>rape multiple children as the president's pal
>2 years max
Having a big think here

Land of the free.

>what do you mean i can't feed stray cats and double their populations

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Nothing wrong with this, my neighbors started feeding some stray dogs and the neighborhood became pure hell with roaming bands of dogs shitting up everything after they converged into the food giving place.

Plus cats are very good to find something to eat by themselves, they don't need a 79 years old lady

>>rape multiple children as the president's pal
Are you talking about Clinton trump only went to public social events with him. Prince Andrew was supposedly raping children with Epstein.

Yeah, people that feed pigeons are garbage too because the flying disease vectors then shit all over the place.

Stray animals are a huge problem

Yeah Trump is fighting the elite pedo cult. Q talks about this a lot.

Stray cats are considered pests. Pretty sure in some places it's legal to shoot and skin them. This is basically like feeding rats.

>as soon as you don't own something it's a pest

The main difference between it and your pet is that it's a more genuine article for still having functioning genitals.

Pigeons are fine, fuck humans

If you keep your animal within the borders of your property and only let it out with a leash it has no way to cause ecological damage.
Stray cats on the other hand are a scourge that must be eradicated.

catfags should get the death penalty


Stray cats are a pest but she shouldn't have been jailed.

>First world problems
I feel bad for stray cats here, they can't even hunt animals, they rely on whatever leftovers people throw and sewers water.

The problem is even bigger in areas with tropical climates and islands in particular

Some places (parks) here have had cat packs planted on them as a form of subtle rat population control.

I got in trouble for the same thing. They said feeding animals was grounds for breaking my rental agreement so if I didn't stop I was going to get kicked out of the apartment complex. I have a serious toxoplasmosis infection. I sometimes see cats out of the corner of my eye and I can actually hear them.

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Trump stopped hanging out with Epstein when he was caught flirting with some underage chick at one of his gold clubs.

>Pigeons are fine, fuck humans
>t. Michele Tisonni

>t. pitbull

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You should check that toxoplasmosis bro

kya ladyboy

>feeding pests
Sorry but this is fair.
Punishments for not only mistreating but mishandling animals need to be harsher, not more lenient.

as if i needed more hate fuel on americans

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so if someone's country was part of ottoman empire when it fed a pest (the Irish) does that someone get punished?
asking for a friend

The invasive species is the pest, muhammad

the irish are an invasive species in many places, just ask any brit

>just ask the pest
Are you actually an Iraqi?
Either way you seem like a pest.

geez i'm just asking for the legal ramification of a historical event, no need to get angry

go find some depleted uranium and suck on it

They're vermin, with only difference between it and sewage rat being that it looks cute.

but it's highly toxic i don't wanna die

Circleville reporting in

Proud of you buddy. Ya did it.

i still find this webm very cool
the cat is just programmed, instinctually, that the right course of action is to defend it's turf even if it gets killed by the far bigger and stronger pit BVLL

i've seen cats do this sort of thing irl, but the dog was far smaller
the exact same tactic, just charge in, no fear

She has to fucking learn!

How the fuck is it any of the government's business what animals an individual gives food to? This is ridiculous.


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Cats are not pets

>that pic


they should be spayed and neutered, not expected to starve to death

My cat once claimed our neighbours house as it's turf and had sex with their cat.
It wouldn't let them enter the house and we had to go get itreally embarrassing.

>NOOOOOOO stop giving stray cats tylenol! that's ANIMAL ABUSE!

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Starving is a effective way too

>blah blah blah
go rim an aussie

>feed vermin
>police say stop
>”lol no”

Trump discovers Epstein is a pedophile-rapist, trump bans him from his resort and ceases contract

Clinton “discovers” Epstein is a pedophile-rapist, Clinton stays friends with him for twenty years

Really makes you think

Are they going to ban feeding the ducks too?

Back to your post, Private Rodriguez.

>country where men regularly have sex with animals
>cats and dogs tortured
>people tortured
>criticize country for imprisoning someone who feeds vermin


Mic drop

Yeah you wouldn't be saying that if you haven't lived in a place that had an actual problem with controlling the population of a stray animal. It stops being cute after a point, trust me.

Back to your pole tranny-manwhore. I’ll be back soon enough.

It is already in many places. Bread is actually terrible for them.

Just remember to clear it with your CO first kek. Oh and try to avoid raping the locals, subhuman.



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Just last May I was over in your neck of the woods. Might have impregnated your sister. Do me a favor and tell her I think about her? I don’t, but it’ll make her happy.

Aww did I hurt your feelings, Rodriguez? Regret signing up for being a welfare queen in shitty bargain bin fatigues stuffing your face with the same shitty 5k cal MREs day in and day out wondering why you threw your life away instead of exploiting the hottest job market of the last two decades?

You can't even talk a big game, you're just a scared little E0 JROTC reject getting buttfucked by Corporal Jamal while wishing you weren't bored and waiting to be let off the base so you can finally go to a local Okinawan corner store and buy a Dr. Pepper.

That's literally the highlight of your whole year and it kills you that I know it.

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes I would. Fuck having government stick its fingers into private issues.

Let me break it down for you, jonesy, nobody here is their flag. Private Ramirez over here for example has been posting nonstop muttwank threads sucking the dick of the same military industrial complex that stations him in literally the worst part of Japan where he wastes his life away pretending he's not a poorfag mutt who needed to do something with his life so he wouldn't get beat up by his stepdad for the 5,500th time.

He's expendable, less than dirt but he thinks his uniform makes him someone that matters. He needs to know who pays his salary so maybe he'll act right for once in his worthless, projects-borne life.

He's a retarded PRC troll/shill. If he makes a thread he'll make it about the U.S. and/or China. If he goes into a thread not related to the U.S. or China he'll make everything in a thread about the U.S. and China. He's similar to the Iberian poster.

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>implying Thai "women" can get pregnant

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>he finally drops the Japanese proxy
Gotcha, bitch! Unmasked.

Lol you got so mad and wrote all that text, and I didn’t read it.

Changshills are honestly great. You guys are way more creative that vatniks and infinitely easier to trigger.

Yeah we know, that's why you joined the army.

>Q talks about this a lot

HAHAHHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing.

It's an invasive pest. They destroy the environment.

>HAHAHHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing.

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No, defanging the EPA did that.

based and cat pilled

If you love q so much here's another news source that will be to your liking.

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more than one thing is doing that.

See through CNN's lies

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You gotta be under 18 right? I mean no adult could seriously fall for that Q shit right?

The difference is that an octogenarian gets punished with jail time for feeding a stray while the head of the EPA is still an oil baron dismantling regulations and under a president who thinks climate change is a hoax.


>there's always a bigger fish
just because there's a larger problem doesn't mean bad shit people do should be ignored you dumb tranny.

absolutely BASED

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Well I feed the neighbours' cats and mine.

>feeding animals is considered bad in muttland
Absolute state lmao.

>feeding literal pests good
the absolute trannyland


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>Plus cats are very good to find something to eat by themselves,
Yep, like endangered birds, mammals and so one

there's a big difference between stray cats and d*gs, mainly in size and aggressiveness

last time I was attacked by any cat: never
last time I was attacked by stray d*g: like a week ago

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Thirdies always hate dogs because their shithole government doesn't deal with strays so they form those feral packs that attack people all the time. The sign of a first world patrician is an appreciation for dogs.

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Yep. There were loads of stray cats where I live because some lady was feeding them. They would constantly fight each other, shit everywhere and wander around peoples back gardens making dogs bark. They mostly all died when it snowed heavily a few years ago though

>cats are pests
The absolute state of muttland.

>yeah I chase animals 3 times my size off my property how did you know
Cats are so insanely based

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>blah blah blah
go blow a tourist ladyboy

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Land of FREE(jailtime)

>thinking anyone will get jailtime or any punishment

Literally who

You fucking boomer


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